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Lost Inventory? Asset Server Issues?


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A few people have told me horror stories of losing large chunks of their inventory recently?  Someone mentioned it could be due to Asset Server Issues?


Has this happened to anyone else?  Can someone explain?



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bk99 wrote:

A few people have told me horror stories of losing large chunks of their inventory recently?  Someone mentioned it could be due to Asset Server Issues?


Has this happened to anyone else?  Can someone explain?



Are you digging for dirt for your virtual rag (pops)?

Short answer, yes there have been people with inventory loss problems.  But personally speaking having been in SL around six years I don't personally know any one this has happenned to.  So anything I would say would be hearsay.

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Yes, today I can not access any of my inventory, plus, when I tried to change outfits


I became a ghost. I have tried everything I know but nothing helps


I am so upset as I have spent too much money on this avi to have to resort to buying


A new one plus all new clothes.


If anyone has any suggestions, beyond what normally would resolves this


Please help.



About to just give up



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Well it still sucks, since I have no way of knowing if I will get back my lost inventory. Which includes my best avi

and all her outfits. I paid someone to tweet her. So, that can  not be gotten back by a store. ( even if a store was so kind to replace something not due to their fault) 


To me is Linden labs created this problem they should restore all our lost inventories. Not leave it up to us getting back

to the stores. 


Still upset ........ But trying to be nice 



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I tried to rez a box full of thousands of lindens of furniture on my land.  I got no error message but the box also didn't appear when I rezzed it.  It has disappeared from my inventory.  I have checked lost and found, done an area search, searched my inventory for the name of the box, relogged, and the item is still missing.  I have no record of what was all in it but it was a lot.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  It would be horrible if I lost all the contents.  :matte-motes-crying:

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Yes, you're right it does suck, but hopefully your missing inventory will turn up. 

It really has been a bear of a day.  Some of us have been stuck in demo hair and green skin, and have spent a fair amount of time laughing at each other (and actually trying to out-do each other on how stupid we've ended up looking, half as one thing, half in another, when inventory has failed to completely load), but the serious side is that some content might have been lost - we don't know yet - and no doubt a lot of content creators will have got piles of notecards and IMs waiting for them asking for redelivery of items. 

Linden Lab, though, have their backs covered, by this portion of the of the Terms of Service:



4.5 Second Life is subject to scheduled and unscheduled service interruptions and loss of server data, which you do not own and for which you will not hold us liable.

Linden Lab may on occasion need to interrupt the Service with or without prior notice. You agree that Linden Lab will not be liable for any interruption of the Service (whether intentional or not), and you understand that except as may otherwise be specifically provided in Linden Lab's Billing Policy, you will not be entitled to any refunds of fees or other compensation for interruption of service.

Likewise, you agree that in the event of data loss, we will not be liable for any purported damage or harm arising therefrom.  Linden Lab owns the bits and bytes of electronic data stored on its Servers, and accordingly will not be liable for any deletion, corruption or data loss that occurs in connection with the Service.  Linden Lab will solely determine any disposition of the electronic data stored on its Servers and will have no obligation to reproduce, process, transfer, extract or recreate any data from its Servers. 



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Dont ever ress nocopy items until linden fix their servers.

As best i can determine due to recent code changes th is is what happens.       

1.      you ress a nocopy item. the item is due to being nocopy removed from inventory.

2.     lag or other issues  causes a cannot ress problem. the processing of the ress attempt is aborted with a cannot ress due to blah  reason

3.    item if being nocopy is supposed to be placed back in inventory.  but that has been lindened. so it dont happen.

Result: if there are any processing errors ressing a nocopy item its now lost forever
Conclusion:  dont buy or use nocopy items


Change your active group to one that cannot ress items on your land. Try place a nocopy item on your own land.

Watch the item poof



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If you are having inventory trouble some steps to take ->


First thing you should try to do is clear your cache.  Clearing your cache will force you to download your inventory from the asset server again.  This can sometimes restore lost items.  It does not, however, always work.  And for a short time while your inventory downloads you may be a "cloud."  It is recommended you clear your cache in an empty sim, or near empty sim so you can download the most important pieces back quickly.


Edit -> Clearing your cache is accomplished by opening Preferences in your viewer (Hotkey Control + P), and going to the Network & Cache tab and pressing the Clear Cache button.


