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unable to rez object inventory error


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Hi I seem to be having a number of issues with my inventory lately.  At times I cant rez objects or pick them up. I get messages that there is an inventory error.  This is frustrating especially when I have bought something but cant pick it up. and fixes for this?


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One link to look at : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Problems-with-rezzing-and-inventory/ta-p/1332559

Also it could help to clear your cache, in case you didn't do that already. (Me > Preferences > Advanced > Clear cache)

If the error message says : due to problems with the inventory'server', then you will have to wait because this is a serverside issue that appears from time to time when LL is updating or doing work on the servers or servercode. (Next ones will be on the 9-th and the 10th of april)

Also the picking up problem could be a hint towards the same issue. Or the simulator you are being on is troubled and needs a restart. You could try it on different locations and see if there is no problem.

If this message appears on the betagrid: i had the same issue and so had others. The betagrid had a major issue with its inventory servers. It was supposed to be fixed by now. But i keep encountering it every now and then again.

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