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Private Group Invite / Eject

Kenn Nilsson

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I have a need to manage members of a private group by automatically inviting new members after they perform an action AND automatically ejecting old members after a certain amount of time has passed.

My initial thought has been to look into bot scripting and host a bot on one of my linux servers.  I could then relay commands to the bot through objects that receive information from a website.  Unfortunately, searching around the interwebs has led me to find only one "bot library", and that was in C# ... which I'm not keen to try to install on my server.  I was hoping more for a Java or Python run bot.

Because my searches have turned up nothing ... I figured I'd ask the community.  I don't necessarily have to use a bot, but I don't see any other way of automatically managing a group roster.  Any ideas?

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Yeah, I think you're stuck with some sort of bot, inasmuch as LSL has no interface to group functions such as invite and eject.

If it were me, I think I'd just use one of the bot services that already provide this functionality, unless it were "mission-critical" or a core feature of some product I wanted to offer. They're not very expensive (like... under L$100/wk, if memory serves), so it's pretty difficult to justify much development time reinventing that wheel, if you can absorb the risk that they'll go dark without notice.

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Thanks for the reply.  I agree that the services are relatively cheap, it's more that I always enjoy the process of learning how to accomplish something new.  I'm also concerned that existing bot services may not be able to eject users from a group ... they all mention group invite, none mention group ejection.

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