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Hide/show prims with menu

Suki Hirano

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I was wondering if there is an open source script somewhere that includes a simple touch menu that hides/shows certain prims in a multi-prim object. For instance I click the object, then given a few choices in a menu like "hide all green", "hide all red", "hide all", "show all", "show all green", "show all red", etc, according to the object's description parameter, or some linkset identification number. I know I can insert a copy of the script into each prim but I heard that would be redundant and memory-heavy. And this only works if the owner touches the object of course.

I'm new to scripting so I only got the hide/show part understood. (Source: marketplace script, I made some minor mods)


string showCommand = "show";
string hideCommand = "hide";
integer channel = 9;
integer time = 0;
integer swithToPhantom = TRUE;


    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (msg == showCommand)
        if (msg == hideCommand)
    on_rez(integer start_param)


If you have some time and would like to help me with this please IM me inworld or post here.


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Basically, what you'll want to do is name each of the prims in your structure according to their color si that you have a flock of prims named "green" and another flock named "red" and so forth.  Then your menu choice to turn all the green ones transparent could look something like

if (msg == "green off"){    integer i = llGetNumberOfPrims();    while(i)    {        if (llGetLinkName(i) == "green")        {            llSetLinkAlpha(i, 0.0, ALL_SIDES);        }        --i;    }}

 There are other ways to accomplish the same thing, and there are ways to compress the menu choices into a more elegant structure, but that's the basic idea.  Once you have named each set of distinctly-colored prims, you use a mechanism like that to target the set and turn it ON or OFF.


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