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Kudos to the Moderators

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I am astonished that this sort of spam is allowed through in the first place. Sewing someone's leg back on after you have accidentally cut it off does not significantly mitigate the original incompetence. When are LL and Lithium going to implement an effective automated boolean filter which automatically cuts out content-free dross.

Awe . . . although I suppose it would eliminate 90% of the "real" postings too!

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

I wanted to thank the moderators for a job well done!

The recent spam attacks have been dealt with very quickly.


Thank you for a great job all around!



Not saying thank you when its needed is one of my biggest flaws, so as I try to work on that, thanks for the post.

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When are LL and Lithium going to implement an effective automated boolean filter which automatically cuts out content-free dross.

In the unlikely event that anybody is paying attention who could actually implement it for these forums, I'd guess you mean "Bayesian filter."

Yes, I'm being pedantic. In my defence, I'm also Paul Graham's greatest fanboi.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

When are LL and Lithium going to implement an effective automated boolean filter which automatically cuts out content-free dross.

In the unlikely event that anybody is paying attention who could actually implement it for these forums, I'd guess you mean "

Yes, I'm being pedantic. 
In my defence, I'm also Paul Graham's greatest fanboi.

That would be even better!

Awe . . .loves his "Hierarchy of Disagreement" too.

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Awe Thor wrote:

I am astonished that this sort of spam is allowed through in the first place. Sewing someone's leg back on after you have accidentally cut it off does not significantly mitigate the original incompetence. When are LL and Lithium going to implement an effective automated boolean filter which automatically cuts out content-free dross.

Awe . . . although I suppose it would eliminate 90% of the "real" postings too!

that's mean all your posts get deleted. Do you really want that?

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jwenting wrote:

Awe Thor wrote:

I am astonished that this sort of spam is allowed through in the first place. Sewing someone's leg back on after you have accidentally cut it off does not significantly mitigate the original incompetence. When are LL and Lithium going to implement an effective automated boolean filter which automatically cuts out content-free dross.

Awe . . . although I suppose it would eliminate 90% of the "real" postings too!

that's mean all your posts get deleted.
Do you really want that?

Would you like to post that again - in English perhaps?

Awe . . . thanks jwenting for an excellent example of content-free dross.

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I'll never understand why people congratulate the moderators for performing a duty of their job they are required to do regardless. Yes it's fantastic we have mods at all, but it is their JOB to remove them. Congratulating them on a job well done just seems weird, to me. Unless you're the person who thanks everyone and anyone for doing their job.

Maybe I'm odd but I expect people to do the jobs they're hired to do. I don't congratulate or offer kudos to the guys that pick up my garbage every week either. Though I appreciate that they do. This is their job, it's what they were hired to do, it's what they are supposed to do.

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I would put out yard trash and it would be picked up but I always had to rake up a small amount of leaves or in general clean up to some extent, but they did their job. But two doors down a friend would put out his yard trash and they would rake and pickup until it looked like it was never there. Then one day I saw him out talking to the men, they were laughing and having a good time. He thanked them for the work and what he got was a lot better job. And the best part about this is that he was my boss at the time, I enjoyed my work and he let me know that he liked the job I did. It does pay to say thank you. At least that has been my experience.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I would put out yard trash and it would be picked up but I always had to rake up a small amount of leaves or in general clean up to some extent, but they did their job. But two doors down a friend would put out his yard trash and they would rake and pickup until it looked like it was never there. Then one day I saw him out talking to the men, they were laughing and having a good time. He thanked them for the work and what he got was a lot better job. And the best part about this is that he was my boss at the time, I enjoyed my work and he let me know that he liked the job I did. It does pay to say thank you. At least that has been my experience.

I very much understand that it can sometimes pay to say thank you. I don't understand why someone believes saying thank you will make the moderators do a better job. It never has. Some of the same people that thanked them in this thread, have also been the loudest to **bleep** when the spam gets annoying on the weekend.

I'll stick with believing it odd to thank the moderators for doing a job they were hired to do.

