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"We've removed one of your listings"... but I can't find it

Sera Lok

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Along with the e-mail about corrections (yay, I'm excited to see progress on this!) I received a notification when I logged into my MP product page that one of my listings had been removed because it didn't adhere to Marketplace Guidelines. However, I have combed through all my listings and, unless they fully deleted the listing, there is not anything unlisted that I need to reactivate. 

Did anyone else get the same message and can't seem to find what was unlisted? I have no idea what's happened but thought I'd post here before sending in a support ticket about it.



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It's just happened to me also, for the first time, and now I can't even use backpage to find the opening message..it's entirely poofed. Like the others here, I've wasted a good half hour plus combing through my listings, wondering what on earth has been delisted, and why. Nothing comes up under unavailable or unlisted, and everything has a friendly green tick.

All I can think of is that last week, I had an email saying that LL was offering to remove three bugged listings (the ones with the wrong images we've all had for over a year). The ones they showed me I'd never noticed before, but they missed the one that's been annoying me all year....grin. I thought it was nice anyway and agreed that the ones they'd 'found' could go. The buggy one is still there, looking all cheap and nasty in the middle of a page of pearls :(

Sooo..that's my only thought, that something was removed during that process..goodness knows what or why. Thankfully, nobody's precious seconds at the LL office were wasted by sending a few informative notes.




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Yeah, I finally got my email with a list of about 5 items that needed to be fixed. I'm glad to see at least something is being done about the wrong images. I just wish I could get rid of those listings completely. I've since recreated them in my store, so I no longer need the invalid ones to be shown... Kudos to LL for trying to resolve this long standing issue, at least.


~*~ Dreamy ~*~

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