Check your Lost and Found folder to make sure your item did not get kicked back to your inventory from where you tried to rez it.


Check your Trash folder just to be very certain it's not in there by accident.


You should always avoid buying no copy items from anybody, as it is a somewhat known problem that the asset server has a hiccup once in a while and it is important to stay up to date with Second Life Grid Status Reports in which Linden Labs makes residents aware when the asset server is having troubles.  When the asset server is undergoing unscheduled maintenance Linden Labs recommends to all residents to refrain from making purchases on the Marketplace, from building, or rezzing no-copy items inworld.


If after clearing your cache your inventory items are still missing, politely attempt to contact Second Life support.  They are not likely to restore a lost item if you have not tried clearing your cache first.

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On Saturday just gone it said on the Grid Status website that unscheduled inventory maintenence was being carried out and all usual warnings about not rezzing un copy items and Avoid Linden Transactions. on Saturday I decided to take back an object that was non copy but failed to derezz.


however it appeared in my inventory and the original object stayed where it was. I quickly TPd to my second location and rezzed said object and I realised this object had duplicated. so yeah a summary. SL messed up yet again for loads of people. Just hope you manage to get your items back.


May I suggest (unsure if it will work) have you tried clearing your cache and group cache sometimes works for me

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Apparently this round of restarts will see the start of the introduction of Server Side Baking to SL, and judging by the results we have seen so far this is not something to be looked forward to. For what it is worth empty your cache log out and relog.  This is your best chance of getting lost items back. Then get the newest viewer possible of your choice, Firestorm came out with a SSB ready viewer today, but I am sure others are doing the same thing. Install that viewer and be patient, for judging by LLs past record this will be a long hard ride and there is no guarantee they will get it right either now or in the near future, however, rest assured they will insist on blaming everyone from our isps, to third party viewers, to the fact that Mercury is in retrograde.  Truth is though no one including LL has a clue if this will work or not and quite frankly we should not expect LL to care one way or another.

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I lost about 30K last summer. So it does happen. Why? Don't know, my  ownly theory was I was emptying my trash when I had a crash using the LL viewer (may or may not matter). The viewer "hung up," and when I relogged, the inventory was gone. It impacted my 3 year business and required my having a different frame of mind about SL. Here's my post, somewhat abrivated after the intial frustrations.

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Inventory loss does happen and I am with Faye on this. I have had three MAJOR inventory losses in the last five years. One was my complete home and garden folder with maybe 10,000 items. A RL friend of mine lost her whole store inventory. So it does happen.

One thing I can tell you is that items  sometimes come back, not all and not where you would expect them. So for example in June you may find your "Super Duper AO with 50 dances" in your underwear folder (nope, not kidding). So keep an eye out for that.

After my past experiences, I now keep multiple backups of items. So I have them in their regular folder (like jeans) and then also in a Backup folder by year and type. I also keep third backups of home and garden items. I still lose things but it isn't as tragic as in the past.

You can also box up copies of items and rez them in world for safekeeping. If you do this be SURE AND USE A BRAND NEW REZZED CUBE, not another object. One time I thought I would be clever and put backups in a book. The book was still there after an inventory loss (rezzed in world) but it had reverted at some time to a former version of itself -- EMPTY. :D.


Good luck. I know it hurts. The sort of good news is that in a year most of the things you lost will be outdated. That doesn't help much I know.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

Inventory loss does happen and I am with Faye on this. I have had three MAJOR inventory losses in the last five years. One was my complete home and garden folder
with maybe 10,000 items
. A RL friend of mine lost her whole store inventory. So it does happen.



From what I've heard, the servers send inventory to the viewer one folder at a time, and there's a timeout that is triggered when the viewer can't get a folder's content in a certain amount of time, after which it gives up on it so it doesn't keep trying forever. This can be triggered by folders that have a very large number of items and the number I heard mentioned is (wait for it...) about 10,000 items. Try logging in from another physical location on the fastest connection possible and see if the missing folders show up, and then breaking them up into smaller folders. 

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Is there a way to find out the number of items in an individual folder?  For instance, I would love to know how much of my inventory were actual items vs. how many were links (like in outfits).  Does that make sense?

Any tricks about how to show this would be greatly appreciated!!


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