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Open Letter to Linden Labs & Virtual World Viewers - Temp Texture


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Dear Linden Labs, Firestorm Group and Third Party Viewers,

My name is Tim and I, like many others am a builder in Second Life. I would like to thank Linden Labs and the third party viewers like Firestorm, Singularity, Kokua, Catznip & Exodus for implementing great new technologies such as mesh and server side baking to make Second Life an even better place.

I work with and talk with many other builders in SL and we all have one thing in common. We all utilized temporary texture when we build. Temporary texture can do things that local texture cannot.

- when building a complex object, we can load multiple temp textures to see if everything blends together seemlessly
, temp texture can do that while local texture only allows one texture to be seen at a time

- with temp texture, we can show off our test creation to our clients to see if they like it before we upload the official texture and sell the final product to our client, with local textures, our clients can't see what we are making before we sell it to them

- temp texture allows group collaboration when building while local textures only allows one person to work on an object at once

These are major hinderances to us builders. We are aware that we can go to other grids where texture uploads are free, such as InWorldz, OSgrid or SL Beta to test our creations before bringing them into SL but when offworld, we are unable to be in constant communication with our in world customers and we prefer to build in world, if possible.

Thus on behalf of the many builders in Second Life, we strongly and urgently request that you reinstate temporary textures so that we can continue to build and create the many wonderful objects (landscapes, buildings, clothing, skins, hair, etc) that make up Second Life.

By reinstating temporary textures, you once again allow our creativity to flow freely without the financial constraint imposed during the testing and building of our products.

To all those who read this open letter / online petition to Linden Labs and the makers of viewers for Second Life, please sign your name in support of the Second Life builders and all those who work hard to create the many wonderful objects, clothes and avatars you see in Second Life.


Builder of Second Life objects, clothes and skins

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TimBuilder wrote:

Dear Linden Labs, Firestorm Group and Third Party Viewers,


My name is Tim and I, like many others am a builder in Second Life. I would like to thank Linden Labs and the third party viewers like Firestorm, Singularity, Kokua, Catznip & Exodus for implementing great new technologies such as mesh and server side baking to make Second Life an even better place.


I work with and talk with many other builders in SL and we all have one thing in common. We all utilized temporary texture when we build. Temporary texture can do things that local texture cannot.

- when building a complex object, we can load multiple temp textures to see if everything blends together seemlessly

, temp texture can do that while local texture only allows one texture to be seen at a time

- with temp texture, we can show off our test creation to our clients to see if they like it before we upload the official texture and sell the final product to our client, with local textures, our clients can't see what we are making before we sell it to them

- temp texture allows group collaboration when building while local textures only allows one person to work on an object at once

These are
hinderances to us builders. We are aware that we can go to other grids where texture uploads are free, such as InWorldz, OSgrid or SL Beta to test our creations before bringing them into SL but when offworld, we are unable to be in constant communication with our in world customers and we prefer to build in world, if possible.


Thus on behalf of the many builders in Second Life, we
request that you reinstate temporary textures so that we can continue to build and create the many wonderful objects (landscapes, buildings, clothing, skins, hair, etc) that make up Second Life.

By reinstating temporary textures, you once again allow our creativity to flow freely without the financial constraint imposed during the testing and building of our products.

To all those who read this open letter / online petition to Linden Labs and the makers of viewers for Second Life, please sign your name in support of the Second Life builders and all those who work hard to create the many wonderful objects, clothes and avatars you see in Second Life.


Builder of Second Life objects, clothes and skins

Umm...you DO know that Linden LAB does not read these forums, right?

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Nothing personal, BUT....

I don't know what all the commotion is about. A never supported feature is gone, that's what happens eventually.

If the ratio dollar:lindendollar is 1:250, uploading an image costs you a whopping 4 cents.

If you upload so many pictures the 4 cents a pop becomes expensive, that must mean you upload pretty much constantly, making use of server and network resources you're not supposed to use in the first place.

Use the beta grid for testing, that's why it's there. You can upload mesh for free as well.

Oh yes, I am a builder too.

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Wat is jouw naam dan in het Engels en is hij dan eigenlijk Bob de bouwer ? Ik bedoel : hij lijkt me niet een gevestigde naam binne SL . Waarop baseert hij dit alles ? 

