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Can't Teleport (it has been like this forEVER!) every viewer


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I uninstalled and reinstalled. Nothing.

I asked my  bf to log on to my account thru his computer  he did and even he couldn't teleport. So it's not my computer.

I did everything here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Landmarks-teleporting-and-SLurls/ta-p/700123#Section_.1a

IT STILL doesn't work! I love SL why can't I teleport anywhere? I am forced to use Webkinz, do you know how horrible that is?!

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I know you say you've tried everything but are you sure you detached all attachments? This includes hair, shoes, jewellery, weapons, HUDs and so on. Only wear system clothes. The most common cause of teleporting issues is a badly scripted or heavily scripted worn item. I've had shoes that stopped me teleporting anywhere.

Can you log in to another location other than your home location?  

Do you use RLV. Could teleports be disabled in some way?

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