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New Payment System Questions?


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  • Resident

Hello Merchants!

With the launch of the new payment system on the Marketplace, we will be joining the conversation in the Merchant’s forum to help with questions as they come. We’ll be around for the next couple of weeks responding to questions on a regular basis.

Please let us know if you have any and we’ll do our best to answer them!

CommerceTeam Linden

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I am frustraed beyond words at the changes in the marketplace. Here we had a system that worked 99% of the time and now we have a change and it works like 50% of the time. in the last 4 days I tried to use the market and only was able to do so 2 out of those day's. 

What ever trust I had in the market sysstem is gone. Its way to flakey am just shopping in world stores now .The thought that I have to buy Lindens from the same people that have made this new Marketplace make me cringe now too.



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TieDyeRaven wrote:

Very very slow to get to the payment page. Page won't load sometimes. Hate it. Seems as though it's trying to connect to another website entirely and not a smooth transition.

^^This^^ I spent more time trying to get to the payment page then I do shopping.

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If you make a mistake and click buy now there is no way to get back to MP.  You have to close out of that window and enter MP all over again and try to search for the products that you want.  The payment options page should allow you to hit the browser back button or should provide a cancel button that puts you back to the product page that you were on.

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Today i had sales that did'nt make sense.

Someone bought 2 avatars both the same and 2 packs of hair both the same.

The order was doubled, i have sent the buyer a message to see if they made a mistake or intended to buy both twice, but now i saw this about a new payment method i am thinking maybe MP screwed up.

The person is Japanese so i sent them a message in Japanese and i am still waiting to hear back

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How about restoring the persistent L$ balance display to the top bar like it was before. That was yet another very handy and useful feature that has been done away with. Not a good idea and more likely to discourage impulse purchases.

Instead, it's not until  one clicks to buy that the L$ available balance is displayed.




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Hello CTL,

I filed a bug report this morning for a non-payment of a confirmed delivery of a product - the transaction does not appear on my Dashboard/my account has not been credited, but the confirmation email came through, and there is a record of the transaction on the MP Transactions (The bug was triaged and marked accepted, however, my account still has not received the funds due from Commerce Linden/Currency Linden).

It would appear that there are additional issues occurring including multiple reports of customers having duplicate shopping carts delivered and double charging (See the Answers Section of the Forum where customers are asking questions). Another Merchant just reported it here as well in the Merchant Forum here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/New-Marketplace-Issue/td-p/2061831

Something is not working properly with the transition to the new system.

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I have the same question as everyone, so far.  What is the purpose or advantage of the new payment system?


Currently, it's not "just a little on the slow side", but so slow it's going to be "deadly" to everyone's sales. You can't have someone click "buy" in a your store and force them to wait for an entire 5 minutes looking at a white empty screen, while mysterious servers carry out handshakes and bounce the request around.


Once you get through to the page, you see confusing messages about having "successfully added payment methods".  They were not trying to add payment methods. They already have an L$ balance and want to pay for a product. Payment method? That's not what the customer expected, at all. How many people are going to hit the X button and just close the whole confusing thing?


Not to be Negative Nancy here, but it's difficult for most people, I feel, to understand what actually was wrong with the previous quick and easy checkout process, that it needed to be changed to this terrible, weird new one.

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Given this from your blog post on the "new" (2 years old, outside the marketplace) payment system:

"The Marketplace will begin using the same payment system as the rest of Second Life. In addition to providing a more consistent experience for our customers".

I'm wondering how it's at all possible for a discrepancy to occur between marketplace and account transactions. There are still billing errors occurring.

Is the failure point your proxy account (Currency Linden) that can still allow multiple purchase errors to occur and not be reflected in the account transaction history?

What is the need for a proxy account in a (now?) centralized payment system?

Is there a resolution timeframe in sight for having these two sets of records actually reconcile reliably?

What part of this provides a more "consistent" experience when it's handled completely differently from the billing page in my account where I add a payment method and then link it to a product. For instance I can't add a credit card and then on my billing page link it to marketplace. Where is the consistency bit about this other than multiple payment methods?

Shouldn't there be a breakdown of exact fees and charges when paying with cash/credit?

Are there any plans for merchants to receive cash for payments that the customer has made in cash without converting them to L$ for the merchant?

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This is somewhat of a double post, I mentioned it in another post but I thought since the team was looking here maybe we should post here to.

FYI...I have regular MP customers who are now shopping in world because they can't stand the new changes. Here are their complaints to me.

1. It's ugly and boring on the page with the payment option. (couldn't agree more).

2. Can't hit the backbutton to go back to the store they were shopping in after you pay. (haven't tried this yet myself, but I'm assuming it's true)

3. The processing time from clicking the buy button to process the payment is horribly slow.

4. You used to be able to add things to your cart and then if you're about done but just need 1 more item, you could click on Buy Now and it would let you check out for your whole cart. Now, if you click on Buy Now it only lets you pay for that one item.