Daarvan afgezien dat het nogal redelijk nutteloos blijft je ongenoegen hier te posten ... :robotindifferent:

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TDD123 wrote:

Wat is jouw naam dan in het Engels en is hij dan eigenlijk Bob de bouwer ? Ik bedoel : hij lijkt me niet een gevestigde naam binne SL . Waarop baseert hij dit alles ? 

Daarvan afgezien dat het nogal redelijk nutteloos blijft je ongenoegen hier te posten ... :robotindifferent:

I guess my name would be Quack Builder....or just Quack for friends.

Hmm no, Bob de bouwer is called Bob the builder in English, I have heard of a Tom Builder though, but he's a character in a Kenn Follet novel.

An open letter is an open letter, this seems to be a good place for it. I just don't agree, as (quack) builder.

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

An open letter is an open letter, this seems to be a good place for it. I just don't agree, as (quack) builder.

I disagree this is a good place for it. What he should do is file a JIRA if he desires reversal of implementations. LL's devs will never answer to him here.

I also remember to have read elsewhere temp uploads are broken for third party viewers only and were never an official LL function to begin with, but something third party viewers provided, if i'm not mistaken.

Well .. you know .. :robotindifferent:

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TimBuilders wrote ... Ooops sorry, we mean
wrote: :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy:

Linden Labs
Linden Lab


... I would like to thank
Linden Labs
Linden Lab


... petition to
Linden Labs
Linden Lab
and the ...


It indeed is Linden Lab (not Linden Labs).




See here:



Thank you for your kind attention.  :matte-motes-nerdy:

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Uhm, you know that you can use local textures from your HDD now that don't even require any temp upload function?

The only difference to the old temp textures is that  only you can see them, others can't.

Sometimes it's better to get informed about changes and new functions before starting a dramatical storm in a teacup


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It is ashame that Linden Labs took out the use of temp uploads! I am hoping that they "missed it" or maybe it was an over sight.

We all know it boils down to one thing though, money. Every upload is 10L's for a texture and we builder's ALL know that can add up!  (Well, to be frank, Linden Labs knows that can add up too....) SO we will buy more into the SL monetary system, upload textures for a couple of months then when SL realizes, "Hmmm, our dear valued customers are really not liking this." (pfff...lol) MAYBE...just maybe they will reinstate temp texture uploads.......

Like I said though, maybe it was an innocent over sight on their part? We shall see.......


Until then TimBuilder, I'd like to offer my name to the petition.



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Compared against land payments (tier) it is very difficult to even notice. :P

The L$10 fee is called a 'sink', LL operates a few of them simply to prevent users from monopolising infinite server resources.

Creating groups, partnering/unpartnering, uploading are all examples of this. These actions require server 'time' or 'effort' or 'storage', and allowing infinite use of them would add up over time. The small fees (and limitations of these features) keep it under control.

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I get around. ;)

What was that saying, 'never ascribe malice where incompetence is just as likely'. LL never had a reasonable solution for temporary textures (the hack used by third party viewers required storing temporary assets on the simulator - something that costs LL on some level, and can also affect simulator performance now that server-side baking exists).

Local textures on the other hand, has a reasonable chance of becoming a legitimate SL feature - it is more capable and more complete than the original hack, and does not affect any other user.

I'm glad you find my responses informative.

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America Mertel wrote:

It is ashame that Linden Labs took out the use of temp uploads! I am hoping that they "missed it" or maybe it was an over sight.


It wasn't an oversight.   Temp uploads was a hack that took advantage of an odditiy about  the old, pre-SSA, method of rendering skins and clothing layers.   Switching to SSA broke that completely.   We've know about this for months, or at least people who've followed the developments with Project Sunshine have.

LL didn't do it to be mean to builders or anyone else.   However, LL has always made it clear that, while they wouldn't break temp uploads for the sake of it, they would break them if they had to in order to do something else.   That's now happened.


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TimBuilder wrote:


- when building a complex object, we can load multiple temp textures to see if everything blends together seemlessly

, temp texture can do that while local texture only allows one texture to be seen at a time


Tim, I agree that temp textures were a wonderful thing, I will miss them.  

But just FYI, you *can* add multiple local textures, and apply them to different objects or to different faces on an object, and veiw them all at once, seamlessly.  As far as I can tell in this regard, exactly the same functionality as before.  Except of course that only you can see them on your viewer.  


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