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thank god all landowners arnt morons


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Fabiano Dover wrote:


i'm more wondered you still have access to other places, your friendly attitude and respect for other peoples sims is amazing.

yes, starting to think of preemptively banning him from all the places I can

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Tex Monday wrote:


3. Continue to **bleep** and complain on the forums until you're blue in the face...then choose suggestion 1 or 2.

Good luck.

EDITED: that was odd...the phrase I wrote out was b**ch and complain and it automatically got changed when I posted. Wow..that's interesting

yes, apparently talking about dogs of the female persuasion isn't allowed on this forum.

I wonder whether you can talk about certain other animals like b eavers and p ussies :)

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Christin73 wrote:

You seem to get banned alot. Yes there are idiots that run alot of the sims. Personaly I would stick to those sims that like you and ivce versa..

problem is he doesn't like himself (would you if you were like him?), so he won't like people like himself either...

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Summer Tison wrote:

Apparently racetrack owners don't like you cycling around the track on a push bike....who'd have thought

My one and only ban :matte-motes-evil-invert:

was banned from a club for being supposedly "a child avatar". As I work in an adult region as a manager, I'm well familiar with child avatar rules, and make sure to not even get close to giving the impression I'm one :)

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I very rarely ban people right away, most people get a fair and polite warning and if I'm in the mood I'll enjoy a nice long discussion.

Especially as I'm always right.

But I am old fashioned and expect to be treated in a civilised manner.

So any kind of vulgar language or lack of manners will pretty much kill the chat and I'll ban and mute you.

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Jo Yardley wrote:

So any kind of vulgar language or lack of manners will pretty much kill the chat and I'll ban and mute you.


No one has a reason to put up with such treatment, so why should they? The only ones I can think of who might enjoy that are folks who happen to have a verbal abuse fetish - assuming the other person is also their type.

For the most part, OP you can safely assume most people you meet will react badly to being called a moron, or the use of swear words in response to a polite request to read or obey their rules. Also sometimes people just have a bad day, but somehow it's only the 'land owner' in SL who is supposed to be endlessly patient - never the visitor.  ;)

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Also never banned, and I've rarely had to ban anyone from my land in all my years either, happily. But those I've banned have always had a few things in common. Rudeness, bad language, leaving junk everywhere, antisocial behaviour towards other visitors, taking the generosity of a paying landowner entirely for granted. Generally those who believe that they have the right to take over, rezz and drive what they like, fire whatever poo they like at anyone else, disrupt everyone else's activities. I'm sure we all know the sort ;P


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jwenting wrote:

Summer Tison wrote:

Apparently racetrack owners don't like you cycling around the track on a push bike....who'd have thought

My one and only ban :matte-motes-evil-invert:

was banned from a club for being supposedly "a child avatar". As I work in an adult region as a manager, I'm well familiar with child avatar rules, and make sure to not even get close to giving the impression I'm one

Thats ridiculous Lala, your AV is only a bit shorter than mine. that person needs their heads examined

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