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Where did my revise this item button go?

Deja Letov

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I'm sure the new payment method is all exciting for some and all...but where the heck did my revise this item link go. Right under price it used to allow me to edit the item I was viewing, now I get "At checkout, you will be able to pay with any supported currency." the "my store" option is such a better way to find products you need to edit than the listings page on the merchant account page. I need pictures. But now I can't edit from there? WTF LL...come on!

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One of the few convenient things they had implemented, and the route I always take to get into Edit the listing, they DELETE???????


I could click on a link in, say, an email, and go directly from there to edit, no search necessary. Now I have to go into the horrible so-called inventory, and type in a search term, then find the item, then go to the drop down and choose edit.

OH and don't forget, once you hit Update after editing, it doesn't take you to your listing SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!  But you could always go back in your browser a couple times and find the listing and reload it, BECAUSE THAT IS THE ROUTE YOU TOOK TO EDIT. Now I have to go searching through my store to find it and see how it looks.


Oh and now my link to my store no longer works.

I am going to file a bug report, and since they are now top secret, I hope everyone else will. 


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I've just spotted the missing 'revise' and it  it really is a pain in the proverbial.  I regularly relied on that feature to make quick ammendments as it was much more convenient than ploughing through the abysmal and depressing inventory page. You can always trust the commerce team to rob us of all the most useful features that actually save us time. It seems to me that the marketplace devs and geeks have no idea what the merchants they serve really require in the way of tools to aid commerce.


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Just adding my voice to the protest. If they only knew how often that button gets used to make minor adjustments to a listing.

By the time I go into Merchant Home -> Manage Listings -> type in search window -> find item in short list -> Action -> Edit........ah finally.....now what was it I came here to change again? :smileyfrustrated:.

But on the bright side, they've added the ratings to that right side column, which is nice I guess but not really as useful for merchants.

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Hi Rya,

Yeah, tell me about it! I have limited quantity items that I used to edit directly from the page everytime one sells. Now I need to look in the search of the general manage inventory, which is sooo slow that I need a nap between searches. Plus, I opened a ticket about it and the 'scout' who 'helped' me of course had no idea, and is arguing the only thing that changed was the payment addition, yeah, as if I don't use the MP pages several times a day to update stuff. And even worse, said that my magic box contained all unlimited quantity items that i need to migrate...as if we can put the quantities when we upload the objects there. Is terrible they put this interns helping customers, they have NO IDEA about SL or MP or anything.


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"they've added the ratings to that right side column"

Classic ! I never noticed that they slipped the ratings thing into the right hand side. So they have removed one very useful button/tool that many merchants relied upon and duplicated another which is of questionable value considering the rampant gaming of ratings that really goes on.

Trivial tinkering.  Anything to avoid actually fixing things like the borked 'Reports' section or improving the attrocious inventory workflow experience that they dumped on us when Xstreet was closed.


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I was under the impression that there was indeed a secret cabal of hand chosen merchants they talked to from time to time. Sworn to secrecy through a non disclosure clause with the threat of hanging by piano wire and surrendering their first born.

Way back in the market place early days just before they abandoned communicating with merchants here and in office hours they announced that they would choose groups of merchants for focus group sessions.

I've never heard or seen who got the invites but I'm pretty sure they chose  folks who were happy to tell them  what they wanted to hear rather than what they really needed to.

Maybe we'll be lucky and a whistleblower might pipe up one day in another forum in another place and reveal some of the secret circle conversations.


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Lasher Oh wrote:

I've never heard or seen who got the invites but I'm pretty sure they chose  folks who were happy to tell them  what they wanted to hear rather than what they really needed to.


Obviously you didn't heard or saw who got the invites. To be sure the participants didn't leak informaton, they had to be evicted. Duh! ;)

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I am going crazy with the lack of 'edit page' in the same page as it used to be, I have more than 1000 products, and since you are not supporting automatic reassociation for limited quantity products,  I need to reassociate as soon as they sell, the manage inventory page search is too slow, and many times doesn't show the product so I have to search manually.

PLEASE PRRRLLLEEEASE return the -edit page- in the pages, why did you take it out? What on earth could an innocent edit page button do to you? :womansad:

Plus, please tell your 'scouts' about SL, I opened a ticket and he said all my- Unassociated inventory items (99)- were unlimited quantities and would need to migrate, they don't know we can't put permits when we put things in the magic box, so it shows like that in the Unassociated inventory items listing. But the worse is that he insisted the -edit page- link was not part of the changes of the new design, and probably wasn't there for a long time. Which is not true, I use that feature several times a day! So believe me I noticed immediately the lack of it.



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