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What Would It Take To DJ in Second Life?

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Here is a thread where this was discussed back in 2012 -

A previous discussion regarding DJing and other slightly related topics.


A recommended mic system for the ultimate in capturing your sexy voice....


A nice tutorial [it's oriented for live performance but the modern Voice DJ is well advised to read it ]


More to come...


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2 0 1 5


OK - Free or really affordable Software to do your Music Deck Mixing for 2015 includes the following programs - Note: these also have streaming interfaces so you can send you mixes up to a Relay Service like ShoutCast or IceCast.:

a) Mixxx from http://www.mixxx.org/ - http://www.mixxx.org/download/

b) VirtualDJ from http://www.virtualdj.com/ - http://www.virtualdj.com/download/

c) Winamp is still out there as well - http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=374929

More expensive software links are here:

a) SAM Broadcaster 2014 from http://spacial.com/sam-broadcaster - http://spacial.com/download-sam-broadcaster

b) Traktor DJ Pro from http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/traktor/dj-software/



ShoutCast & IceCast - These are easily found in-world and are very affordable - Most are instant activation as well. These services allow you to share your music from 25 to 250 people both in SL and/or on the Internet.


Now all you need is to get the above working, then your music library put in order and annotated correctly [so that your music identification tags are correct for publication] and practice , practice & practice.

I'm sure that there will be other that will chine in on the other possibilities...

Note: I use SAM 2014.07 which I paid for many years ago using the 5 payment plan. I also maintain accounts with 2 Relay Service providers. This is so I have options to deliver my stream if one goes down for unscheduled maintenance.



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On 12/01/2015 at 7:42 PM, KarenMichelle Lane said:

2 0 1 5


OK - Free or really affordable Software to do your Music Deck Mixing for 2015 includes the following programs - Note: these also have streaming interfaces so you can send you mixes up to a Relay Service like ShoutCast or IceCast.:

a) Mixxx from http://www.mixxx.org/ - http://www.mixxx.org/download/

b) VirtualDJ from http://www.virtualdj.com/ - http://www.virtualdj.com/download/

c) Winamp is still out there as well - http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?t=374929

More expensive software links are here:

a) SAM Broadcaster 2014 from http://spacial.com/sam-broadcaster - http://spacial.com/download-sam-broadcaster

b) Traktor DJ Pro from http://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/traktor/dj-software/



ShoutCast & IceCast - These are easily found in-world and are very affordable - Most are instant activation as well. These services allow you to share your music from 25 to 250 people both in SL and/or on the Internet.


Now all you need is to get the above working, then your music library put in order and annotated correctly [so that your music identification tags are correct for publication] and practice , practice & practice.

I'm sure that there will be other that will chine in on the other possibilities...

Note: I use SAM 2014.07 which I paid for many years ago using the 5 payment plan. I also maintain accounts with 2 Relay Service providers. This is so I have options to deliver my stream if one goes down for unscheduled maintenance.



I sometimes do house and minimal mixes with Traktor Pro 2 in RL. Very interested in hooking this up - thanks all for the links :) K x

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Since I posted this, I started DJing in February of 2017.  I use SAM to broadcast my music.  Still learning the ropes on what it takes to be a really great DJ.  I'll get there though.  Do any of you DJ's ever have a problem with studdering or trying to come up with what to say or forgetting to say things while talking on the air?

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Create some stock sound-bites that you can drop into the que when you're verbally running low on content. I like gag "commercials" a lot :-) 

I have one for a combination Mortuary/Pub that usually gets a laugh when the "stop in for a Cold One" punchline hits......

Edited by AmandaKeen
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On 9/2/2017 at 2:10 PM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Since I posted this, I started DJing in February of 2017.  I use SAM to broadcast my music.  Still learning the ropes on what it takes to be a really great DJ.  I'll get there though.  Do any of you DJ's ever have a problem with studdering or trying to come up with what to say or forgetting to say things while talking on the air?

I am really impressed that you follow up your dream, and you even took time to come back to the forums and update us.

You have no idea how happy I was to see this post. :x I don't know anything about being a DJ, just wanted to say thank you for the update and keep on enjoying your Second Life.



Edited by Marianne Little
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On 9/2/2017 at 8:10 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Since I posted this, I started DJing in February of 2017.  I use SAM to broadcast my music.  Still learning the ropes on what it takes to be a really great DJ.  I'll get there though.  Do any of you DJ's ever have a problem with studdering or trying to come up with what to say or forgetting to say things while talking on the air?

I DJ'ed in SL for just over 7 years for a very popular club.  One of the requirements at that club was the owner wanted DJs to talk. A lot.  This meant even talking over the tunes.  I never ran out of things to chat about because, generally, the patrons gave me material.  It takes a bit of practice and I wasn't so chatty at the start (2007) but, with practice, you'll get more comfortable.

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On 12/10/2014 at 7:16 PM, ChrisWaterwolf said:

hey can some one get with me in world to teach me how to DJ im really interested in attempting it

Best visit clubs where you might like to work and chat with the DJs (when they're not actively streaming).  There used to be a couple of places offering classes in SL so you could check search for them.  Mastering the mechanics is not difficult, depending on the software you choose and the style of DJ you aspire to be.  Mastering the 'banter' with patrons takes some practice and there is no class for that but your personality.  Good luck!