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Looking through my records here, I see that e-mail and ANS notifications are both extremely spotty now. ANS became extremely rare after 6-24, and email notifications became rare a couple of days ago. To compound the problem, I have email notifications that no ANS notification was sent for, and vice-versa. This really defeats the purpose of automatic notifications of sales, if we have to verify them manually using the dashboard and/or marketplace reports. Any chance of fixing this regression error soon?

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  • Resident

Thanks for all the feedback. We’ve been following along and here’s where the noted issues stand:

  • The “Revise Your Item” link on the product listing page has been fixed. Merchants should now see this on their listings.
  • Non-payment of a confirmed delivery of a product (Merchants not seeing orders in their secondlife.com transaction history): we have been working on a fix for this issue and will be releasing it as soon as testing is completed. We’re working on a process to make payments to Merchants affected by this issue, which will happen once we have released the fix for this. If this has affected you, please file a JIRA and let us know which orders were impacted, and we will make sure you get your payments.
  • Reports of slower payment processing: We’ve been tracking transaction duration and have already made one improvement. We’ll continue to monitor and make changes as needed. The purchase process may seem to take longer because delivery now occurs during the payment processing, whereas it used to take place after the order checkout was completed.
  • Duplicate orders/deliveries/charges: we have only seen a couple of reports of this. If you are seeing this, please file a JIRA so we have more information to diagnose and address the issue.
  • Need a way to exit out of the payment processing portion of the purchase: we are looking at the options here.
  • Reports of delayed ANS records: please file a JIRA so we have more information to diagnose the issue.

As always, your feedback has proven very helpful as we make adjustments and improvement, Please keep the suggestions and questions coming.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

  • Reports of slower payment processing
    : We’ve been tracking transaction duration and have already made one improvement. We’ll continue to monitor and make changes as needed. The purchase process may seem to take longer because delivery now occurs during the payment processing, whereas it used to take place after the order checkout was completed.

As always, your feedback has proven very helpful as we make adjustments and improvement, Please keep the suggestions and questions coming.

This is extremely onerous for the Customer.

I have my Lap Top sitting next to my Desk Top.

While In World on my Desk Top I have ordered items on the Market Place on my Lap Top.

Thirty Seconds, yes THIRTY SECONDS after receiving the item In World the transaction was still not complete on my Lap Top.

This may not seem like a lot of time but it is extremely annoying when you are multi-tasking or you purchase your items one at a time in order to avoid shopping cart failures.

In the scenario above, I'll just close the dang window.

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I'll make your life easy ... it affects all orders for items that have 100% payment distribution to another account. ONLY items with 100% distribution are failing, and ALL items with 100% distribution are failing. On my shop account,this adds up to HUNDREDS of orders and TENS OF THOUSANDS of L$ ... do you seriously expect us to go through and list every single one of these? 

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JohnJR Romano wrote:

I'll make your life easy ... it affects all orders for items that have 100% payment distribution to another account. ONLY items with 100% distribution are failing, and ALL items with 100% distribution are failing. On my shop account,this adds up to HUNDREDS of orders and TENS OF THOUSANDS of L$ ... do you seriously expect us to go through and list every single one of these? 

This all the way.    What a mess!   



Why fix something that isn't broken?  Jeeze why do they keep screwing us?

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Exactly. Love the "only a couple of reports" comment. The nature of numbers says that if we're hearing multiple accounts of it here on the forums, then it is indeed happening on a larger scale to the total of tens of thousands of merchants who don't post on the forums or file Jira's.

No company should be doing this to their customers, mishandling funds in this manner.

Will be harping on this to them and to the government until we're afforded the same consumer protection as the rest of commerce in the real world and in online commerce. Unacceptable, LL. I suppose it's useless to ask why all these mistakes are always in your favor.

About those enhancements some people can't cancel ... is that fixed yet?

Or to the unanswered question on whether we can receive cash for payments to LL made in cash.

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Dartagan Shepherd wrote:


About those enhancements some people can't cancel ... is that fixed yet?




I used to have around 30 enhancements. After being charged like 6 times for each within a matter of days I cancelled all but a handful; some I can't edit at all.


Last time I slipped and bought 6 enhancements @ 999L each per month, I was charged 32,000L that very day. So will not be doing that again.

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The issue with no payments is still active, I just had a notification in email about a purchase but no payment in-world or in the transaction history.

I don't know if it was a multiple item purchase (only one from me) but for sure I don't have split profit so it is affecting normal transactions too.

Filed a JIRA and ticket and awaiting response.

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This new system is so bad.


99% fails

The new payment system is so slow. You can better buy inworld on a very laggy sim you are buying an item faster.

Its not fun anymore to buy online.

Please bring back the old system, and remove this BETA version.


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