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Edits Clothes

Jill Sohl

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When I edit a piece of clothing that I am wearing, I press the save button at the top of the Edit window, then that piece of clothing goes off my body and into my inventory with the changes saved.  Version 4.3 and prior did not do this.Any ideas how to keep my clothes on my body when editing clothes?

           Thanking You..Jill

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LOL, just hada look at your Flickr as well and I guess I know why she asked. :smileyvery-happy:

Honestly now, without trying to hurt your feelings but these photos and the avi look as if they were made in 2003. No atmo, bad photosourcing, system clothing ...

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I'm sorry to say that Mary, but when it comes to clothes and avatarlook, I do not think you are an expert to be asked. The skin, the hair, the shape and the clothes look like SL right out of the beta.

So...I can understand where that coment comes from...

It looks like if I made clothes...and I never ever have touched that topic before.

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vickiadams wrote:

Having seen the flickr page, I think that Marybeth's clothes (those that are not actual photo) look more like what people really wear than most of what I see in Second Life. They are certainly not staged for advertising.

The style of the clothes has nothing to do with quality.

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I have known "Mary Beth" in RL since before she was on Second Life. The picture of her RL face (books on shelves in background) is her, although rather old (sorry Mary Beth, but we all age). The clothes, at least the suits and professional clothes look exactly like what she wears at work, and both what she wears at RL work and what she wears on SL is quality (I know that males are not supposed to know about quality in women's clothes). Of course, I don't know what she looks like in her RL underwear :matte-motes-not-even: Her hair was custom made years ago and was exactly like her hairstyle at the time (similar to now). Likewise, her face was custom made and looks exactly like what she looked like at the time. I also know the person who did the custom hair and face. Maybe these days you can get nicer looking Avi's (skin and shape) and hair, but it won't look like the person, and she wanted an avi that looked like her.


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SueThryp wrote:

Syo commenting about quality.

That's ironic!!

Should I know who you are?

No, probably not... I don't need to remember people hiding behind forum alts.


@Robert: I'm not saying that she doesn't want to look this way or what her motivation was. I'm just agreeing that this clothes look like from the beginning of SL (no, thats not about the style..again).

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SueThryp wrote:

I am not an alt. You may have seen me in SL, but may not have noticed. I don't remember everyone I see in SL, just some.

And from where do you assume to know me?

Or are you just randomly dropping sentences along the way, pretending to know who you are talking to.

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I have seen Marybeth's clothing as well as other clothing on Second Life. It does show quality, comparable to anything else I have seen. And I am not talking about styles or fashion, but quality in looking like real life clothing. Too much of what is found for sale in SL, after you buy and unpack it, may look nice but does not look real. In particular, Marybeth's bras look more like RL bras than the ones you can buy on SL, and, as far as I know, hers are not for sale.


(edited to correct absolutely stupid typo!)

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Ok, thats your opinion. For me, they look far away from anything realistic. I won't go into details here...but great to see I could make hundreds of L$ with my limited skills for clothing....(mine would look like what she wears in her pictures).

I'll stop here. Be happy with your look.


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1)  Jill, as Ren said, it is a bug in the latest Firestorm viewer. I did see it on another computer; it was just as you described. Hopefully, since there is a JIRA, it will be fixed soon. It would be a good idea to download whenever a new Firestorm release comes out.

 2)  This thread seems to have degenerated into an ad hominem (or should it be ad femina?) conversation. Just a few comments:

The photograph of me is old. (yes, I have aged). It was used, but is no longer used, by my firm.

My colleague Bob (who got me into Second Life) was correct. The hair, skin, and shape were made by another colleague when I first got into SL and is a very accurate duplication of what I looked like at the time. That person is no longer around (changed jobs and moved) and no longer on SL. Certainly better hair, skin, etc. can be made now but I will stick with what looks like me even if it is old.

The clothes (not in the photographs but in the SL screenshots) are old, mostly made when I was new to SL and SL was new.

I do not offer any clothes (or anything else) for sale. They are only made for my own enjoyment. They are system clothes made using GIMP. If I were making clothes for others, I would use much better tools, but that would take the fun out of it. I don’t have either the time or desire to use blender or other tools or to work with mesh, although you can, I am told, do some great stuff with it.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Ok, thats your opinion. For me, they look far away from anything realistic. I won't go into details here...but great to see I could make hundreds of L$ with my limited skills for clothing....(mine would look like what she wears in her pictures).

I'll stop here. Be happy with your look.


It's more then a little petty to spend time insulting someones skills when you yourself don't have them. What she has done may not be to your taste or up to date with current stuff but she is at least trying. You don't get better unless you try and having people insult you every step of the way public is very discouraging to a budding artist. As (I would hope) you mother taught you if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Ok, thats your opinion. For me, they look far away from anything realistic. I won't go into details here...but great to see I could make hundreds of L$ with my limited skills for clothing....(mine would look like what she wears in her pictures).

