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viewer quitting


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I am now trying the viewer on a mac.  I have downloaded it several times but when i hit launch SL the viewer comes up for a momment and then i get this message "The application Second Life viewer quit unexpectedly.  Mac OS X and other applications are not affected." and the viewer dissappears.  Has anyone else had this issue?


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obviously a follow up on : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/Trouble-launchiiing-SL/qaq-p/2004703

In your former Post you wrote you have installed the 'Linux' version of the viewer,

but here you are suddenly talking about MAC OSX. 

(and Mac OSX is not an application so to say its an Operating System, such as Linux or Windows)

Make sure to download and install the correct version for your OS (Operating system). You can not make a linux viewer run on Mac OS, same the other way around.

Additionally with MAC's latest versions you have to adjust your security setttings.
Or it won't allow SecondLife - or any application other than the ones approved by Apple.
In this case enable the box "authorize applications from anywhere".

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