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I know a lot of people hate to hear this, but SL is beginning to bore me to bits. And it's all I've got to do, really.

Well, I've gotten some advice from people, and got called a whiney brat.
Pretty much what I expected, but thanks to all of you who actually suggested things. 
I appreciate it. 
After my break, I'll try some out. 

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Most roleplaying sims accept anyone with a semi decent character. Most even are fine with the amnesia syndrome (Common characters who have forgotten their past and let their player develop them as they RP)

I always feel like creating.. Maybe its something inside of me, Even if it sometiems gets stressful. Honestly, find someone who looks somewhat interestingo n the forums and pop them an IM. And just start chattig, its what I've done and its worked out well. Just walk up to strangers, Say "Hi, Im Frawmus, Pronounced Frah-Uhhhhhh?-Mus, How are you?" 

This is a place with thousands of people all looking for friends or relationships or just something to do. Theres something out there to entertain you, I gurantee it.

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I'm worried my character won't be excepted, because.. well, it's... A bio-luminescent dragon from another planet, in a medieval fantasy roleplay sim. 

I've had enough of creating things now, I think. Everything is stressful. Textures, mesh, blegh. I have so many ideas that I want to carry out, but I just can't do it anymore. 

And as for random IMing... I don't have luck with it. Either they get the wrong idea or I'm ignored after a few sentences. I'm one of those people who would just like to have things work out without me feeling stressed or rejected. I'm looking to hang out with people that will help me unwind, seeing as everything else is annoying or stressful. 

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Your situation sounds probably familiar to a looot of people. Does to me.

It sounds like SL has become a routine and even though you are bored and don't know what to do, you still don't wanna log off.

Could be time to pull the plug or take a break.

I'm on and off, after a year of being away, SL sounds like fun in my head again but it quickly becomes major boring again.

IMO it all depends on the people you find, sometimes you hit the jackpot and it's great for a couple of weeks or month.. Till it all goes to **bleep**, people get busy or interests shift. Time for the next break..


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Ugh, it sucks. 
I don't want to pull the plug. I've got nothing else to do. 
I recently come back from a break and I don't want another already. When I returned this time, nearly everyone was gone, and the few people left threw drama all over me because they suddenly decided they hated each other. I guess that buggered it this time. 

I don't want another break. :c 

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First: everyone has something else to do. If you mean, 'I don't know of another way to spend time that currently interests me more then SL', okay. That might be true. But there are plenty of other things to do. It is possible you might need to find one.

I looked at your profile: pushing three years which makes you if not an oldbie certainly a well-seasoned resident. A lot of advice about all the interesting things to do in SL would, I think, be wasted. If you haven't discovered the amazing variety of experiences available here by now you never will. So, yeah. Maybe you just don't see the point any more, or at least not right now. So what if you've taken one break? Take two.

There is just one little thing about your profile that bothers me (and yes, I'm short, kind of hunched over, and wearing a trench coat. I refuse the cigar though, even in my imagination). Your profile lists a partner. Given your comments about not wanting to be part of the yiff scene that may just be an alt—a heck of a lot of people have partnered with alts to cut down on offers—but if you really DO have a partner....shouldn't this conversation be with your partner rather than the likes of us?

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

(and yes, I'm short, kind of hunched over, and wearing a trench coat. I refuse the cigar though, even in my imagination).

You're a flasher ? :robotindifferent:





.. just one more thing ...




Just kidding ... :robottongue:





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This is a natural thing that occurs with almost anything in life (if not, everything).

   If you're finding yourself constantly performing a hobby (logging into SL) and being bored, cut back. You don't have to quit cold turkey! There are other games (When you said "I don't want to play silly games", I'm not sure if you meant in SL or games in general) which you can download, play, and immerse yourself into.I have several different MMORPG's and games I play other than SL so if I get bored, I cut back so that when I return, I feel kinda refreshed.

