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Firefox: Is anyone else having any problems?

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I had been viewing SL with another member of my household and decided to join yesterday. Since the other person uses Safari, I decided to use Firefox to help distiguish the two accounts. Unfortunately, this caused me problems from the moment I tried to enter inworld. I spent all last night in live chat with support. When I tried to view my new house Firefox started opening new tabs that were blank. In the couple of seconds it took to stop this, 728 tabs had been opened.

Any time I try to enter inworld, this happens. The other member here uses Safari with no problems. We use an iMac i5; it is two years old but just had a new hard drive installed last week so it is fresh and clean. Support had me try going into my Applications Folder and launching SL from there. This works but first you forget that you have to complicate the process when you want to launch and second, it is going to complicate getting anywhere you find on the website. Such as, you are shopping and want to check out some land or a shop, since I have been rebuilding the history on both browsers (force quitting erased the memory on Safari too) I have not had a chance to try this yet but I do not expect it to be seemless.

We cannot use the second computer as it is too old to handle SL but both accounts have been set to allow multiple viewers. That is about as thorough as I can be, is anyone else having a similar problem with Firefox, or any other browser?

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Maybe its me...but how does a browser is needed at all (after doing the download) to use SL at all?

I mean...SL is not a browsergame. After downloading and installing the viewer there should be no problem...at least none that has to do with what browser you are using.

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Mustang wrote:

I decided to use Firefox to help distiguish the two accounts.


You don't use a web browser to run Second Life, you need to download a Viewer, don't even start a web browser when you start SL.

Maybe someone else can help with a viewer that can run on an older computer. Look on the Third Party Viewer page and find another viewer there. Not sure of the name but something like Catnip, haven’t used it for months and months so not sure how it works now, but it was running on my laptop that was purchased over six years ago only to do e-mail when I travel.

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Nothing personal, but you remind me of a story I read when I was little about a race of aliens observing Earth who thought cars were the sentient race and humans were a sort of parasite. Everything done in SL is done through a "viewer", which is a separate stand-alone program. There's no need to start a web browser - you can find and store locations within the viewer. There are times when you'll see interesting places on a separate web page, shop on the Marketplace, or look at forums, etc. on this web site but they're completely separate and actually can be done better by calling up a web browser AFTER you log into the VIEWER. You can share one viewer with the other member of your household; you'll just log into separate accounts.

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Evidently I was not thorough enough, the only difference between the two accounts is the browser. Much of the SL experience does indeed require a browser and although I have only been a member for a day or so, I have found at least one area I want to visit which cannot be accessed without a browser for the initial visit. 

Further, I do have a work-around for this problem but it is an inconvenience. I started this topic not because I cannot find a way around the problem but because support told me they had not heard of this problem with anyone else. I had thought that if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem, this information could help find a cause and hopefully a solution.

In reply to a couple of posts, the second computer does not meet the requirements to load SL and if it did somehow manage to let you, it would not be a fun experience. Both accounts on this computer are using the standard SL viewer.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the original post and offered support.

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I have been is SL for over five years and have never seen any place where a web browser is needed to access SL, or for that matter can even be used to access the in-world of SL. Now its not that I doubt you, its just that I would love to see what your talking about, where is this place that requires you to use a web browser to access a region, I want to see it, pretty please. :)

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I have been is SL for over five years and have never seen any place where a web browser is needed to access SL, or for that matter can even be used to access the in-world of SL. Now its not that I doubt you, its just that I would love to see what your talking about, where is this place that requires you to use a web browser to access a region, I want to see it, pretty please.

My guess is that they are accessing the Destination Guide using the Web Site rather than In World Search.

That is the only possbility I can think of.

Otherwise, yes, agree with you.

I hope the OP clarifies for us.


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Here is a guess, and its really off the wall, but what about Steam. Not even sure of the name but as I understand it, you log onto Steam with your web browser and start games from there. I heard that SL is now on Steam, would you need to web into Steam to get to SL if you use a Steam account. You would still need to have an SL account so if someone thinks the only way to SL is through Steam it may look like you need a web browser to get to SL not understanding that all you need to do is download the viewer.  Like I said, off the wall and most likely does not work like this but I have no idea. Anybody use Steam?

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Here is a guess, and its really off the wall, but what about Steam. Not even sure of the name but as I understand it, you log onto Steam with your web browser and start games from there. I heard that SL is now on Steam, would you need to web into Steam to get to SL if you use a Steam account. You would still need to have an SL account so if someone thinks the only way to SL is through Steam it may look like you need a web browser to get to SL not understanding that all you need to do is download the viewer.  Like I said, off the wall and most likely does not work like this but I have no idea. Anybody use Steam?

As far as I know SL is still not "live" on Steam.

All I can find are references saying things to the affect of, "after all the hype, where is it?"

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MustangMystic wrote:

Evidently I was not thorough enough, the only difference between the two accounts is the browser. Much of the SL experience does indeed require a browser and although I have only been a member for a day or so, I have found at least one area I want to visit which cannot be accessed without a browser for the initial visit. 

Further, I 
have a work-around for this problem but it is an inconvenience. I started this topic not because I cannot find a way around the problem but because support told me they had not heard of this problem with anyone else. I had thought that if anyone else was experiencing a similar problem, this information could help find a cause and hopefully a solution.

In reply to a couple of posts, the second computer does not meet the requirements to load SL and if it did somehow manage to let you, it would not be a fun experience. Both accounts on this computer are using the standard SL viewer.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the original post and offered support.


What you are doing is neither necessary nor recommended. Part of your problem is you have the viewer set up to "allow multiple viewers" This is ONLY for when someone wants to log two different accounts in at the same time, and you run the risk of finding yourself picking burning chunks of video card out of your leg. If you turn it off, then you can look for interesting places in a browser if you like and then select "visit this place in Second LIfe." That will open your viewer and you'll automatically be logged into that location. If you want to go someplace else that you see on the web then STAY LOGGED INTO YOUR VIEWER, go to that web page and click "visit" - the location information will pop up om the viewer and you can teleport from there. If you have "Allow multiple viewers" enabled when you do this it will attempt to open another instance of the viewer but since you're already logged in it will balk and not allow you to travel.

As people have been pointing out, using a web browser to navigate is unnecessary. You can pull up Second LIfe Search and the Destination Guide directly from the viewer as well. If there's a site that requires you to log in from a web browser it would be a non-stadard, proprietary arrangement and you'll have to talk to that location owner directly - I don't know of a single region in SL that's set up to run this way.

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The ONLY time you have to log in through a website is if you are going to a private sim run by a school or organization that is closed to the public and requires that you register an account through their website and log in from it too.  Most of the time you can't leave the estate.  But this is not what is happening here.

I agree if they are using one computer and two browsers plus have two account logged in through the viewer, the computer probably can't handle that all at one time and the viewer itself is using the same cache that further confuses it.  It is a wonder the computer hasn't blown up.


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OP have you tried to switch to the bult in browser in the viewer?

you can access and set it up  before you log in by going to the menu up in the left corner of the log in screen of the viewer..


click on "Me" then "Preferences" and then "Setup" and you will see where you have the option to use built in browser or your external browser..IE Firefox or Safari..

Try seeing if you have the same problem while using the built in browser rather than your external..

also you may want to uncheck the  allowing media popups also in the viewer in the setup area as well..just incase..

then see if that helps..


i have no idea why firefox would be opening tons of tabs unless it's just a corrupt download and needign maybe a new firefox download or new viewer dowload and instal..

something doesn't sound right with one of those..



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