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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

@ Freya not making it personal at all, just asking with some irony what were  the reasonso f your point of view cause your previous post sounded to me more confused than mine prolly have sounded to you.

Without actually getting into the discussion, Astrid, I didn't understand very much of the post Freya commented on either. It's pretty clear that English is not your native tongue. There is of course not a thing wrong with that and I commend you for taking the time to try to translate your thoughts.

There is a limit to translation, though. My ONLY language is English. When I use a translator to communicate with someone who does not speak my language, I do my very best to keep every sentence short. I avoid any words that have more than one meaning (or at least I try).

Your post was quite long, and to someone like me who can speak and read English only, was very difficult to understand.

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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

I'll try to be clearer and to let you figure out what through irony and provocative messages I wanted to let you all sort out.

Aren't you the kind one. 

And what makes you think that some or perhaps many of us have not seen through your dupliciouness?


Astrid Kaufmat wrote:


To stop it one should really have what I provocatively proposed in the various posts that I posted in the threads about the CB attempts that you could read in the last couple of days.

To stop it you should stop the money  paradise and the washing money process that it's possible through open grid

To stop it you'd need a real severe policy about avatars verification a way like the one on youtube (where you need the phone number)

Otherwise any DMCA any Report, anyflagging leaves the time that it finds and would be just a loss of time and of eyes health to focus the words written.


If this is your serious proposal my response is this:

"To exclude the innocent because of the crimes of the guilty is a crime in itself."


What you are proposing is that before I am allowed to breathe that I must let a gov't or gov'ts take my fingerprints, take a sample of my DNA, scan my retina and register me in a data base. 

That is the end result of your proposals.

That is not freedom.  That is slavery and tyranny.

If that is the world you would choose to live in that is your privilege and choice.

It is not mine.

Is that provocative enough for you?

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provocative or no, irony or not irony.

Why do you think that it'd be a bad world explain?

After the 9/11 they have made youtube and mails much more restrtictive.

It was not only a way to stop piracy it was a must. to prevent people using for istance youtube to proclaim bad stuff or to teach how to make things  that could be used against mankind.

A part the copybotters don't you think that the  granted ANONIMITY  could make a favour to some criminals, who could use virtual worlds to make strange projects to apply in a real scenario?

More control could work also for that. Hence you like the irony.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

@ Freya not making it personal at all, just asking with some irony what were  the reasonso f your point of view cause your previous post sounded to me more confused than mine prolly have sounded to you.

Without actually getting into the discussion, Astrid, I didn't understand very much of the post Freya commented on either. It's pretty clear that English is not your native tongue. There is of course not a thing wrong with that and I commend you for taking the time to try to translate your thoughts.

There is a limit to translation, though. My ONLY language is English. When I use a translator to communicate with someone who does not speak my language, I do my very best to keep every sentence short. I avoid any words that have more than one meaning (or at least I try).

Your post was quite long, and to someone like me who can speak and read English only, was very difficult to understand.

Dillon I don't know what's wrong with my English. If you prefer we talk with numbers (that could be more universal language).

The problem a part a good or bad English is another:

a thing is not understanding another is when people don't want to understand.

There in the quote you propose I was just teasing  I got well what she means.

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Ahhhhh ! we should be thanksful to Astrid ! She comes to bring us the solution that we, poor blind and brainless users, and LL have never found against copybot. During all these years noone here had the needed insight to see where is the solution, while it was just here in front of our noses. Thank you Astrid ! Thanks to you we are now safe ! What a miracle !

Is this enough teasing for you Astrid, eh ?

In communication, ones need to be at least 2. The one who tell and the one who listen. When it happens that the listeners are more than 1 and that every of them doesnt understand the teller (or maybe they understand but just disagree, but well the teller keep saying the listeners doesnt understand) then it comes the time to the teller to ask her/himself about if her/his way to communication is the right one...

Oh but wait, no... its just we are too much stupid to understand you.. That's it... you are too much brillant and clever for such poor persons as we are .... Well you should find better place with more clever persons then... maybe like the Mensa.... you should be perfect there.

