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And everyone has one.

The world is made up of many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, moral fiber, etc. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make them wrong. Unless of course they killed someone or stole something or are just a piece of crap that treats others like a piece of crap. Then it becomes questionable.

Some people you..





Doesn't make them a bad person, just means there is a conflict of personalities.

Seems like the ones who get along in the world best are the ones who keep their opinions to themselves. All of us who post here just are not like that. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Just my two pennies! Have a great day/night!

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Staralien wrote:

And everyone has one.

The world is made up of many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, moral fiber, etc. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make them wrong. Unless of course they killed someone or stole something or are just a piece of crap that treats others like a piece of crap. Then it becomes questionable.

Some people you..





I will disagree.  You will always be able to verbalise a reason how ever meagre it may be.

The question will be the validity of the opinion.



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Staralien wrote:

And everyone has one.

The world is made up of many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, moral fiber, etc. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make them wrong. Unless of course they killed someone or stole something or are just a piece of crap that treats others like a piece of crap. Then it becomes questionable.

Some people you..





Doesn't make them a bad person, just means there is a conflict of personalities.

Seems like the ones who get along in the world best are the ones who keep their opinions to themselves. All of us who post here just are not like that. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Just my two pennies! Have a great day/night!

I suppose people who keep their opinions to themselves might get along, but I wonder where they end up. I think it's quite possible to get along with people while still expressing your opinion. You simply do so civilly and you listen while others express their opinions, always with the goal of learning.

I agree that my not agreeing with someone doesn't make them wrong, but I can disagree with someone because they are wrong. The trick then is to make my case clearly while allowing the other party to come around without losing face. We all make mistakes, we all get things wrong. There should be no shame in learning. Similarly, I rarely find myself in a position of such certainty that I can discount the other party's opinion. So, I state my position and the reasoning behind it and then I listen. And it's not uncommon to discover something new as a result.

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:


The ones who get along with every one else are the insecure ones who don`t dare to speak their minds for what ever reason, sheeple


I know more than a few bright, confident people who get along very well with others. They may be imposing characters, but they are respectful, they listen, and they are not afraid to change their minds. And they do not look down on people who change theirs, which is what allows others to engage them without fear of humilation.

There are, of course, people who back down too easily... and we all suffer for it. Confidence does not guarantee wisdom. Wisdom doesn't ensure confidence.

Oh what a pleasure when both come together.

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I`m notorious for making bad jokes with a grain of sarcasm or totally not understandable

The title just asks to not disagree with something and duh, i know ofcourse most get along with most others while not always saying what they think, i`m doing that most of the day here :matte-motes-wink-tongue

I disagree about disagreeing just for the sake of the dot:

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Staralien wrote:

And everyone has one.

The world is made up of many different kinds of people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, moral fiber, etc. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't make them wrong. Unless of course they killed someone or stole something or are just a piece of crap that treats others like a piece of crap. Then it becomes questionable.

Some people you..





Doesn't make them a bad person, just means there is a conflict of personalities.

Seems like the ones who get along in the world best are the ones who keep their opinions to themselves. All of us who post here just are not like that. :matte-motes-big-grin:

Just my two pennies! Have a great day/night!

As humanity has expanded the area of "civilization" many wild animals have had their population decline dramatically but there's one big exception - the coyote. Coyotes are actually more widespread now than they ever have been. I heard someone describe the reason for their success by saying, "Coyotes never get into a fight they can't win."

Makes sense to me.


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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

I`m notorious for making bad jokes with a grain of sarcasm or totally not understandable

The title just asks to not disagree with something and duh, i know ofcourse most get along with most others while not always saying what they think, i`m doing that most of the day here :matte-motes-wink-tongue

I disagree about disagreeing just for the sake of the dot:

I love to play devil's advocate, though she usually cringes when I do.

Years ago I attended a workshop on "brainstorming". The facilitator stood up in front of the group and laid out the rules of game, starting with "There is no such thing as a bad idea, so toss them in, no matter how whacky." I immediately put up my hand. She called on me and I said "There are countless bad ideas, and your stating otherwise won't make us somehow willing to aire them."

We all learn appropriate social behavior and we all have thoughts that are totally inappropriate to express publicly. I can sit across the meeting table from a fellow with a horrific comb-over without telling him it's just icky that he's stooped to using ear hair to get the job done. I figure such things take care of themselves in the long run.

But when I think my opinion can advance the conversation, I'm happy to voice it.

As for your sense of humor, it may be like mine. Is it sarcasm or satire you employ? I often hear people say they love sarcasm when it's actually satire they enjoy. Satire attacks an idea, sarcasm attacks an individual. I recently heard a radio discussion on this topic. I grew up in a family that hurled "unsults" at each other. Our banter would appear sarcastic to outsiders until they caught the wink in it all. According to the radio program, this sort of banter is common to males, which gives me yet another reason to peek under my skirt for a double check. Maybe we need a word for fake sarcasm?

Because I do love to tease, I try to make my affection clear, though not so much so that people get cavities.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

As humanity has expanded the area of "civilization" many wild animals have had their population decline dramatically but there's one big exception - the coyote. Coyotes are actually more widespread now than they ever have been. I heard someone describe the reason for their success by saying, "Coyotes never get into a fight they can't win."

Makes sense to me.


Theresa, I've got coyotes in my neighborhood. They followed the geese, which no longer migrate because the winters are now so mild. I love to hear them howl in the evenings. Some years ago I listened as the howling started south of me and drifted north across more than a mile. I know the howling can be both a gathering call and warning to other family groups, though I can't say I can't tell which of those I was hearing, perhaps it was both. During one of the cycles, a neighborhood dog, some yippy little thing, got in on the act. The coyotes immediately went quiet. I don't know for certain, but I like to think they were listening intently to the little snack advertising its location.

The neighborhood has lost a few pets over the years. The coyotes do indeed win.

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As i`m not a native english, maybe in this case it`s both

If it sounds funny in my head i say it, must have mixed or mislabled the catagory more then a few thousand times this year alone :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

Mix it all with some selfspot
Dry english type humor with a touch of dutch and mix it all up even better

Admit it fails most of the time and people think i`m weird :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

As i`m not a native english, maybe in this case it`s both

If it sounds funny in my head i say it, must have mixed or mislabled the catagory more then a few thousand times this year alone :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:



Mix it all with some selfspot

Dry english type humor with a touch of dutch and mix it all up even better

Admit it fails most of the time and people think i`m weird :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

I greatly enjoyed Dutch humor when I visited The Netherlands in 1993.

Is selfspot self deprecation? I've not heard that term before.

You live in SL, you are weird.

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I've seen answers already that agree with what I'll say, but that's never stopped me before.

I don't think the people who keep their opinions entirely to themselves get along best. I of course can't know for sure because I am not one of those people, but seems to me if one has an opinion, one should express it.

As regards people I don't/do like or people who don't/do like me: yeah sure. That can happen. There are people on the forum I don't like and who don't like me. There are people on the forum I do like but who don't like me.For all I know, there are people on the forum who I don't like but who do like me (although I hope that's not the case). If THAT is what you meant about not expressing opinions, I am in agreement. I do try to avoid commenting, negatively or any other way, on posts by people I don't care for. I don't always succeed but I do try, and I know that when I've failed in my resolve to not comment I have only myself to blame.

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Great Scott! Without opinions, how could I ever end up in the arguments that I love? If everyone is super-nice, and nobody expresses opposing opinions, there would be no lively threads. It would all bland and beige. So, for goodness sakes, don't ruin my forum experience by getting everyone to be agreeable.

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