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Frownie Face


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Can anyone help me solve a strange problem with facial expressions?

About two or three weeks ago, my avi suddenly started making frownie faces for no apparent reason. Once every minute or so, my eyes squint, the eyebrows arch, and my mouth turns into an unpleasant sneer. Then after a few seconds, I return to normal until next time. It's very annoying, and it certainly sends an unwarranted message to anyone I'm speaking with.

I have tried just about every possible solution I can think of: changing skins, hair bases, eyes, etc; disabling my AO (I use Firestorm), removing tattoos, and so on, but the frowns won't go away. Can anyone suggest another approach to try? Thanks!

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...my... god, I SO wish what you have was contagious...

I would guess you're wearing an attachment like an autosmiler.  Try looking on your "Worn" tab for something that doesn't look right.  It's most likely an invisible prim attached somewhere and is activating and rotating your facial expressions.

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Meaning frowning like this?


Hopefully this will be solved by the Server Side Baking to come. It happens especially when you are wearing several alpha layers. Usually, pressing ctrl+alt+R fixes it (several times if necessary). Try not to wear more than 5 alphas (and/or too many mesh items). Plus, don't worry about what the others see: they probably see you fine, the problem is on your display screen, not theirs. :smileyhappy:

From Firestorm blog:

Let’s very briefly refresh about “Server Side Baking”. In layman’s terms:

  • This is the major code rewrite by Linden Lab that changes the process of how avatars are displayed in Second Life and by design ‘should’ reduce bake fail significantly, if not totally.
  • There are two stages toward this effort. First stage consists of the viewer code changes and viewer release. Second consists of the server side code update and deployment.
  • Once the server code has been deployed, anyone on a viewer that does not support Server Side Baking will not see avatars properly.
  • Everyone will need to update to a viewer that supports Server Side Baking, preferably BEFORE Linden Lab deploys the server side stage.
  • Expect the second stage to go live within a month or less.
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It is a script that animates you
The script can be in any object on the SIM, but you are probably wearing the object or else you had been granting permission to animate you
Try to figure out what it can be you attached at the time the frowning started
If you can't do that take off the attachments one by one until it stops


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Thank you all, but I am still frustrated. I've taken off every item I'm wearing, alphas and all, rebaked many times, and the problem still persists. I'll see if there is something laying around the sim that is causing it.


Valeri, the expression is much more unpleasant than the ones in the picture you posted-- it really looks like I am furious with someone for a few seconds. Hardly the image I want to project to the world!


Thanks again.

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Sometimes those auto expression things are part of something else, like hair or jewelry, I know that sounds odd. It could also be in a gesture that's being triggered when you type. You would need to take off every prim and look at the contents, and deactivate all your gestures and see if that helps. It could also be a wonky gadgety HUD like Mystitool or Doohickey that has the emote menu.

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JuniataJellofish wrote:


-- it really looks like I am furious with someone for a few seconds. Hardly the image I want to project to the world!

Thanks again.

Something like this?  :matte-motes-agape:


It is most definitely so that some attachment or HUD is animating you.  Taking off clothing items, tattoos, alpha masks and rebaking will have no effect at all (those things cannot animate you).

Are you sure that you have removed all attachments?  (those are: Prim items and HUDs.)


To make sure that you indeed have all removed do this:

• Right click your avatar

• From the menu that pops up: "Take Off, Detach All"

That will remove all prim attachments and HUDs from you.

After that from the viewer menu select:

"Me, Movement, Stop Animating Me"

If that didn't help it could be that your cache is corrupted.


Then in addtion to the above do the following:

• Right click your avatar

• From the menu that pops up: "Take Off, Clothes, All Clothes"

• Clear your cache (Me, Preferences, Advanced --> Click "Clear Cache" button.

• Log off and log back in to some quiet sim and let your inventory to load fully.


One good quiet place is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lands%20End/92/160/21


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Soooo, not contagious, huh?  :smileysad:


"Oh, is that John?  Why does he look so angry?"
"Hmm, maybe he and Mary are having another fight or someth---"
"Oh crap!  Get back!  Get -- run!  RUN!  Get away from him!"
"...huh?  What?  Why?"
"He's got the Frownie Virus!"
"...oh... my... god... no.. NOoooooo!"
"Quick!  We've gotta get out of here*BLARARGH*before we become infected too!"
"Oh no!  NO!  Not you too!"
"Not me who?  What're you*SCOWL*talking about?!"

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