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if its your passion, go for it. That being said, there are a few good DJs in SL. but over the years everyone seems to want to be a DJ. Its like anything else in an entertainment indusrty type of format. you should have a degree of talent. Or at least the best venues will want to have talented DJs. Like many talents, DJ banter and creative interaction in front of, or broadcasting too an audience takes talent. Not everyone "has it". Now add to that the talent of music content and it's even more rare to find people that can be great at it. some people just have the knack or ability to recall songs and compile set lists with a flow, or can wing it and get a nice flow and vibe in their set list. some people can work at it and develope  the skills to become a pretty good DJ. Fortunately SL has many venues with differing needs for DJs and you don't need to have those "professional" DJ skills to have fun. Work at it and find a place that fits you. 

P.S. I was considered a top DJ for many years in SL at some of the top rated clubs in various genre of music


Edited by Rocky Fenutzini
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On 9/2/2017 at 8:10 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Since I posted this, I started DJing in February of 2017.  I use SAM to broadcast my music.  Still learning the ropes on what it takes to be a really great DJ.  I'll get there though.  Do any of you DJ's ever have a problem with studdering or trying to come up with what to say or forgetting to say things while talking on the air?

Hi I have been a DJ in SL for 9 years now and yes it still happens even to me, but I have been with the same clubs for quite some time now and make jokes out of when that happens. You will find what is comfortable to you when this happens just be patient and don't get frustrated. Remember if you aren't having fun doing it than don't do it. Making fun of those things lets the others know you're aware of it and working it out. Feel free to look me up in world any time.

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There is different levels to being a DJ.


There are basic level DJs to say that do not mix live, use things such as SAM to basically auto playlist songs dropped in. THen basically sit back and chat while the work is done for them. This is the most common DJ on Secondlife.

There are those that try to learn, ask how to become a real DJ, and invest in being such. They will learn to use the proper software, learn to mix live, can flow seamless song to song. OFten they do not have full equipment and only mix off the software using a keyboard and mouse, but learn to approach a venue with style. 

Then there are those of us who are real life DJ's with a lot of experience, basically either retired or do SL for a side fun to relax. The advantage of not having to leave the venue or club in RL and drive home exhausted. The average of 2 hour short sets is a cake walk. We use real DJ equipment, control decks such as a Numark NS7III, fully licensed software (which is actually a requirement even on SL as broadcasting unlicensed or bootlegged Youtube music is illegible.)

SO you need expensive DJ equipment to learn to actually mix on the fly, recreate on the fly remixes, los, tracks ect? Hell no. I have instructed 3 larger venue DJ's to do some at a small investment, that ended up expanding outward. You need to learn to manual mix, as auto beat map fails often and is always off a tad. That's how you can tell if someone is actually mixing. 

A real DJ is one who mixes live, on the fly, takes request and can pull the song up instantly. Using licensed music, and licensed software (even MIxxx is licensed even if free-but It lacks many things). They can legally transmit on SL and broadcast. The prevents unwanted moments when you receive desist notices in SL. 

Type of venue also matters. Being able to mix flawless in a ballroom is not goign to help you. I run and can cover any venue. For ballroom you need to understand the dances, the intan in SL, be able to guide, speak clear with a microphone that is studio quality, have a pleasant personality. 

Wedding venues are also different. Gain experience with another DJ to understand how to reflect the moment and couple correctly. Knowing a little about them, how they met, and how to make the moment special for them. While virtual there is genuine emotion involved and you can transform the experience for them. Proper dance moments is essential. 

Theme type and music that reflects it is also important at any event. 

Anyone can learn to improve their skills and do better, sadly some get stuck in the same basic rut. . 

Don't be discouraged. You can achieve what you set your mind too. Don't settle for auto playlist Sam stuff. That limits you greatly. Know the venue, learn the people. People sometimes are there for linden bombs and don't listen, others do and will feed into you. Involve them. Mention them by name. Welcome them by name. Respond ect. n to them on the stream, but limit giggling, coughing, When you use a clear mic it picks up subtle changes in your voice quickly. So prep yourself in the mood of the moment. Nervousness is picked up in tone.

BE there for the purpose to make others happy and have a good time, not for a quick linden. You will loose the enjoyment.


DJ D'Amore

DJ in Real life since 1989 including original director of Limelight NYC and various clubs since the 90's.




Edited by Robsguy
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On 05/09/2017 at 9:55 PM, Venus Petrov said:

I DJ'ed in SL for just over 7 years for a very popular club.  One of the requirements at that club was the owner wanted DJs to talk. A lot.  This meant even talking over the tunes.  I never ran out of things to chat about because, generally, the patrons gave me material.  It takes a bit of practice and I wasn't so chatty at the start (2007) but, with practice, you'll get more comfortable.

Oddly enough, I was about to suggest not talking much over the songs, because I found anoying when a friend of mine did it, so it surprised me that a club owner would require it. For me, I prefer to mostly listen to the music rather have the music as a backdrop for the DJ.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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