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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:


Why do you think that it'd be a bad world explain?

Simple answer (meaning that I do not want to launch into a long discourse here)  is this:

There is no such thing as a Beneficent Dictator.

In order for what you want to work and happen two things would need to occur.  All power and authority must be removed from the people and the right to self determination must be removed. 

If you would like a beginning primer on this, we will call the course Freedom 101, I would suggest the Declaration of Independence as good reading.

You implied in one of your posts that 9/11 occurred because Freedom is weak or a weakness in Freedom was exploited.

I will maintain that one of the reasons it occurred is because we have allowed Freedom's Rule to be eroded.

And lest any one misunderstands, by Freedom I do not mean Anarchy.  They are not the same thing.

Your utopian society as you see it is nothing but a pipe dream.  Welcome to reality.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Astrid Kaufmat wrote:


Why do you think that it'd be a bad world explain?

Simple answer (meaning that I do not want to launch into a long discourse here)  is this:

There is no such thing as a Beneficent Dictator.

In order for what you want to work and happen two things would need to occur.  All power and authority must be removed from the people and the right to self determination must be removed. 

If you would like a beginning primer on this, we will call the course Freedom 101, I would suggest the Declaration of Independence as good reading.

You implied in one of your posts that 9/11 occurred because Freedom is weak or a weakness in Freedom was exploited.

I will maintain that one of the reasons it occurred is because we have allowed Freedom's Rule to be eroded.

And lest any one misunderstands, by Freedom I do not mean Anarchy.  They are not the same thing.

Your utopian society as you see it is nothing but a pipe dream.  Welcome to reality.


i do like what you wrote here, Perrie and i agree with it.. but id like to make a rectification.

I know you mean "anarchy" in the archaic meaning , mess.. but you wrote in with a A and not a "a'". and then its not the same at all.. Anarchy, is the society project of anarchists (like Proudhon, Bakounine or Emma Goldman , but not only, anarchists are not prone to have idols anyway) and the project is really far from a mess... Anarchists are really organized pp and the society they dream about is also really organized but WITHOUT hierarchy. Of course, centuries and decades of capitalism and chistian society havent made it easy for the pp to know it and even in school when some teacher talk about it, its nothing real. 

Since its an ideology based on equality and responsability its pretty hard to have example of anarchist experience at a big stature, but we already have the example of spain 37.. and of course school just teach about franquism and civil war and make a lot of care in forgeting to talk about the Social Revolution that happened there...

Originally, the name "anarchist" was a provocation from Proudhon.. the real word was "libertaire" (but sadly, recently this name has been also stolen by the new "libertarians" who have nothing to see with Anarchism).. when he first wrote about the project of "Societé libertaire", someone insulted him calling him "anarchist" in the meaning of disorder.. and as a provocative answer, Proudhon said "yes ! im anarchist ! " then the word remained and i dont think its the best thing that Proudhon ever did.. since from then, its almost impossible to make pp know that Anarchism is not same as "anarchy" in the original meaning. (not the only bad thing he did btw, but its another story)

I know its not the place to get a politic debate about what is Anarchism here... but i just wanted to make this clarification...Thank you for understanding. :smileyhappy:

And so your what you say in the line above is not at all incompatible with Anarchism. in the contrary... lol


Edit : clarification

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Astrid Kaufmat wrote:


Why do you think that it'd be a bad world explain?

Simple answer (meaning that I do not want to launch into a long discourse here)  is this:

There is no such thing as a Beneficent Dictator.

In order for what you want to work and happen two things would need to occur.  All power and authority must be removed from the people and the right to self determination must be removed. 

If you would like a beginning primer on this, we will call the course Freedom 101, I would suggest the Declaration of Independence as good reading.

You implied in one of your posts that 9/11 occurred because Freedom is weak or a weakness in Freedom was exploited.

I will maintain that one of the reasons it occurred is because we have allowed Freedom's Rule to be eroded.

And lest any one misunderstands, by Freedom I do not mean Anarchy.  They are not the same thing.

