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Do you think employees should give a disclosure with replying

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greek Wingtips wrote:

First I dont think it is a stupid thread and 2nd I have no problem if an LL employee shared there thoughts in forums if anything it would be a great thing for them to share our gripes and thoughts, it would eliminate many myths, but if I have a gripe or a complaint about anything I should have the right to mention it in here without the fear of anyone attacking me or discrediting me , by all means tear my argument down, but dont get personal if one does then bites back, hope that makes sence

Disagreeing with you is not the same as attacking you.  The only person that can really discredit you is yourself, which you seem to be able to do quite well enough without any help from anyone else.


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greek Wingtips wrote:

I have to admit when I do start a thread in the forums its sometimes is a moan or a dig or a complaint, but I have also given advice too in my threads , but sometimes what I tend to find if its a dig at SL or the 3th party viewers, I find some replies very suspiciously could be persons with a vested interest or employee my question is " should these person when reply disclose if they have a vested interest.

No, they shouldn't have to disclose. However, in nearly every thread I've ever seen an employee post in, they have disclosed. Also, everyone has a vested interest in sl, if they want to continue using it.

You should probably stop assuming people are employees just because you don't agree with them. You'd probably get different replies if every single one of your threads didn't have some jabs from you, at other people in them. You don't have to agree with all the advice you're given, and I'm sure you get some terrible advice, but you pretty much open the flood gates with your inability to accept that others might have a better answer than you.

Eta:-I know you're going to see that as a jab or personal attack. It is, however, neither. I wouldn't think, or feel, the way I do about your threads if the evidence was not right before my eyes in plain text. It is, though, and many have seen it, and commented. I'm inclined to believe they don't all have something wrong with their perception. If I were a betting man, I would wager more people sought fit to answer the way they did, or do, because you have an abrasive personality on the forums. That doesn't mean you're an abrasive person. It means the persona you present to people, in your words, often comes across extremely abrasive. It's difficult to converse with that sort of persona. It's even more difficult to converse and discuss only the topic at hand with that sort of persona, when it tends to throw out jabs at others. Yes people can debate the topic til the cows come home. People would be happy to do so, and only discuss the topic, not the posters. We do it all the time. The only reason in many threads, the topic moves to a more personal nature, is because someone takes it there. More often than not, it's the original poster, the one who started the topic.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

You say this as if being a LL employee is a bad thing. :smileylol:


I started to write a disclaimer but the post was getting to long. :)

I am certain that all the Lindens love their jobs and the company.

I mean, look at how many of them are cheering for the new JIRA system and lauding all it's benfits!

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greek Wingtips wrote:

SORRY DID I SAY??????you suspect the responder has a vested interest, PLZ READ WHAT I WROTE AND NOT WHAT YOU THINK

Yes, that's what you said or don't you read your own posts:

"but sometimes what I tend to find if its a dig at SL or the 3th party viewers, I find some replies very suspiciously could be persons with a vested interest or employee"

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Ok, can someone explain to me what its all about? Like a brief summary of this drama?

Well, I can't really put words or thoughts into Greek's mouth or mind, but it appears to me that he thinks some of us are Sock Puppets for Linden Lab.  The prime indicator of this seems to be any one who disagrees with him.

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Being familiar with your MO, I was just heading you off at the pass.  In the thread that inspired this one, you were accusing people of having a vested interest and even accused one of being INVESTED if they disagreed with you.  You tend to attack people a lot when they disagree with you, just as you are doing now.  I also found your post to be aggressive since you assumed people were vested in something without any proof and that they should disclose this, which you would then probably use as an excuse to discount their opinion. 

You also assumed that the word 'your' was a personal comment on your statements.  However the word can also be used in a general way meaning anyone that it applies to.  For example if a commercial says 'this product helps your body lose weight fast" do you think they mean you personally are fat? 

I am also well aware that vested and invested have two different meanings and that is why I used both words.  I don't do redundancy.  Someone has a vested interest in something if they stand to make a personal profit or gain in some material way from it.  Someone is invested in something if they have contributed money or labor into an endeavor with the expectation of receiving a profit of some sort in return at a future date.  I have neither a vested interest or an investment in SL or any TPV.

