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Worst Pics Of Your Avi

Jewel Laurasia

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This was how I looked in year 2007.  Few days old, trying to solve the mystery how come many other avatars look so much better.  I was too ashamed to ask anybody.  ashamed.gif 



I still have that saved in my inventory.  :smileytongue:

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How great I thought I was when I started in November 2007, made my own top, gloves (and what's with the size of the hands??!), and hair.  (Still didn't stop the desperados from coming onto me though.)



A couple of weeks later, with help from a friend, I'd got a more conventional look.

Marigold Mk II: Dec 2007

Dec 2007.jpg


A couple of months after that I'd discovered latexwear (!) and was experimenting with hair, still wearing a very commonplace freebie skin and shape.  Bot owner obviously thought red was a good look though.



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Marigold Devin wrote:


How great I thought I was when I started in November 2007, made my own top, gloves (and what's with the size of the hands??!), and hair.  (Still didn't stop the desperados from coming onto me though.)



A couple of weeks later, with help from a friend, I'd got a more conventional look.

Marigold Mk II: Dec 2007

Dec 2007.jpg


A couple of months after that I'd discovered latexwear (!) and was experimenting with hair, still wearing a very commonplace freebie skin and shape.  Bot owner obviously thought red was a good look though.



lol ! i had almost the same hair than you at my first days.. i made also myself the first outfit but was all in black. it was supposed to be black leather but i bet i was the only one to know lol.

Well now i feel less ashamed that i know im not the only one who worn pink hair made with the edit appareance lol....

Well indeed, after some days, i had some clue about the secret for looking at least acceptable lol... but it took some long weeks for my avi look at something not so ugly.

ETA : shamely (or fortunately ?) i dont have any pic from this time... first i didnt know that i could make pics and how to do them, and second my old laptop burnt 2 years ago, and hard drive aswell .. so i lost everything that was in it. Well at least there are no evidence about how i looked except in my memory. lol. i bet this is not bad at all.

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I sadly have no pictures of my early newbie-moments, on my oldest pictures that I have, I look more like a barbiedoll in the making....I could recreate my newbie-look, I think. Because the place where I got my first stuff is still around.



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There are very few pictures of Madelaine Marbach (my first incarnation) in existence. I deleted all but this one.

This is from my second day in SL, April 8, 2008. I'd just been given L$250 by a kindly woman. I expressed my desire to purchase beautiful hair, though apparently not by actually doing so. As you can see, I'd not yet learned to dress myself...

Maddy, April

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This could be the anti-vanity thread.


This is the earliest image of me in SL that I can find. A lot of pictures got saved out to PC to save L$, and not many were saved as I switched machines. That's my alt in a mostly home-made fae av. Not sure what's going on in the background. System hair & skin, I'm sure. The date on the image is 11 days after my first appearence in SL.

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LOL It also took several days of wandering the grid wondering why everyone looked good and I looked like a bad toon before I stumbled into shops. (There weren't as many around then)

I didn't know about camera controls yet so to see myself I'd TP to a place that sold one of those mirrors that you sit on and it turns your avi around and inserts you in the frame to on your screen it looks like  a mirror.

Here I am in 2006 with my 1st skin, which was the state of the art then and FLEXI !!!! hair and clothes (flexis had just been introduced and weren't widely available. Still a lot of system skirts and prim skirts made out of cones that looked like we were wearing giant ringing bells  when we walked) I had finally figured out camping was a waste of time and bought some lindens to spring for skin, hair, eyes and an outfit.  I was so hot I lit the campfire but just walking up to it :smileywink: , or so I thought. LOL  This was the first picture I was able to take of myself since I had finally figured out the camera controls.

1st Pic.png

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Marigold Devin wrote:


How great I thought I was when I started in November 2007, made my own top, gloves (and what's with the size of the hands??!), and hair.  (Still didn't stop the desperados from coming onto me though.)






I laughed so hard at this I had to get cloth to clean my screen!  I too made a very similar fashion statement with those textures with an outfit I made all by myself my 2nd day.  I still have it and bring it out for a laugh now and then. LOL.

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Haha, I love looking at old pics.

Sadly all of my first pics, are not on this pc. Many of them were lost actually :(

But I have a few :D (these are all 2008 though). My graphics back then were onboard and, beyond crappy. Although to me, they were just fine. About a year later I got an actual graphics card, and OMG the difference, lol.

My first home, well, first land, but the, about 3rd actual house I put down, lol. Was still in the process of decorating at the time. Those are my guard tigers keeping a watchful eye while hubby was away.


One of the first outfits I made, that I have pics of(and we still wear) Gnome Jammies :D(that's hubby there with me)


Hubby's first fishing trip. I got him hooked, pun intended, on 7seas. My bad. That's me on the stump, he's on the dock and an old friend inbetween.


Hehe, had him so hooked I put out 7seas on our land. Real men wear pink, you know :)


Fishtank attached to the house for all our 7seas catches. Ok, most of them. And yes that is the pink tree that drops "flowers"...sigh, good times.



ETA:- I should add, ok, wanted to add, that shortly after these pics were taken, hubby proposed ;) I know, it has nothing to do with the topic,  I just like remembering it, hehe.

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Jewel Laurasia wrote:

The gnome jammies are priceless.


And your husband is a brave man for wearing them.

Haha, yeah they were pretty funky. On the butt there is one big mushroom on each cheek, lol.

He's probably just glad I didn't post the ones of him in his bikini :P

But he's a pretty awesome guy, I'm rather fond of him :D


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

This is from my second day in SL, April 8, 2008.

 You did better than I hehe From my second day in SL October 15th 2006.

(I can't believe I'm posting this  :matte-motes-agape: I have one earlier but I'm saving it for another thread) LOL

I bought hair and a skin later that day. :matte-motes-smitten:


Castle Rock.png



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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

LOL It also took several days of wandering the grid wondering why everyone looked good and I looked like a bad toon before I stumbled into shops. (There weren't as many around then)

I didn't know about camera controls yet so to see myself I'd TP to a place that sold one of those mirrors that you sit on and it turns your avi around and inserts you in the frame to on your screen it looks like  a mirror.

Here I am in 2006 with my 1st skin, which was the state of the art then and FLEXI !!!! hair and clothes (flexis had just been introduced and weren't widely available. Still a lot of system skirts and prim skirts made out of cones that looked like we were wearing giant ringing bells  when we walked) I had finally figured out camping was a waste of time and bought some lindens to spring for skin, hair, eyes and an outfit.  I was so hot I lit the campfire but just walking up to it :smileywink: , or so I thought. LOL  This was the first picture I was able to take of myself since I had finally figured out the camera controls.

1st Pic.png

The flexi-hair makes all the difference, and your avatar doesn't look bad for the time.

What I'm loving about seeing all these old photos is the backgrounds; look how far the graphics/lighting has come.  The skies, the sea (reflections!), shadows, etc. And yet didn't we love our SL just as much back then? It all seemed so magical and ... pretty?!

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Haha definitely. I think that was my 0-slider shape. All of the sliders on the shape are set to 0. And the one I made where they're all set to 100 is equally as disturbing. It's crazy how somewhere between those two extremes are normal human beings.

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