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I want to report abuse,I. Am in a state of misery

Myfanwy Acer

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I am so stressed.this guy,Ronnen Novak,he is being very cruel,as I don,t like him.he has said some awful things and must be highly technical,cos he has got in touch with my partner of over2yrs.and said real awful things about me,so now my partner believes him and wants to break up,I am crying,we have been so happy here.he has somehow even comeonline as my partner and tried to have sex with me,I noticed something was odd,my inv has been interfered with and my whole life is upside down from this man.please help me I beg you
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You can file an Abuse Report.  Search for your abuser using the people search and then file your report on him.  But, I'm going be real honest here.  Someone saying awful things to and about you won't get any action from LL in your favor.  This is not grammar school where you can run to the playground monitor and tell him/her than Jimmy pulled your pigtails on the merry go round.  SL is a virtual world but it's an adult virtual world and LL expects the residents (you) to act like an adult when you have disagreements or disputes  And adults take care of their problems in an adult manor......your post sure doesn't sound like you are acting like an adult (more like a 6 year old in grammar school).

And it appears you haven't taken the time to read the "Community Guidelines" for using these forums.  You made an accusation against someone which is not against the rules........but naming that person on the forums is.  You are in violation of a rule and could wind up being in trouble yourself  After you remove the name you really should click on the "Community Guidelines" located next to the "Sign Out" button at the top of this page.

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Mute, ignore, move on.  You don't need to listen to him or hang around where he is.  SL is a big place adn you are a grown woman.  Block the guy out of your life and move on.  As Peggy says, unless you have good reason to believe that he is violating the TOS, Linden Lab is not likely to interfere with a domestic problem. 

ETA:  I see now why you have been asking recently about how to remove selected IMs and bits of Teleport History from your computer.  It sounds like you need a new circle of friends and possibly a new boyfriend --- people that you have NOT shared your password with and who are not using your computer in RL.

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Myfanwy Acer wrote:

I am so stressed.this guy,*bleep!*,he is being very cruel,as I don,t like him.he has said some awful things and must be highly technical,cos he has got in touch with my partner of over2yrs.and said real awful things about me,so now my partner believes him and wants to break up,I am crying,we have been so happy here.he has somehow even comeonline as my partner and tried to have sex with me,I noticed something was odd,my inv has been interfered with and my whole life is upside down from this man.please help me I beg you

First of all, as Peggy says, edit your post right away to remove the name of the person you're complaining about.  That's against the forum rules.

Now, let's take your problems in order.

1.  You can keep him from saying "awful things" by right clicking his avatar, or his name in an IM window, and choosing Block.  That will prevent him from sending you things, IMing you, or conversing with you in local chat.

2.  If your partner believes him, after spending two years with you, something is very wrong...with your partner.  Also, unless he has phished or hacked your partner's account, there is no way he could log on as your partner...UNLESS...this awful person IS your partner, using an alternate account that he made.  I know that is a terrible thing to think, but people who want to break off a partnership have been known to do worse.

3.  While it's possible to have inventory problems, there is no way this person could be the cause of them...again, UNLESS the person is actually your soon-to-be-former partner, AND you have shared your login information with your partner, something you should NEVER NEVER do.

4.  If the person has committed a violation against the Terms of Service or the Community Standards, you can submit an Abuse Report, using the Help/Report Abuse option in your viewer.  However, except for the possible illegal account access, from what you've said so far this person and you merely have a personal disagreement.  Linden Lab will take no action in a "resident to resident" dispute.

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