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The reality of mumbai prostitution

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Since someone likes advertising Mumbai call girls, perhaps this video will be a useful reaility check.


Some more info from organisations trying to make a difference to help the victims of forced prostitution and slavery:




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Thanks for the video. Prostitution has been in the news several times recently from the stance of the Japanese government on the comfort women in World War 2, to the Italian bunga bunga parties of Berlusconi, to the Phillipine girls locked in rooms forced to peform for foreign men over the internet. It just seems that the world's oldest profession is not going away any time soon.

But that does bring up a thought that maybe the whole virtual escort business here in SL is part of the problem.

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But that does bring up a thought that maybe the whole virtual escort business here in SL is part of the problem.


Why? Not every prostitute is forced by criminals into the business. Most girls I met in SL who do escorting seem to be pretty independent women, who are far different from what you see in this video. Escorting in general is not a problem. The organized crime is.

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But that does bring up a thought that maybe the whole virtual escort business here in SL is part of the problem.

SL prostitution, while creepy as all get out, is consensual and there isn't really the capacity for someone to be forced into it or prevented from leaving it. In real life, the element of coercion and women who need to become prostitutes in order to live is all too real, but the people doing it in Second Life don't have that looming over them. L$ pay for virtual pixels, not food, shelter, electricity, etc.

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these bots show up in forums like sl and others that the worlds are adult...i've seen them in others as well..

it's a sick real world..and the internet really opens  us up to a lot of the tragic things around it..


there are some really sick people  in the world and i hope the worst for them that do these things to others and that all the bad they deliver comes back on them 10 fold..


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Wishing bad upon others ten fold rather than help for their twisted minds. Even so far as calling them sick, which means something is wrong with them. 

How much better could it be if these sick individuals could get the help they need rather than other sick persons inflicting something ten times as worse on them. These ten time worse people are better than the sick persons?

The best thing would be for them to be removed from the population. However, that would require persons capable of removing them. Do we want murderers among us?

You are correctIt is a sick world

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The spam bots aren't trying to get us to click the links, they're trying to get google to.

- The goal is to piggyback their SEO on this forum, so that google will start pushing something in the posts, maybe even a single word - up higher in certain contexts.


In other words, they are spamming other bots.

- Their bots will go out and register hundreds of thousands of accounts per hour across any website with security (captcha, verification) that they can code around. Minutes, hours, months, even years later they will cycle back with spam posts of content culled from here and there - sometimes gibberish, and sometimes worded to make sense - intentionally using both tactics. Inserted in there are key elements that make their clients look more relevant in search, and their competition less relevant.

And on the odd chance that some fool actually clicks one of the links, it can either just go somewhere randomly 'XXX-ish', or go a place where they will capture any information they think might enable them to hack that person later to co-opt them as a bot agent with a few low key apps designed to look harmless or useful or those things that try to make you think you have to install them to get the other thing you really wanted (use our proprietary downloader to download our special videos of... XXX).

- Thus the average computer of a teenage boy quickly ends up being a nightmare host to all kinds of bots... :P



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I studied and wrote on human trafficking a lot in college. Most of it is actually for hard labor - farming, mining, lumber, tailoring.

Of that which is for prostitution, only one tactic seems to be showing any level of success in combating it: John School.

- A John School basically works by flipping the burden and arresting Johns, not prostitutes. Arrested Johns then have to go to John School - a series of classes where they spend all day talking to... a prostitute. But one who has escaped the life: either free from slavery or free from the 'stolkholm syndrome ALL of the "free" ones suffer from.

- Most of the Johns find it very traumatic when they have to humanize the women / girls / boys, and "lose interest" in re-offending.

If you talk to Johns, they are either not used to thinking of women of "that class" as people, OR they operate under delusions of "she's so nice and smiles, she loves working in this business, what is the harm?"

(this often said even in situations where the woman is under threat of death if she tries to leave).

Many people forced into prostitution only need to be compelled for a very short period of time, after which they appear to volunteer to stay in the life. And that is why I mentioned Stolkholm Syndrome above...


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

... the 'stolkholm syndrome ALL of the "free" ones suffer from.

And the women who decide to pay for their educations through prostitution? Do they suffer from this "Stockholm syndrome", too?

Cause that's everybody right?


I've heard this routine before, i goes like this:

Cause this one time, a black guy shot a white person, so it was just fine to murder Trayvon Martin, and all the other times when such things have happened? Cause one time, a black guy was mean to a white lady, so there's no such thing as racism... And so now we have, a few people who pick a life like this, means they are ALL just willing and loving it...

Yeah... exception of someone who volunteers for a certain life does not make a rule.

I'm sure the smiling kids in that video on page one of this are doing it to save money for new toys too... (/sigh)


Your example is extremely rare. More rare than well... a black man shooting a white and getting off on self defense... And that's pretty darn rare. It exists, but its not really relevant.

Though quite often, the women who do take the choice you describe, are dealing with some serious personal damage before they made that choice.


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Bree Giffen wrote:

I believe prostitution in general
a problem. I mean wouldn't you be upset if you heard that someone in your family was a prostitute? Even if she told you it was completely her free will would that make it okay?

You mix two things here. Society acts different towards any job in the sex industry, because they are seen as dirty, sick and not real jobs. This applies not only to prostitutes, but also to strippers and pornstars....even a playboy-bunny is placed in that corner.

What goes on in peoples mind is not "omg, she might be forced into that!" its more like "ieks! what a dirty s***!"

Its a moral thing, nothing more.

If I would knew someone from my family would be doing such a job, I would be first kind of shocked, because I wouldn't have expected that. But then I would give them the change to explain me why they chosed this job and how they feel about it.

