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What would I have to change in this script


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to make the texture appear as thouigh it's going around in a circle on the flat face of a cyclinder instead of it appearing as though it is going across the face of the prim? Like the spokes of a bicycle would be turning.


    // state_entry() is an event handler, it executes
    // whenever a state is entered.
        // llSetTextureAnim() is a function that animates a texture on a face.
        llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,1.0, 1,0.25);
                            // animate the script to scroll across all the faces.

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float rotate;

        rotate = 0;

       rotate = rotate + .1;
       if (rotate==10.1)
           rotate = 0;
        llRotateTexture(rotate,ALL_SIDES);//You will have to set this to what face you want

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this will give you a variable called "speed", which you can change

if you need to....

to rotate in the oposite direction, change the end part to ...speed*-TWO_PI


default{    state_entry()    {         float speed = 0.05;        llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, speed*TWO_PI);    }}


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Xiija's is the preferred option - texture animation not taking anything like as much sim resource as object rotation.

However, if I remember correctly, the flat faces of cylinders are not good surfaces for textures and you may get odd effects :-(  If it works for you, great, otherwise you'll have to go with Steph's answer of rotation the whole object.

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I'd go for Xiija's method, too -- in fact, I was writing an example but she beat me to it.   I'd not heard that the flat faces of cylinders are glitchy for this, not that I do much with animated textures.

You might also consider actually spinning the prims, like this (it's how I sometimes do it):

integer toggle;list wheels;list findPrimsByDescription(string desc){//link description field	list l;	integer max = llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey());	string str;	if (desc){		desc = llToLower(desc);		do {			str = llToLower(llStringTrim(llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(max,[PRIM_DESC]),0),STRING_TRIM));//read the link description of each prim			if (str == desc){//if it's what we're looking for				l+=[max]; // make a note of the link number			}		}		while (--max);	}	return l;}default{	state_entry()	{		wheels = findPrimsByDescription("wheel"); // look for prims with "wheel" was their description		llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,[PRIM_OMEGA,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,0.0,0.1]);	}	on_rez(integer start_param)	{		wheels = findPrimsByDescription("wheel"); // look for prims with "wheel" was their description		llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,[PRIM_OMEGA,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,0.0,0.1]);	}	changed(integer change)	{		if (change & CHANGED_LINK){			wheels = findPrimsByDescription("wheel"); // look for prims with "wheel" was their description			llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,[PRIM_OMEGA,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,0.0,0.1]);		}	}	touch_start(integer total_number)	{		toggle = !toggle;		if (toggle){			list params;			integer n = -llGetListLength(wheels);			rotation local;			if(n){				do {					integer int = llList2Integer(wheels,n);					local = llList2Rot(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(int,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]),0);					params +=[PRIM_LINK_TARGET,int,PRIM_OMEGA,<0.0,0.0,1.0>*local,1.0,0.1]; // assumes the wheels are cylinders, turned through 90 degrees				}				while (++n);			}			llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,params);		}		else{			llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,[PRIM_OMEGA,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,0.0,0.1]);		}	}}


.  I once thought that using llTargetOmega for physical prims was discouraged, by the way, since the rotations are done server side rather than client side, but I am pretty sure I remember Void explaining once that child prims using TARGET_OMEGA are always rotated by the client, not the sim, no matter whether they're physical or not.

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Textures rotating on cylinder faces can have a strange juddering effect, why i have no idea and i have never found anyone who knew either. Personaly id rarther not use my example but i got irrited by the other functions erratic behaviour. LL may have resolved it and the function works fine now. If the anyone could let me know i be happy to use it.

Added: Ijust tried it and it has not changed, it still erratic.

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I don't know if this is the cause of the juddering problem, but certainly I've found I can make textures rotate a lot more smoothly if I do it this way:


		integer sizeX =1;//ignored for ROTATE		integer sizeY =1; //ignored for ROTATE		float startRotate = 0.0;//angle IN RADIANS at which to start the rotation		float endRotate = TWO_PI; //angle IN RADIANS at which to end the rotation		float framesPerSecond = 0.5*TWO_PI; //nb multiplication by TWO_PI		llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,sizeX,sizeY,startRotate, endRotate, framesPerSecond);

 That way, the rotation is a full 360 degrees, and it's rotating by clear percentage of the full rotation every second.   I think it's when the rotation isn't ending at 360 (TWO_PI) that the trouble starts, because it's got to jump from the end position to the start each time.

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