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Ban Lines

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Hello, that´s an "old" discussion coming up again and again.

Like in RL you wouldn´t want people enter your house using your stuff or have a couple being naughty in your bed.

I had cases when i politley told them to leave when they either ignored me or called me really nasty stuff. Why would i pay for a home if anyone can use ?

The "i cannot fly" is wrong. You can fly above 50 meters or so. Another thing i wouldn´t want in real is having jets and ufos flying above my house lower than that.

Being online doesn´t mean there are no rules and everything is free. If all would respect a little bit of privacy, ban-lines wouldn´t be needed.

If you want to fly around in a plane or like superman, just go up to 500 m. You are free to roam and others are free to enjoy their privacy.


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Well monti, you are wrong on so many accounts, however we are all entitled to our opinion thank god for that ... 1st ban Line do stretch all the way up ... I had neighbours move into a plot next door on within a few hours they had banned me from their land ...now that's ok ..Although odd as I had never spoken to them or given cause to be banned ... 2nd this is not RL where you are right in saying we do not have jets flying around at 50M ... I also don't have many people flying about unaided either. 3rd) I have been to other grids other than SL and wondered why it was in many ways betters than SL ... and it struck me the lack of ban lines stuck out ...however of course the technically advanced servers  make SL a pleasant place to do things and other worlds don't ... but that will change ... ask yourself the questions why are the numbers declining on SL and maybe its a small part in the "**bleep** in the SL amour"

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Scubby Doobie wrote: [...] 
I have been to other grids other than SL and wondered why it was in many ways betters than SL ... and it struck me the lack of ban lines stuck out [...]

Perhaps those other grids lacked the option for landowners to limit access if they so wanted or deemed it necessary. Thank God SL does have that option and landowners here are free to use it... and you're all for freedom, right?

Or maybe you're just for freedom for yourself to do whatever you want... but not necessarily for others too? :smileyhappy:

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Did they ban you or put up ban-lines. That is different.

I gave up my house about nasty intruders using it as theirs or a sandbox. Griefers as well are a problem.

The problems with SL are not related to ban-lines, that discussion is as old as ban-lines.

Banned or ban-lines you can still fly above, sorry if i got the wrong height maybe its 800 m or so,...

You can hide the banlines if the visual borders annoy you.

This may sound rude, sorry, no one has a buisness on others land there is no exception i know about.

Privacy in SL is anyway a myth.

Other grids lack of physics or users ... maybe thats why they don´t need ban-tools.

One honest serious reason why ban-lines are bad and i change my mind.

Fly-over ? You still can just go up

Enter house ? sorry no you cannot enter my house without invitation

Use my ground to rez/try things ? I pay rent for and you want it as a free sandbox leave your rubbish, NO

Ugly look ? Yes i agree but as said simply hide them


This is not ment as an offense because i believe that everyone has to right to free speak and if they really bug you politely ask your neighbors or the sim-owner to remove them. Private sims very often do not allow banlines.

Hope you still can enjoy the rest of SL with them nagging "virtual fences" :matte-motes-sarcasm:


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No one should be allowed to use others land, there are plenty of tools/controls on your land to stop building, people seeing you etc. and such the like, I am not a newbie here I understand griefers and had my fair share of them  ... I am just passing comment, I for one don't like them, I think they make the land look hostile and unfriendly and although It would appear  am a lone voice on this forum ... I know very well I am not on my own as I have talked to many over the years and many have very similar views.

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Scubby Doobie wrote:

Well monti, you are wrong on so many accounts, however we are all entitled to our opinion thank god for that ... 1st ban Line do stretch
all the way up 
...I had neighbours move into a plot next door on within a few hours they had banned me from their land ...

Maximum "NO ENTRY" ban line height: is for all options 80 meter. Only the option 'Banned Residents' (named) has a 5020 meter ban line high, which is visible up to a hight of 800 meter above the terrain mesh.




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I live on a mainland snow sim.  A lovely place right on the water.  For months I had a pleasant neighbor who rarely was on her parcel.  She moved and another arrived, built a huge home and put up ban lines.  It is his right to restrict access and I have no need to 'go there'.  It was a simple click to shut off the ability to see the lines. 

He, also, is rarely home.  Suits me just fine.

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What makes you think you are entitled to a 'free world with no restrictions" ?  You aren't.  You are only entitled to go on public land owned by LL period.  Everyplace else you are there at the pleasure of the owner.   A land owner can establish any rules they choose and boot you off their land for any reason or no reason at all, even it is open to the public.  They also have every right to restrict access to it using ban lines and/or security orbs.  