By the way: Not all prostitutes are like the stereotype of the women standing in slutty outfits in dark streets and wait for cars to drive by. I once saw a short documentation about two women working as escorts. They were booked by business men and spend the whole day/evening with them. Part of what keept them in this job was the luxury they got from it.

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X3aV wrote:


Wishing bad upon others ten fold rather than help for their twisted minds. Even so far as calling them sick, which means something is wrong with them. 

How much better could it be if these sick individuals could get the help they need rather than other sick persons inflicting something ten times as worse on them. These ten time worse people are better than the sick persons?

The best thing would be for them to be removed from the population. However, that would require persons capable of removing them. Do we want murderers among us?


talk about twisting..twist my meanig of sick to make your pat on your own hero wanna be back..

i have no remorse for those that profit from a slave industry like that..

there is always the self righteous ones that have to show up and think that everyone can be saved and that there is good in everyone..

guess what jesus..there are evil people in the world..even in the best of situation..

those people running this industry are some of them..

ya you go help them out..feel sorry for them..

see how much your superhero powers work against that kind of greed..

then let us know how it went for you..

ya i am correct..the world is twisted alright..






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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

I studied and wrote on human trafficking a lot in college. Most of it is actually for hard labor - farming, mining, lumber, tailoring.

Of that which is for prostitution, only one tactic seems to be showing any level of success in combating it: John School.

- A John School basically works by flipping the burden and arresting Johns, not prostitutes. Arrested Johns then have to go to John School - a series of classes where they spend all day talking to... a prostitute. But one who has escaped the life: either free from slavery or free from the 'stolkholm syndrome ALL of the "free" ones suffer from.

- Most of the Johns find it very traumatic when they have to humanize the women / girls / boys, and "lose interest" in re-offending.

If you talk to Johns, they are either not used to thinking of women of "that class" as people, OR they operate under delusions of "she's so nice and smiles, she loves working in this business, what is the harm?"

(this often said even in situations where the woman is under threat of death if she tries to leave).

Many people forced into prostitution only need to be compelled for a very short period of time, after which they appear to volunteer to stay in the life. And that is why I mentioned Stolkholm Syndrome above...


what amazes me most is..many people think this is just an over seas thing..that it couldn't be happening in their own country..

that human slavery and trafficing couldn't exist in a place like the U.S.

that slavery went out with abe lincoln..now that that's all fixed lets move on..nothing to see here.

when it never really went away..

it was just relocated is all..


my grandmother and grandfather was victum of it..he is passed away now.

but even today at her age my grandmother still has trauma and nighmares from it..it wasn't prostitution..but it was slavery and the brainwashing that comes with it..the abuse and rape and mind screw..pure F'ing evil that can't be undone..

only in the past 10 years was she able to talk about it...my father still doesn't know these things that she went through..

governments play such a huge part in these terrible things..but they are good at keepig people blinded..

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

... the 'stolkholm syndrome ALL of the "free" ones suffer from.

And the women who decide to pay for their educations through prostitution? Do they suffer from this "Stockholm syndrome", too?

Cause that's everybody right?



I state just one scenario that would be an exception to your "ALL" and I'm the one dealing in absolutes?



And so now we have, a few people who pick a life like this, means they are ALL just willing and loving it...


Go ahead and put some words in my mouth.

I'm sure the smiling kids in that video on page one of this are doing it to save money for new toys too... (/sigh)

Is human trafficking real? Absolutely. Are some people forced into prostitution? Absolutely. I never said otherwise. But some do go into sex work in order to gain material things. FACT.

Though quite often, the women who do take the choice you describe, are dealing with some serious personal damage before they made that choice.

Thank goodness for that "quite often".

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I did not even understand what those post saying . I thought it was some 3rd world gibberish .


             Cause this one time, a black guy shot a white person, so it was just fine to murder Trayvon Martin.


George Zimmerman is Mexican not white.........  Trayvon was a victim of the system , a system that lets people with nothing but a pocket full of money walk into any gun show and buy a handgun and have it legal on their person with in 24 hours. A system that lets a small selected group of people ,selected by a lawyer who is on the clock and is paid to win motivating his choice of jury.... George should got a some time...now he gets to live in hiding weighing out which paying interview is worth risking his life if seen in public.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Just a small correction.

TheG0t wrote:

George Zimmerman is Mexican not white.........

Zimmerman's father is white (of German descent) and his mother is Peruvian, not Mexican.

I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't going to wind up with a new meme.

Instead of a thread getting "Godwinned,"  we are going to say that it got "Zimmermanned."

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Just a small correction.

TheG0t wrote:

George Zimmerman is Mexican not white.........

Zimmerman's father is white (of German descent) and his mother is Peruvian, not Mexican.

I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't going to wind up with a new meme.

Instead of a thread getting "Godwinned,"  we are going to say that it got "Zimmermanned."

Pussycat's certainly got a head start...

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Just a small correction.

TheG0t wrote:

George Zimmerman is Mexican not white.........

Zimmerman's father is white (of German descent) and his mother is Peruvian, not Mexican.

I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't going to wind up with a new meme.

Instead of a thread getting "Godwinned,"  we are going to say that it got "Zimmermanned."

oh i hope not..i hope not to make him popular like that..

i'm hoping some stupid hollywood exec doesn't come up with a reality show called the zimmermans..

but with the U.S.

anything is possible..

and people would watch it..

that's the sad part..

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It's not a moral thing and nothing more. It really is a bad thing for the women who are in it AND for every other woman who is not in it. You can't just point to the high priced escort doing it just to maintain her lifestyle or to the college student paying her way through college. It's hard to believe they're normal run of the mill girls who will just drop out of prostitution when they get what they want and return to a healthy normal life. Secondly, those examples are such small fractions of prostitution that you can't really make an argument for prostitution just by pointing to those.

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