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Excuse my newbie question

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So first of all hello. I know of second life for quite a while now, and was always curious about it so i thought I might give this a shot. Umm I saw some other questions as to what can you actually do in the program once you are running around. Well I get that there aren't too many options for gamers, I am one myself BTW. ANd I don't have the expectancy to play...I dunno Other gmaes and stuff inside of this platform using my avatar. But something did catch my eye for a bit. I read and saw taht you can actually create stuff. SO I said heeey, I am an aspiring illustrator, catoonist, concept artist(Call it whatever you want), maybe I sould try out to do that in this social environement. 

So how would I go about I dunno making use of my skill in the game per say? what could I do in that regard? 

Even a link to a more detailed description would be most apreciated. Thank you! :D

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Thank you for the replies, the tutorial is much apreciated too. 

Let me get into futrher detail. Let's say I want to make like a painting or comic book. I get taht I have to make that in my painting software. But if i'd want that to aprear on a canvas or you know, a book in game is that posible?

And I see people have galeries and such. Do you ahve to own land/buildings/rent the spot in order to have your presentation zone?  

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You can put your graphic creations on anything from a small box to a large billboard size object.  You can make them interactive so that the participants can change scenes, attributes, cause movement or illustrations.  There are "books" in SL that you can publish your work in that attaches to a viewers screen and they can turn the pages.  SL is very much geared toward this type of expression.  

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blackguard89 wrote:

Well I get that there aren't too many options for gamers, I am one myself BTW. ANd I don't have the expectancy to play...I dunno Other gmaes and stuff inside of this platform using my avatar.

(I knew we'd start getting these comments when SL was added to STEAM.)

@OP - The very best way to get started building in SL is to do as Uncommon said - take some classes in SL.  I know Builder's Brewery and NCI both offer beginning building classes.  NCI also holds classes that explains about land ownership/rental and the difference between mainland and estate land.

SL has a bit of a learning curve; some people grasp things faster than others, but it is VERY different from a game.  The two games I've played online both have excellent starter tutorials that one is led through upon logging in.  In SL, one has to pretty much jump in and start learning.  Fortunately there are tools such as video tutorials, SL Wikis, excellent blogs on any number of SL interests and, my favorite - taking classes in SL.

If you opt for taking classes, I recommend that join both the Builder's Brewery and NCI groups.  You will then be notified about what classes are upcoming.  You can also go to your "dashboard" (home page of SL) and at the bottom under "Events" select "Education" from the drop-down menu and a listing of classes for the next 24 or 48 hours will be displayed.

Welcome to SL and have fun!


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Don't take offesne Czari but i'm not trying to play SL through steam. I knew about it for a long time, I just never got around to "play" with it. I wanted to but I forgot, I had other stuff like school and stuff. Heck even now im still in my last year of college, but I have some more free time now. I was mostly curious about the stuff I asked since when I wanted to first get into it stuff like this wasn't so easily accesible to users.

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There are book publishing systems you can buy that do exactly what you need.  The two biggest are Think Book and Intellibook.  All you need to do to create a book is upload the graphics and follow the directions that come with the systems.

As far as artwork you have three options.  You can sell that by obtaining your own land and putting up a gallery.  You can build this yourself, have it built or buy a prefab.  There are also existing galleries that are on the lookout for good artists to show their work.  Finally there is the Marketplace.

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blackguard89 wrote:

Don't take offesne Czari but i'm not trying to play SL through steam. I knew about it for a long time, I just never got around to "play" with it. I wanted to but I forgot, I had other stuff like school and stuff. Heck even now im still in my last year of college, but I have some more free time now. I was mostly curious about the stuff I asked since when I wanted to first get into it stuff like this wasn't so easily accesible to users.

I didn't take offense; I wasn't even particularly directing the Steam comment to you, thus the "@OP" to provide methods of learning to build in SL. ;) 

There was a lot of discussion when LL made the decision to have SL offered through the Steam portal; some people thought it was a great idea, others, like myself, were concerned that new people would join SL thinking it was another MMO/MMORPG and be disappointed.

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