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FireFox Problems

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Well If I go to any site that is made by second life it will load up for a split second then it goes blank. Things that Ive might done to cause this only thing I think of is got rid of avg. I downloaded avira instead. I think that is how you spell it. I tried to turn the whole thing off then go to the site but that didnt work as well.

Is anyone else having this problem? I really like my firefox has that remember feature that I love... lol heh...

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If you have it installed, turn off AdBlock Plus or any anti-ad plugin you may have. It currently prevents from viewing all SL web pages correctly. Seems that the problem started around the 4th of July. It also affects Chrome for me. The bad news is you'll be flooded by unwanted ads again, but the good one is that Firefox will open SL pages correctly. :smileyhappy:

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Happy Toshi wrote:

wtf that is *&ll S&^% what you mean you cant see webpages with adblock they want us to see the *&^%$$# ads that much?

Nope, you have the cart before the horse.

The issue will be with configuration of the AdBlock+ extension. I don't use it so I can't provide insights, and I'm not motivated to find out if LL have changed the way the ads appear BUT AdBlock+ will block just about anything provided you configure it correctly.

There's no consistant way for LL to blank out the page just because you dont' load ads, it's far more likely the extension you're using to customise your view is doing exactly what it thinks you want it to do, and blocking your view. It can only tell the difference between ad and non-ad based on some fairly basic heuristics, when it gets this wrong, it will block content you want to see as well. That's what content blockers do.

Most importantly, there's no reward for LL to blank out pages like this; they want people to see their content regardless of their browser configuration - people who block ads don't affect LL's income, people who can't see their webpages do (as they can't buy L$, shop at marketplace, etc).

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You can actually keep using Adblock but, you need to go into the filter preferences>filter subscriptions and uncheck the box at the bottom of the window that says 'Allow some non-intrusive advertising'. Once I did this and refreshed the page all the SL websites returned as normal (and with no spam ads).

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Deej Kasshiki wrote:

You can actually keep using Adblock but, you need to go into the filter preferences>filter subscriptions and uncheck the box at the bottom of the window that says 'Allow some non-intrusive advertising'. Once I did this and refreshed the page all the SL websites returned as normal (and with no spam ads).

That is dead weird. You would have thought that when Adblock is blocking the forums and marketplace, that tightening Adblocks restrictions would make matters worse not better. But well whatever it works... so thanks for the tip I would never have thought of trying that check box.

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valerie Inshan wrote:

If you have it installed, turn off AdBlock Plus or any anti-ad plugin you may have. It currently prevents from viewing all SL web pages correctly. Seems that the problem started around the 4th of July. It also affects Chrome for me. The bad news is you'll be flooded by unwanted ads again, but the good one is that Firefox will open SL pages correctly. :smileyhappy:

Today I started to see blank pages on SL pages. I have Adblock Plus installed. Ok, I disabled Adblock Plus on SL pages. The pages work ok now. But - I still see no ads at all. Which is great. :smileyhappy: I have no idea why the ads don't show up even if the Adblock Plus is disabled. (Might be that my other plugin disables them without showing blank page? I need to investigate a bit what it does.)

To check are there any ads I loaded some pages in IE. Yes, the ads indeed are there. And they are utterly non-related to my interests and browsing habits. :smileyfrustrated: (Maybe it's because I have also other plugin which disables tracking my browsing links.)

Back to ad free Firefox. :matte-motes-big-grin:

(I have nothing against if web page owners put ads on their pages. Naturally it's their right. But I think it's also my right not to see pushed ads - if I prefer not to see them. When I go to SL pages I don't go there for randomly pushed shopping info. When I need info for something what I'm going to buy I always will go to respective manufacture's/merchant's web pages instead - and pages where the goods are reviewed. There is the exact info what I will need. Pushed ads are just a lot of waste junk on my screen.)


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I get white pages to, sometimes. especially the slfeed and my secondlife is failing.

But i refuse to disable or remove ad-block. if webpage developers cant make right webp[ages (ad-free)

then you need to block crap. ad-block plus is also nice extra security layer for virusses.

So linden Labs have hugh problem. More people need to block ad's

Now only need to figure out a safe way to get things working.

And non intruisive ad's is enabled default so thats fine. Linden Labs did something terrible wrong.

So i dont think its ad-block, weird thing some pages load. some dont load. its random

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Richardus Raymaker wrote:

I get white pages to, sometimes. especially the slfeed and my secondlife is failing.