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ImaTest wrote:

I'll never understand why people congratulate the moderators for performing a duty of their job they are required to do regardless. Yes it's fantastic we have mods at all, but it is their JOB to remove them. Congratulating them on a job well done just seems weird, to me. Unless you're the person who thanks everyone and anyone for doing their job.

Maybe I'm odd but I expect people to do the jobs they're hired to do. I don't congratulate or offer kudos to the guys that pick up my garbage every week either. Though I appreciate that they do. This is their job, it's what they were hired to do, it's what they are supposed to do.

i think it comes from the old forums when we had mods that would be gone for the weekend and the forums would be spammed up and eating up the pages..

it's nice to see spam that starts to eat up the first page stopped right away..especially on the weekends..

the men that come and pick up my garbage..they do a good job..i always give them something now and then..a glass of sweet tea when it's hot outside or if i am baking i will run them out something..especially on the holidays i remember them..

the same goes for the mailman..when it's raining he will get out of his truck and bring the mail to my door..

maybe it's a small town thing or something..maybe not..

not saying thank you because someone is doing a good job just never really accured to me..

i mean we sure as heck take notice when they are doing a bad job and getting paid for it..

maybe it's something that is in the eye of the beholder to determine and thank because someone feels someone is doing a good job..

after coming from the old forums before these and seeing the mods get right on the spam..

i've always been thankful for how fast they get on it..

where some forums with mods just let it sit there half the day..


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I let the cops use my driveway as a speed trap and bring them root-beer, so they won't tag me for five over. I chat up the garbage guys and give them weird ornaments for Xmas so they won't complain about that weekend when I emptied out half the barn on them. I leave treats in the mailbox so Dave the mailman will walk the mail to my neighbor's door when her driveway guy fails to clear the snow.

I'm not sure I'd leave a tip for an invisible hand that swooped out of the restaurant kitchen to scoop up the mouse droppings left by one of the li'l devils as he scooted across my dinner table.

I participate in several other forums, larger and busier than this. One enthusiast forum has over a million posts. I've never seen spam on any of them.

One might feel a little sorry for whoever has to clean up after the incompetence that allowed the creation of a forum that's so easy to spam, so I don't mind seeing the kudos.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I let the cops use my driveway as a speed trap and bring them root-beer, so they won't tag me for five over. I chat up the garbage guys and give them weird ornaments for Xmas so they won't complain about that weekend when I emptied out half the barn on them. I leave treats in the mailbox so Dave the mailman will walk the mail to my neighbor's door when her driveway guy fails to clear the snow.

I'm not sure I'd leave a tip for an invisible hand that swooped out of the restaurant kitchen to scoop up the mouse droppings left by one of the li'l devils as he scooted across my dinner table.

I participate in several other forums, larger and busier than this. One enthusiast forum has over a million posts. I've never seen spam on any of them.

One might feel a little sorry for whoever has to clean up after the incompetence that allowed the creation of a forum that's so easy to spam, so I don't mind seeing the kudos.

ya there are a lot of forums that don't get spam..that is a good point..it should not be happening..

so someone has to pick up on their slack..

i can understand where ima is coming from with someone that is just doing their job..just getting through the day and going through the motions..

if that is what they were getting at...


i can imagine the mods might be like..why in the heck don't we fix it to where we have a way that bots cannot get in..

it just reminds me a lot of where i work at..i work for an aluminum diecasting company..one of the largest in north america with 100+ machines going 24/7 right now because of auto industry demand..

where the company is laxing in fixing things that would make production go smoother which would be more beneficial for everyone..

they choose to just throw the work arounds  on the workers backs making it a lot harder for them to do the job they were hired to do..

the guys that work in production..the ones hired on as trim operators..they now have to become diecasters and robot operator and troubleshooters and line setup people..all at the same pay..