You are right, there are other's that feel the way you do.  That is why there are choices in SL.  If you want to live in a place with no ban lines, many private estates do not allow them and some don't even allow security orbs.  You should move to one of those rather than trying to restrict other people's rights on land they pay for.  If you have found other virtual worlds that don't have them, you are also free to go there.

There is absolutely no valid reason why you should ever go on anyone's private land without being invited.  If you want to fly there are plenty of places you can do this.

As for you neighbors, maybe your neighbors banned you because they knew you were going on their land , without being invited.  You may not see that as a reason to ban people, but  other's do.

I don't buy that SL's population is dwindling, even in small part, because of ban lines.  If someone leaves SL because they feel entitled to go where they want to they probably shouldn't be here and I am not going to cry over it. 

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Scubby Doobie wrote:

The single most hate thing about Second life is ban lines, or restrictions .. I now note you cannot fly over properties because of them ... surly I cannot be on my own thinking we want a free world with no restrictions

What do you mean by restrictions? I may not be understanding you. As far as a free world with no restrictions, you would like to explore other peoples private land? No that's not called free world if that's what you are referring too, it's called I don't want to pay and use others stuff :) I have spent thousands in sl and I don't find it unfair to not let people on my land. I am not here to pay for anyone else's enjoyment. There are many public regions and regions people allow access to anyone, go explore those.

If you meant restrictions on waterways and airspace I can understand that, but as someone else pointed out, ban lines do not go up past 80M unless you are actually banned from the region. You can fly over that. Protected waterways, I have found that most people allow enough area for others to pass through.

Free world does mean just that, I am free to choose who I share my land with and you are free to choose to buy land or use public areas.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:


Ban lines and good imagination = this

some of you know what i am saying hehehehe


Ooooo!!!  I've done a bit of SL "trampolining" on banlined houses.  Never thought of doing tricks, though.

/starts looking through the MP for an AO...maybe my ice skating one will work.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:


Ban lines and good imagination = this

some of you know what i am saying hehehehe


Ooooo!!!  I've done a bit of SL "trampolining" on banlined houses.  Never thought of doing tricks, though.

/starts looking through the MP for an AO...maybe my ice skating one will work.

That brings back fond memories of bouncing off banlines in SL, but even fonder memories of jumping in RL. Thomas Edison said: "The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around." I love watching those young brains command those young bodies to so exquisitely carry them around... and around and around...

... sighs and pries herself out of the chair. I feel a jump coming on.

If I'm not back in a few hours...

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Yay!  I am glad you cannot fly over property ban lines now.  This should help keep some of the griefers from making life miserable for all of us.  It should also help keep the squatters down, who think we owe them and should pay for them to squat onour lands.   Over the years, some of us have tried the non-banline approach then got  slapped in the face repeatedly with griefers, stalkers, voyeurs, spies, and I lost count of the squatters. 

I remember coming home from work one day and tried to rezz a 1 prim pose stand and kept telling me the sim was full.  I knew that couldn't be right so I did a land check.   There was a squatter at 4000 meters with a  2500 prim/LI Castle and its' 3000 prim/LI furnishings taking up all the free prims I had.  Being the nice person that I am, I politely IMed and asked him to remove his things since he was on private land....he was online...and I gave him an hour to pick up his items so they wouldn't be returned in a huge lump. Went to dinner...came back...stuff was still there.  Imed him again and no answer so returned his stuff.  LOL he was a bit upset when the bed him and his date had been using was returned. 

You would think he would have understood he was not welcome to squat on the property I paid for each month but....nnnnuuuuuu.....this happened repeatedly for a few weeks  coming home to find the castle back up and no prims available.  Even reporting it to LL did no good. Finally, I set my sim to not allow public access...and was able to feel more secure.  When I did open it up once again, I kept coming home to find diffent people using one of my homes as if they owned it.  There was even one guy that kept arguing with me he owned the property just to impress the woman with him, who he had told he owned the sim.

And yeah, I do have a skybox up for my home smack in the  middle of my sim that does have a home security ball.  If my land IS OPEN and you are able to use my airsplace that I pay for you will be warned and you will be ejected if you get to close.  No one seems to have any manners anymore and respect the property of others.

I work hard for my money...I invest RL dollars in SL every month unlike many others, who do not...this IS my enteratinment every month....and no, I don't have to share my virtual land I pay for with everyone...those days are long long gone.

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