   If that's not your forte, just find an RL hobby where you can distract yoiurself as well. If all you do is play SL, it's going to lack it's luster eventually.

Now I know this sounds clich'e but maybe...GET A JOB! Don't do it for the money, do it for fun. I was just like you, and I finally wanted to branch out more form what I was doing(wandering aimlessly, chatting, exploring). I still do those things, but I find having a job as a rewarding experience. I save up my money to pay rent or to buy that Hoody I had my eye on and it didn't cost me a cent of my RL funds! You also meet new people to which I can call my friends in SL.

   Also, try finding something you would like to do as a job IRL or something that sounds interesting. I started hosting since almost every club wanted a host and it was easy to get hired IMO. I started it and man, did I DESPISE it. I mean, I loved my co-workers (well most of them) but I couldn't find the joy in just greeting people and dancing. So what did I do? Branch out. I got enough experience of what working in SL was like (or a decent amount) to try for another job and another one and another one and so on.That's what I think when it comes to SL. You branch out your interests and learn more, meet more, create more, etc. Just try and think what is something you like IRL and incorperate it into SL and if that doesn't work, just try something you were curious about but never did it IRL and maybe SL can give you a sample of it to you and you can come to your own conclusion.

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Kniffelig wrote:

I know
a lot
of people hate to hear this, but SL is beginning to bore me to bits.

I'm looking for suggestions. 



I think this happens to everyone whether they admit it or not. I had to take breaks on several occasions. Once you've done it all, it's difficult to find the same enthusiasm for repeating yourself endlessly.

If SL is all you truly have to do, the only thing I can recommend is doing things you've never tried or things you may think you won't like. Sadly, you'll end up bored with the new things too.

I know what you mean about friends leaving. I have maybe 10 people left from 2006. I make new friends all the time but getting them to stay in SL is another story.


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I've had quite a few great expereinces... but all those have gone and passed and no more are showing up. I love SL, but... it's boring and some things are ruining it for me. 

And my partner is my partner in real life. He introduced me to SL before we got together. I've told him I was bored and will probably take a break, and his only suggestion was the only thing I could think of to keep me online; the roleplay sim. 

I'm taking a break anyway, though... now my issue is that I don't even remember my old hobbies.. derp

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By silly games, I mean both SL and other games. I always play the same games, and I can't afford to play any others that even remotely interest me. I've tried revisiting old games on Steam for nostalgia, but now Steam is all buggered up and crashing every time I load it up.

I honestly can't remember any of my hobbies before SL, it's been so long. I do know I used to be a lot more artsy... but blender, photoshop, and all that for SL has made me want to avoid all things creative. Even just little pencil and paper doodles.

I've thought about getting a job... but my internet isn't good enough to be a DJ, I'm a very grouchy person, so I would never be able to host, I woud like to be a secuirty guard but I would kick so many people out just for pissing me off, and I don't do rp that consists of me getting naked. There are jobs in the rp sim I want to go to, but considering my character would know nothing for years, I won't be able to do even that. 
I tried earning money and occupying my time with my MP store, but as I've said, blender and photoshop make me want to vomit right now.
I don't really know of any other jobs I could do, btw. I stopped looking after I learned about the MP. 

The only job I want to go for irl is to be a butcher and part time chef... I'm.. not sure how to get paid for something similar in SL. 


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I have one. It's currently not going very well.
Can't get a job because my ID is missing, can't move out 'cause I don't have money, can't volunteer because I still need an ID, I just finished college, my mother won't help me file a police report for my ID 'cause I don't know how, and a bunch of other little stuff that's annoying and a little saddening... I'm just generally sick of feeling stuck. 
I want a distraction.

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I wish I was more... easily amused. 
There's only one friend out of the many that went missing that I know the reason for her disappearence. She was pregnant when we started talking, and a long way through it, so I assume she just needed to go and take care of her kid. I don't know where anyone else went. 
It's stressful, 'cause they were really good friends of mine, and now I barely remember them. 

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