.starting at 10.50 an hour and their position topping out at close to 13.00 an hour..taking them 7 years to reach top out pay..

doing all this while machines are sped up to the point that they leave no room for error.


we've had 3 people pass out from the heat in just this week..


maybe i am just venting because i can't take the owner into a room and give them a good thrashing for how they treat people..

i just feel so bad for them this time of year..because i don't know how they keep up with so much that keeps getting added to their job and still have to take blame for when production falls off..


all these extra jobs they have to do for the same pay..and they still have to do their job..

now i see why there were unions made back in the days when unions were first made..


sorry for drifting..it's been a hot tiring week and even though i'm not out on the floor as much..i've been spending a lot of time out there because of temps needing training..

also i just feel really bad for the workers there..they come in worn out and drained from the day before and leave with salt covered shirts  from non stop sweating and the pace they have to keep up with all night..

i need to start drinking maybe? hehehehe


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Awe Thor wrote:

I never get thanked for doing my job.

Awe . . . that's just one of the problems of being a repo man.

dealing with places that give out loans..you had to know that would be a thankless job just going into that field..hehehehe

maybe try bounty hunter..Dog and family even have those they catch thanking them..:P

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'm not sure I'd leave a tip for an
hand that swooped out of the restaurant kitchen to scoop up the mouse droppings left by one of the li'l devils as he scooted across my dinner table.

(Emphasis mine.) ("Invisible hand" emphasis pending TBD Adam Smith joke.)

Maybe other folks have more of a personal relationship with the mods, in which case gratitude would be a natural response. To me, however, the whole process seems intentionally depersonalized: a force of nature; capricious, or perhaps sensitive to distant and unknowable butterfly flutters.

And yet, if such an abstract and ineffable entity can ever deserve blame, surely it also must be due earned gratitude.

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Yep, Ceka. That's why I don't mind seeing kudos for the moderator(s). I could imagine that LL underlings are as fed up with things as we are, and simply need the paycheck. Of course I can also imagine they're all a bunch of geeky social misfits who are so enamored of the technology they don't really care whether mere mortals can use it SL. Or they're all running scared as mobile eats their lunch. Or, the average SL resident would think the forum is filled with crybabies.

Ooooh, someone should start an LL roleplay sim, where we can all gather to pretend we are ruining the show!

Pass on a few hugs from me to your coworkers, sounds like they need 'em.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Yep, Ceka. That's why I don't mind seeing kudos for the moderator(s).
I could imagine that LL underlings are as fed up with things as we are, and simply need the paycheck.
Of course I can also imagine they're all a bunch of geeky social misfits who are so enamored of the technology they don't really care whether mere mortals can use it SL. Or they're all running scared as mobile eats their lunch. Or, the average SL resident would think the forum is filled with crybabies.

Ooooh, someone should start an LL roleplay sim, where we can all gather to pretend we are ruining the show!

Pass on a few hugs from me to your coworkers, sounds like they need 'em.

What might they be fed up with?

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Maryanne Solo wrote:

Howsabout a thank the trolls day?

What a wonderful Idea... your education is paying off.


Well of course you dont need an education to be an advisor now do you?

Or a DJ lolol

I'm not sure.  In my case, I doubt that I would have reached the rank of Advisor had I not had at least some education.  I would have to guess that some education is required to write a poem, submit it to an inane forum contest and get enough kudos for it to win that contest, but I could be wrong.  I just know that if I hadn't have done that, I'm quite sure that my rank would not be Advisor now, nor would it be in the near future.  Though I have my moments, I'm usually not consistently helpful enough to garner that many kudos from anyone, much less complete strangers.

As a matter of fact, I wasn't the least be happy when my rank changed because of that.  I even started a thread to complain that it shouldn't have happened, because I believe that kudos should be given for something that a person does that is actually beneficial to someone in the forum or to the forum community as a whole.  As far as I'm concerned, merely entering a contest does not rise to that level.

Consequentially, whenever someone tries using my rank to take a dig at me *waves at Suspiria*, I laugh, because what they don't know is that I also think it's ridiculous for me to have this rank as well... which basically renders their attempt meaningless.

The DJ thing, I have no idea, since I'm not a DJ... unless you consider someone that plays music at one of their own parties, a DJ... I know I wouldn't.  But I am happy that you got a laugh out of it.


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