As to your question, yes I know for a fact that anyone that works for LL must use the last name of Linden on these forums or inworld.  I can't speak to if one may be using an alt, but understand this is against company policy so the chance is slim at best.


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Qie Niangao wrote:

Come to think of it, this all assumes that Linden employees, posting under pseudonyms, would be less critical of the Lab than the rest of us. That assumption seems unwarranted. In fact, I'd expect the opposite.


Brilliant. I had missed that completely but upon reading your post and applying the concept to my own employment, you're absolutely right! Nobody bitches more about the company employing me than those of us who work for it. So, MR greek wingtips—how 'bout a little full disclosure here? Are you or are you not an employee of Linden Lab?

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


Qie Niangao wrote:

Come to think of it, this all assumes that Linden employees, posting under pseudonyms, would be less critical of the Lab than the rest of us. That assumption seems unwarranted. In fact, I'd expect the opposite.


Brilliant. I had missed that completely but upon reading your post and applying the concept to my own employment, you're absolutely right! Nobody bitches more about the company employing me than those of us who work for it. So,
greek wingtips—how 'bout a little full disclosure here? Are you or are you not an employee of Linden Lab?

So true!

I worked for a company for ten years and the 'lets bash the company sessions' when we sales people got together got so bad one day I had to ask myself why I was still working for them and went and took a job with their chief competitor.




Speculation can be so much fun!  ;)

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Am not reply directly to your post just making this my end statement, it really does seem that no one can say a bad word about sl or anything , facts are people are fed up with bugs and crashes and problems, more tend to being fixing things than playing, this is not me makin a personal statement this is me speaking to many people in sl due to my job in sl,

that tell me, its not everyone but a fair % of people. for those that want to defend SL its your right ,but the end of the day SL is a bussiness and whiles other 3d virtual are arriving Sl should think about its customers ,and yes I am a customer and I pay for the privlage to play this game and anytime I can stop being that. I not going to ever write in this forum again, aint no point very few answer the question here are for bashing. I just defended myself enjoy your forum folks

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I'm pretty sure this is at least your second flounce. I'm just too lazy to go look for the other(s). I know you're not really going anywhere.

No one has ever been told they can't say an ill word about the lab or SL, on these forums. In fact, there are probably more posts doing exactly that than there are all other topics combined. So your assumption that people can't say a bad word about either, are completely off base. You're simply angry that people don't agree with you on a topic you started. People disagree with you that the lab should cater to people with less than perfect systems. In doing so, those people somehow magically caused you to assume they were employees of te lab. Which you openly accused them of. Not only that, but now you've started another thread, carrying that assumption somewhere else. You're only doing that, because you're butthurt, which is why people believe it's a stupid topic.

Condensed version-stop being butthurt and acting childish when people don't agree with you, then you'll have less to complain about and more time to enjoy SL.


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greek Wingtips wrote:

Am not reply directly to your post just making this my end statement, it really does seem that no one can say a bad word about sl or anything , facts are people are fed up with bugs and crashes and problems, more tend to being fixing things than playing, this is not me makin a personal statement this is me speaking to many people in sl due to my job in sl,

that tell me, its not everyone but a fair % of people. for those that want to defend SL its your right ,but the end of the day SL is a bussiness and whiles other 3d virtual are arriving Sl should think about its customers ,and yes I am a customer and I pay for the privlage to play this game and anytime I can stop being that. I not going to ever write in this forum again, aint no point very few answer the question here are for bashing. I just defended myself enjoy your forum folks

I think I get it now. Anyone who doesn't have issues with bugs or other problems with SL and/or one or more TPVs is a shill for LL and/or TPV developers. Mmmmkay.

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Congratulations, Greek, you just made my day... biggest laugh I've had in quite some time over these forums.


Just so you know... yes, I do have a vested interest in SL, and also a jacketed one. They come with buttons 'n all, but they're not mesh... mesh vested interests make me itchy, I prefer silky-smooth, sculpted ones.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

I have to admit when I do start a thread in the forums its sometimes is a moan or a dig or a complaint, ...

So, which is it this time? Nevermind, I could care less...


I just envy your all-over-tan from having the sun revolve around yourself.

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