Your utopian society as you see it is nothing but a pipe dream.  Welcome to reality.


i do like what you wrote here, Perrie and i agree with it.. but id like to make a rectification.

I know you mean "anarchy" in the archaic meaning , mess.. but you wrote in with a A and not a "a'". and then its not the same at all.. Anarchy, is the society project of anarchists (like Proudhon, Bakounine or Emma Goldman , but not only, anarchists are not prone to have idols anyway) and the project is really far from a mess... Anarchists are really organized pp and the society they dream about is also really organized but WITHOUT hierarchy. Of course, centuries and decades of capitalism and chistian society havent made it easy for the pp to know it and even in school when some teacher talk about it, its nothing real. 

Since its an ideology based on equality and responsability its pretty hard to have example of anarchist experience at a big stature, but we already have the example of spain 37.. and of course school just teach about franquism and civil war and make a lot of care in forgeting to talk about the Social Revolution that happened there...

Originally, the name "anarchist" was a provocation from Proudhon.. the real word was "libertaire" (but sadly, recently this name has been also stolen by the new "libertarians" who have nothing to see with Anarchism).. when he first wrote about the project of "Societé libertaire", someone insulted him calling him "anarchist" in the meaning of disorder.. and as a provocative answer, Proudhon said "yes ! im anarchist ! " then the word remained and i dont think its the best thing that Proudhon ever did.. since from then, its almost impossible to make pp know that Anarchism is not same as "anarchy" in the original meaning. (not the only bad thing he did btw, but its another story)

I know its not the place to get a politic debate about what is Anarchism here... but i just wanted to make this clarification...Thank you for understanding. :smileyhappy:

And so your what you say in the line above is not at all incompatible with Anarchism. in the contrary... lol


Edit : clarification

I knew I was using very broad terms.  Actually where you say "Since its an ideology based on equality and responsability," it comes closer to the definition of Freedom than what many people consider to be anarchy today, where no one has to take responsibility for their actions.

Sadly for the sake of brevity, sometimes one needs to use broad terms and hope that people have the good sense to see what is meant or intended by those terms.

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i know Perrie, and this is why i said at the start that i knew what you was meaning.. 

but the problem about this word is that is not really known and our societies since long time does all the possible to maintain the misunderstood and the ambiguity about it.. and well... like this, things can go on as they do.. so pp think that what we are living is normal.. 

i just wanted to clarify about this. :smileywink:, A lil gimmick i have since almost 25 years now lol...

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

You've had the gimmick since you were born? You certainly don't look a day older than 25.:smileywink:

ahhahahhahhahahhahah... you are giving me a good laughing Dillon. thanks for this sweetie.

but no... im not 25 since... hum... 19 years... sadly lol.... 

but well, pp never believe me.... althought that physically, i look older than 25 but still not like my age either....

i guess its a family secret...:smileywink: my mother, even at 64 still looks like a lil kid girl (even mentally sometimes) lol... shes cute lol... And my father looks at least 15 years younger than his age too...

The worst is my sister lol.. shes 2 years younger than me and shes a teacher. It happened often till recently, that someone from the college administration came in her class while she was standing at the blackboard and ask to her "where is the teacher ?"... or one day, they didnt want to open to her the door reserved to the teachers saying to her that as a student, she has to use the student one. lol..

edit : corrected one word 

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  • 2 years later...

Raelyia Bellflower wrote:

I am looking for the answer too...

###### took my L$350 (3 times since I thought I timed out) and I never got delivery, notification, email, ... nothing!!!

Four things to learn here:

Don't keep clicking 'pay'. Check if the money has left your account. If payment has been taken, it'll show up faster than the goods.

If that's a store name you've mentioned in your post, remove it. Don't bring personal disputes to the Forum; it's against Community Guidelines.

While it's often better to post to an existing thread than start a new one, a 3 year old thread on General Discussion isn't the best place to ask. The Answers section would be better. You might get a reply here, but it won't necessarily be the one you wanted.

The answer was given in the first reply of the thread. You'll probably not get a better one.

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