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Marketplace Feature Suggestion

Rival Destiny

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I would love to see this implemented!  A couple suggestions:

1. Allow the user to choose for EACH ITEM whether they want it shown on their wish list.  As a creator, I don't want everyone seeing what I plan to/may someday buy for full perm creation, but I do want people to see the clothes/hair and other items I would like to have.  I think this would be way better than a blanket 'show wish list' or 'don't show wish list,' otherwise a lot of people would just choose not to show theirs for various business and personal reasons. Also if it is implemented, the default should be "do not show wish list" for all items.

2. I'm not totally sure on this and maybe it's a bad idea, but... Allow merchants to view a list of people with their items on a wishlist.  It would be nice to see what people want, and also would give merchants the option of sending gifts to their customers for various reasons - gifts they actually want.


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Sera Lok wrote:

I would love to see this implemented!  A couple suggestions:

1. Allow the user to choose for EACH ITEM whether they want it shown on their wish list.  As a creator, I don't want everyone seeing what I plan to/may someday buy for full perm creation, but I do want people to see the clothes/hair and other items I would like to have.  I think this would be way better than a blanket 'show wish list' or 'don't show wish list,' otherwise a lot of people would just choose not to show theirs for various business and personal reasons. Also if it is implemented, the default should be "do not show wish list" for all items.


2. I'm not totally sure on this and maybe it's a bad idea, but... Allow merchants to view a list of people with their items on a wishlist.  It would be nice to see what people want, and also would give merchants the option of sending gifts to their customers for various reasons - gifts they actually want.


Awesome feedback, thanks.

1)  I think having permissions per item is a terrific idea. SL has such a diverse population I think as things progress, improvements and changes such as this little feature will certainly need to be carefully considered. 

Also, I couldn't agree more on the default! 


2)  Another great Idea IMO.  Marketing in sl has always been a challenge.  I think knowing what customers want goes a long way to help aid and strengthen the decision making process.  Get the info flowing both ways there.

Also, knowing what customers are buying goes a long way in creators providing them with what they want.  It's fine to see how much or how many of an item we are selling but it's another thing to be able to see a range of what a single customer needs/wants/likes etc.

Awesome input, thanks.  Now my mind is all over the place thinking of even more ways this can be used. 

Rival :)




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I have no issue with tyhis as a feature, i loved the old wishlist feature on Xstreet.

As to "But you seem to merely want to question the logistics and implementation and argue the fine points of implementation." You seem to have come around to my point of having part of it on an inworld profile, as opposed to earlier when you said "it sould only be on the MP and has no place inworld."

When talking about a new feature idea you will get people giving suggestions and add to the base idea. Seeing as you wont be the one implementing it or even making it, perhaps you should not take it so personally.

You have your opinion and everyone else has their own as well.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I have no issue with tyhis as a feature, i loved the old wishlist feature on Xstreet.

As to "But you seem to merely want to question the logistics and implementation and argue the fine points of implementation." You seem to have come around to my point of having part of it on an inworld profile, as opposed to earlier when you said "it sould only be on the MP and has no place inworld."

When talking about a new feature idea you will get people giving suggestions and add to the base idea. Seeing as you wont be the one implementing it or even making it, perhaps you should not take it so personally.

You have your opinion and everyone else has their own as well.

Yes sorry I wasn't clearer in my posts & that you misunderstood what I have been saying.  I don't recall discussing the logistics of how this would work, but I did say that having the Wish List mixed in with our Profile feed would not be a good idea.

With regards to what should be on the MP and no place in world, is the actual list.  Very possible I misunderstood but that's to be expected when discussing how these things will work.  Everyone has something to contribute and not all of us are going to be bang on.

When I first began looking at this, I had a rew ideas already and adding the routing of the purchase through the in world profile was just one of my ideas.  I hadn't expected this thread to include discussion of the logistics in such detail but I think it may be a good thing. 

Putting all our heads together I'm sure we can come up with something that would be suitable for everyone. 

I am just hoping to see it come to fruition. 

My glass is always half full :)

Rival :)

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This feature used to be on the JIRA site. God only knows if it still is, but I know I voted for it when MP first came to be. Sigh, I miss the days lf Slex and Xstreet....I digress.

It's a great feature suggestion and to be honest, I don't think it's nearly as difficult to enable as it might seem. I can tell you exactly how I would like it, and what I think would be ideal. Whether or not they could be, or can be, implemented is an entirely different subject.

Having a tab, link, checkbox, whatever have you, on a person's profile. This would be on both the inworld profiles and the web, thereby excluding no one from using/seeing it. The link would take you to the person's wishlist page. No need to be a merchant, no need to create a special account for MP. The link would simply allow folks to see what's on your wishlist. In theory, as a security measure(of sorts) they could make it so you can determine who can and cannot see your list. But to be honest, it's not a priority in my mind, so I put very little thought into that side.

When people get to your wishlist page, they can look through what you've got there, add to cart(or, the smart thing, buy individually, since the cart can be just plain stupid at times). This can be accomplished easily as part of this is already on the MP to begin with. When folks click on your item(s) in your list, they are taken tot he product page. There, they can use the "buy as gift" option. Voila, done.

Now personally I'd prefer the wishlist page itself have "buy as gift now" for each item. But I doubt that would happen if they implemented this idea. Not when they have an existing gift option available.

It's a great idea and I do believe in theory it works like a charm, and we know in practice at least some of it already exists, and it's doing not too shabby too. So, no reason not to implement it. Unless of course they really just don't have time to add nifty things right now. Which is probably exactly what they'd say, and what they're thinking.

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Nema Galicia wrote:

I realy like the idea,but would want it so we could narrow down who can see our list. LIke only close firends and family ect.

Thanks Nema!  One of my comments here outlines this aspect Nema...the feature could go through web profiles where you can assign permissions as we do for web profiles.


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Yeah I am liking this idea -- maybe be able to see people's MP favorites in their profiles, as a good starter.

I am trying to get people to use the web feed page on their profile more -- I have been using mine to promote my own new releases, but unless that becomes a common practice it is not as useful as it could be.

If the url of things people marked as their favorites in the MP could be linked to their web feed, that is another way that could be made extremely useful.

Especially if Lindens promoted it in their blogs : ))

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  • 1 year later...

I would love the ability to move items from the favorites into the cart.  I now have about 50 pages of favorties to scroll through when I am ready to spend my weekly stipend.  Then I have to go back and manually "delete" favorites so I don't purchase twice.  Quite a pain if you ask me.

Also once I have purchased an item in the Marketplace, it would be great if the item was somehow marked as "purchased" the way that Amazon.com does, again so I don't purchase things twice and so I have a way of knowing if I had purchased a demo or certain variant of an item.

IMHO this would make the marketplace a lot more buyer-friendly and help drive sales.  Not sure why e-commerce usability has not been a focus for LL yet.

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