I'll stop here. Be happy with your look.


It's more then a little petty to spend time insulting someones skills when you yourself don't have them. What she has done may not be to your taste or up to date with current stuff but she is at least trying. You don't get better unless you try and having people insult you every step of the way public is very discouraging to a budding artist. As (I would hope) you mother taught you if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.

It seems that a few people think it's ok to give "constructive criticism" in a RAW way on a public forum. That's not showing much etiquette on dealing with others. I know the come backs are always that they don't care about others feelings because of the anonymous ability I am sure. It does have something to do with how you were raised, I agree. I was raised a lot different and I am glad.

I am a RL artist, painting/drawing/miniatures I do a lot but I have made my living off of another form of art since I was in my early twenties. I feel art is the expression of oneself, there is no right or wrong way. Of course not everyone will like what you do, but to criticize in public can be hurtful. I enjoy constructive criticism, I want input as I cater to many different kinds of tastes, but I won't take insults as criticism, I take them at face value - insults.

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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Ok, thats your opinion. For me, they look far away from anything realistic. I won't go into details here...but great to see I could make hundreds of L$ with my limited skills for clothing....(mine would look like what she wears in her pictures).

I'll stop here. Be happy with your look.


It's more then a little petty to spend time insulting someones skills when you yourself don't have them. What she has done may not be to your taste or up to date with current stuff but she is at least trying. You don't get better unless you try and having people insult you every step of the way public is very discouraging to a budding artist. As (I would hope) you mother taught you if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.

I do not need to be a top clothing creator to see whats excellent work and whats not. I'm upfront about the fact that I can't make clothes which look as good as what other people can do in SL. And I'm realistic enough to say it, yes my clothes would look bad. I would never stomp my feet on the ground and yell "NO! everyone else in SL makes unrealistic stuff...mine are perfect!" (Weren't those statements not insulting to ALL other clothing creators?)

I'm always nice to people who try to improve their building and creating skills....IF they realize they are not on top of the mountain with their skills.

Yes, I know I don't wrap my arguments in suger, but its just my fact-based opinion that they do not look realistic and I like to defend current clothing designers who really put a lot effort into their work.

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*Sigh* I said to myself I would sit on my hands and don’t reply, but I changed my mind.

This is especially to the first poster, that obviously have no idea of appearance editing himself. His post  only shows ignorance and spite. How the clothes look has nothing to say when you edit an outfit. You use the same basic tools if you edit an outfit you made yourself in Gimp or PS, or an outfit you bought.

I quote from the knowledge base:

Editing clothing and body parts

You may edit any currently-worn clothing or body part on your avatar, provided that you have appropriate permissions on the selected item. To edit a piece of clothing or body part:

  1. Click the Appearance button on the left side of the Viewer window.The APPEARANCE window opens.
  2. Click the WEARING tab to view your currently-worn outfit.
  3. Click the Edit Wrench  at the top of the window to enter appearance editing mode.
  4. Select a piece of Clothing or one of your Body Parts and click the corresponding Edit Wrench  to begin editing that item.
  5. Use the sliders to adjust the item's physical parameters to your liking. If available, choose a Fabric texture from your inventory or a Color/Tint from the provided swatch. When editing your avatar's shape (listed under Body Parts), you may choose its gender from the radio buttons at the top of the window.

There. All you can do is tint it, or make sleeves longer/shorter and so on. If you upload a texture, it has to be a finished texture. You can not change the texture and make it more or less realistic in the appearance window. A person that earns enough of SL to live in RL of it, can’t use the Appearance window in a different way then one who creates her own clothes for fun.

Second, and this is to those who jumped to the conclusion that a Flickr account = a store in SL = earning hundreds of §L. Where did you get that idea? It could not be something Marybeth said, she made a short reply to the OP, stating what viewer she was using and that the appearance editor worked as it should in that viewer. Her motivation was to help, I assume. Nowhere did she promote things for sale, or try to put herself forward. Her Flickr contains no reference to a store inworld or on the Marketplace. She did not point to her Flickr as an example of "how to do things". Her post was short and accurate. Ren later confirmed that it is a bug, but not in all viewers. Her reply vas valid and made sense.

.This is a debate without winners. How we like clothing is personal, and it is as pointless to tell others they are wrong, as it is to discuss religion. Sometimes I think fashion is SL is very much like religion…

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Marianne: "This is especially to the first poster, that obviously have no idea of appearance editing himself."

I am a little confused. Who was the "first poster" who was apparently a "him"?

Not that I disagree. I know that some people with no experience using the in world editor don't understand what it can and can't do to clothing. But you gave a good explanation for what it is meant to do. I use it to change the color of white or light colored clothing, and raise the hem line of some skirts.

I particularly agree with your last two paragraphs.

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Jill: "this thread got way off topic..and for that i am sorry.."

It's not your fault, Jill. Keep posting whenever you have a question or a comment. For any question you have, there are probably many others who have the same question and haven't gotten around to asking.

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