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HELP! My age in my profile changed!


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I logged in one day and my profile age changed. Now it wont let me go into regions because it says that I'm not 18 which I am! Please help! Also< my gender keeps changing from  female to male and its happened twice! Please help me I'm very confused and feigned about this,considering im a new resident.

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I've heard of people having gender issues before, where their gender changed and they don't know how or why. I don't know a fix for it, but I HAVE heard of it. I have not, however, heard of anyone else having an issue with their age changing. Generally, to get LL to change your age - if, for example, you somehow entered the wrong birthdate - you have to go through a fairly involved process of proving your identity and age to LL. Certainly submit a ticket for account issues. Don't be surprised if they make you go through that process - proving age via RL identification. Be prepared to submit copies of your birth certificate and driver's license.


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