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Need a name for new avatar look!


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So I'm looking for a name for my new avatar look. so far the choices I have are as listed:

Meghan, Blake, Addison, Josie, Chelsea & Erin

Which one do you guys think fits the picture the most?



Thanks for the...uhm...suggestions.

 Maybe this picture will bring a bit more justice.. haha.





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D0RKiiiE wrote:



So I'm looking for a name for my new avatar look. so far the choices I have are as listed:

Meghan, Blake, Addison, Josie, Chelsea & Erin

Which one do you guys think fits the picture the most?







None of those fit whatsoever. They all suggest feminine, and/or pleasant. While you may not appreciate names that are critical, how your av looks is exactly what you're asking people to base their suggestions off. The avatar, as pictured, does not look feminine or pleasant in the least. I'm not saying it ought to, either. Everyone ought to be who and what they want. But if you're going to ask people to base suggestions off only a picture, you ought to be able to accept that not everyone will see the av as you do.

Me, I see a crotchety, probably very cranky woman. A woman who likely does not accept others, probably complains about the local kids making a rukus in the allery or any noise at all. I see a person who is not pleasant to the average person and is probably not very approachable either. I do not see someone named anything remotely feminine, or kind in nature.

I am not basing my opinion on who you are, or who you are try ing to portray. I am basing my opinion on what I see. Which is a cranky lady who doesn't like anyone. Probably has the name gertrude, beatrice, agatha, esther,  bertha, edna, maude, helga, beulah, etc.. They may not sem to represent grouchy people to some, but they are names of people I know are grouchy women.

One should never ask opinions if one isn't ready to receive ones they may not like.

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Don't be disheartened by those comments.

You have a unique and interesting look that strikes me mostly as a kind but overworked teacher.

The other thought that popped into my head was a scientist's assistant who is probably deeply in love with her superior but rather addled and scatterbrained in manner, probably doing things like handing him the wrong things when he asks.

I could though imagine that this is the look a housewife has after cleaning a particular dirty oven. Probably green rubber gloves for that one to override the frazzled teacher image.


At least you are /not/ a cookie cutter 7 foot blond and buxxom model with bling heels. Kudos for seeking something more real.


Definitely a Blake.


Me, I see a crotchety, probably very cranky woman. A woman who likely does not accept others, probably complains about the local kids making a rukus in the allery or any noise at all. I see a person who is not pleasant to the average person and is probably not very approachable either. I do not see someone named anything remotely feminine, or kind in nature.

Neva ?
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Of the names you listed I think Erin suits her best, but to me she looks more like a Daria (after the cartoon character). I can see her having the same characteristics. I love seeing people's avatars, if we were all the same SL would becoming very boring, very quickly.

Good luck with your choice and have great fun with your new avatar :)

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D0RKiiiE wrote:



So I'm looking for a name for my new avatar look. so far the choices I have are as listed:

Meghan, Blake, Addison, Josie, Chelsea & Erin

Which one do you guys think fits the picture the most?


I don't think any of the names really fit, but Addison and Blake are probably the least misfitting for me..

You probably won't want to hear this, but I instantly thought of "Roz".

I love that character and will probably become her over time.


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Since all the names you mentioned are human names none fit for this avatar, sorry. I suggest to look for names that fit mutants, monsters or aliencrossbreads (not the pretty kind of alien...more the.."I'm going to lay my eggs into your stomach"-kind of alien).


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

D0RKiiiE wrote:

If it would be a suggestion like...saying something criticizing my avatar, then yeah, probably.

Then I shall spare you.

combine it with the "invisible pony rider" shape, though.

You know what they say about two wrongs...

Grif, you KNOW that alrady as the invisible pony rider body.. c'mon now.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

combine it with the "invisible pony rider" shape, though.

You know what they say about two wrongs...

Grif, you KNOW that alrady as the invisible pony rider body.. c'mon now.

Well, those two "looks" are often seen together, but not always.

Hope springs eternal.

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Well then.. haha. So mostly getting Addison, then suggestions..then some criticism. Then something about naming myself like an alien? Smh, but maybe this picture will bring more justice.. to the look. (Hopefully..)


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D0RKiiiE wrote:

Well then.. haha. So mostly getting Addison, then suggestions..then some criticism. Then something about naming myself like an alien? Smh, but maybe this picture will bring more justice.. to the look. (Hopefully..)







Alien names?  I saw no alien names here.


Most you would not be able to pronounce.  But if you'd like one I might suggest:

  Abalamahalamatandra Vijayaraghavensatyanaryanamurthy

That is the best I can do transliterating it from the Martian.

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D0RKiiiE wrote:

Well then.. haha. So mostly getting Addison, then suggestions..then some criticism. Then something about naming myself like an alien? Smh, but maybe this picture will bring more justice.. to the look. (Hopefully..)



I think it does help some. She has a pretty face, I personally am not into the teeth look, but for some reason it's always creeped me out a personal thing, not a criticism. Make her who you want her to be, don't let anyone deter you from what you like. ^_^

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