But i refuse to disable or remove ad-block.
if webpage developers cant make right webp[ages (ad-free)

then you need to block crap. ad-block plus is also nice extra security layer for virusses.

So linden Labs have hugh problem. More people need to block ad's

Now only need to figure out a safe way to get things working.

ANd non intruisive ad's is enabled default so thats fine. Linden Labs did something terrible wrong.

running a webpage costs a lot of money. It also costs a lot of money to hire a proper webdeveloper. having ads doesn't make there webpage not a "right webpage". It's not a crime to try and recouperate money of profit off your page. yes there annoying sometimes but there not "wrong". I hate how everyone feels entitled to a freebie around here.

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Just again white page when i wanted to reply No Secondlife is not afreebiee. lots of people pay. linden labs get money from the users. The sell land, marketplace. the have income without advertise.  so corrupting webpages because people block ad's is just a bad move. If thats the real problem. i spend L$ in sl, so the get money from me. non intrusive ad's are fine and i see them. but soemthing else is again terrible wrong with LL (yes the like to screw users once a year at least.

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Richardus Raymaker wrote:

Just again white page when i wanted to reply No Secondlife is not afreebiee. lots of people pay. linden labs get money from the users. The sell land, marketplace. the have income without advertise.  so corrupting webpages because people block ad's is just a bad move. If thats the real problem. i spend L$ in sl, so the get money from me. non intrusive ad's are fine and i see them. but soemthing else is again terrible wrong with LL (yes the like to screw users once a year at least.

How do you even know it's the lab and not the add-on?

I can answer that for , you don't know that. The reason you don't know it, is because it's not true. Adblock plus is actually creating a stir in other places and other sites as well that are 100% unrelated to sl. Including the blank page problem. It actually started a bit before anyone here even started noticing it. Think of it as a rolling effect, of sorts.

I get that people are pissed at the lab for all of their wrong doings. I get that the lab has many a fault. But sometimes people point fingers to them that needn't be pointed in their direction. Sometimes it really isn't their fault. Yes having the ads at all is their fault. However whether or not an add-on they didn't create seems to malfunction, for a browser you've chosen, has nothing at all to do with them. I willl admit I am not the lab's biggest fan in the world, I just see no reason to allow common sense to fly out the window when angry. Which tends to happen when someone is really annoyed by something.

There are some companies that ad-block will no longer work on, because they've been able to pay to get on a list, allowing them to have ads that pass through the filter ad-block has. Oops, that must have to be the fault of the lab, right? Some obscure site that has nothing to do with sl just has to be part of the sinister master plan of the evil linden lab villains.

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Going to back up ImaTest's comments with the following article;



I've only used AdBlocker since LL introduced ads on their websites, never been bothered by them before - was just the visual quality of them that I didn't like. This issue has apparently been rolling for some time, I just missed it!  Following advice from another poster further up the post - I don't see ads or white pages (Yay!) 


(crosses fingers and hopes they don't sell out as well)

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Why is everybody so keen on using AdBlock +? Is that little + sign so strong and makes you feel you actually get better and more from your adblocker?

Just install the good old honest AdBlock without the + and be rid of all the shady deals behind closed doors. AFAIK the developers of AdBlock are earnest and good open source advocates and not taking any bribes.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

AFAIK the developers of AdBlock are earnest and good open source advocates and not taking any bribes.


It's an absolute killer strategy; be the only people who can get advertising metrics from a market with false expectations . The genius of it is they don't need to display ads, it's all easy tricks. I promise, you can do most of what's necessary regardless of AdBlock/NoScript/Ghostify/DoNotTrack - the users running filters think they're safe, and browse without obfuscating their interests. Delicious money into the pockets of first and second tier advertising analysts, once a users behaviour and personal information is sufficiently mined.

It's massively profitable and someone, somewhere will want this money. So long as the filter provider doesn't get caught cashing the cheques (or burying the code), they win (and end users continue to lose).

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

 end users continue to lose

Erm, as long as my browser doesn't have any ads on it I don't care who knows what lies I am telling. I  don't consider a completely ad-free experience as "losing".

Awe . . . seriously, are there ads here? I don't see any.

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Hi Orca

From a personal point of view - it was the first one mentioned here on the forums so I jumped onboard and had no ads. It was only when white pages replaced the desired Second Life website pages that I once again checked the forums and saw the mention of AdBlock. It's now happily munching ads!


Black :)

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