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New resident with a last name?


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Is it possible this is an account that's been reinstated and they use today as it's "rez" date? I'm not sure as when I closed my account I never re-opened it. I just created this one instead. Maybe someone who has done that can let us know. Seems plausible.

Or, there is some company, university, some sort of entity out there that is still able to offer legacy names(or legacy name anyway) to those who sign up for sl through them. That used to be the case, especially for educational purposes. Though I thought tthey were all as good as gone, maybe they're not, or something else has been created along those lines.


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There are a handful of last names that are associated with organizations that have their own registration API's (mostly universities.) If you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY can't live without a last name like Hurricane, Deluxe, or Lyric you may be able to track down one of these places...

(Theresa Tennyson rolls her eyes, as do her alts, who all have last names that were picked by their typist rather than a cat walking on a dictionary.)

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Educational establishments, organisations, libraries, offer their students the chance to select from a limited number of second names, such as Coy, Hurricane, Lyric, well about a dozen I think there were when I chose mine from the Virtual Library of Birmingham (aka Daden).  You have to prove you have an affiliation with them though, and cannot just create a new account without it.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

(Theresa Tennyson rolls her eyes, as do her alts, who all have last names that were picked by their typist rather than a cat walking on a dictionary.)

All 3 Solo sisters, yes that's right all three, roll their eyes in unison with the Tennysons for no particular reason other than that they can. aclap.gifLike.jpg

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

(Theresa Tennyson rolls her eyes, as do her alts, who all have last names that were picked by their typist rather than a cat walking on a dictionary.)

Solo sisters, yes that's right
all three
, roll their eyes in unison with the Tennysons for no particular reason other than that they can.

all us from the Resident Family Mob giggle with you. we are breeding faster than cats. faster than mice even (: 

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Doesn't the fact that certain institutions can still provide last names show us that LL is still able to switch back to having last names for the general population? I know they ain't bringing last names back but it does make you a little less willing to believe that they can't do it.

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Itsmyseventeenth Lastchance wrote:

Of course they can do it, but they just don't want too. Miserable sods.

Why should they? Really, LL has handled this whole name issue so poorly they managed to introduce a great new feature and make it seem like a bad thing.

Display names are great, they give us a much greater degree of freedom in choosing our name, correcting typoes we might have made when she created our accounts, etcetera. You can have just a first name, a first name and a last name, you could be "Prince Kingly Worthing III" if you wanted, or just "Pete". Your name can be fantastical, or it can be your real world name if you want.


 These are all fantastic things not possible under the old name system where you were tied to a list of surnames (increasingly difficult for LL to keep updated) and a single first name w/ a much smaller character limit than we currently enjoy.


 So, given that all this is great....why are there people who want to go back?

 First off, a lot of oldbies still think of usernames as "names" and display names as some kind of titler. A part of the reason is how easy it is to change your name, you can change it every week. No charge!

 Second, LL decided to show usernames and display names in nametags by default.  This serves absolutely no purpose (people thinks it prevents griefers from misusing display names to pretend to be someone else, but this isn't even possible if you turn usernames off, because you still see usernames in profiles, IM windows, hovertips and transactions).

 The second one is the big one, really. If LL hadn't chosen to display usernames by default I'm certain we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.



 Anyways, even if LL did decide, for whatever reason, to go back to the old, more limited name system, they would be screwing over everyone who has created an account in the intervening years. 

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Penny Patton wrote:

First off, a lot of oldbies still think of usernames as "names" and display names as some kind of titler.

What annoys me in display names is that there are people who think that the space for display name is meant to be as a drawing board, perfect for decorating it with all kinds of senseless - supposedly cool - Unicode characters. :matte-motes-evil:

Else the display names are ok. :smileywink:


As a side note (not related to the subject):

In some clubs I have even seen greetings and announcements made with an almost illegible Unicode character mess!  :smileysurprised:

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period 2.JPG

Fayette Charron wrote:

Maybe I'm mistaken, but isn't that a period ( . ) before lyric ( .lyric ) If you do that, or bunch it together anyone can have a last name. I did that with an alt. I grouped the first and last name together so i didn't have to add numbers or characters to it.

Nope, the 'period' is auto added by the system.  I have always gone by my user name, have never used a display name.  You cant use special charachters when selecting your user monicker.

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