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The resident who provided the previous content, if any, has replaced it with this generic statement.

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Knowing the current LL, probably the latter... I'm guessing that they saw that we noticed it, and expediently removed it. Historically, well -- at least in the 'later half' of SL's history so far - transparency (in LL's opinion)  hasn't been a "good thing" to the Lab. Not something they want to foster. I'm not sure why this is, because it leaves the resident body to form a lot of opinions through pure conjecture, which can't help the customer-to-service climate.

A little transparency would remove a lot of resident populace uneasiness, and bolster confidence.

(Really, LL; A little tiny bit would go such a long, long way... Think - a real possible scenario: SL's popularity being spread by word of mouth again due to the residentia having more faith in the Lab again, and more pride and motivation in telling others to come to join SL -- It really could happen, with little measures like this -- 'letting the customer know they're being heard'.)

That said, I'm glad to see some proof that at least abuse reports are still being acted on. That was a serious question for a while here -- whether or not ARs were even being processed in any way. (Most other residents I have talked to have taken it as truth that they simply were no longer even looked at, and that the AR function was little more than a dummy placebo remaining in the viewer.)  It's good to finally have some evidence that this isn't the case.

Even if this blotter was 'sanitized', I think if LL put it back, it'd go a long, long way towards getting a bit of morale stoked up out here in the community as far as LL showing interest in the state of the grid, and performing some degree of governance.

I hope this is being read, actually - I hope it's not falling on deaf ears...  Something like this reaassures the community, it really does. While "naming names" is a very gloves-off attitude and something I wouldn't neccessarily disapprove of, even if we just had date, region and classification -- being able to see this again would at least let people know that certain things were ongoing.

To everyone else: Even back in the days of a regularly operating 'incident blotter' from LL (back when it was a normal and expected feature, until around the end of 2010) - not all incidents went into the blotter. So that had to be understood. The blotter was more for 'instant and temporary' actions;  anything that required a lot of investigation generally didn't show up.


Anyhow, LL: Please consider putting this back up in -some- form...  It's amazing what little, seemingly light steps taken could really help get the community energized and more hopeful at large...

Please do consider it. When residents saw this, I heard people reacting like this was the dawn of a new day. They were stoked, outright, (i'm actually borrowing that language from someone who saw the report while it was up.) -

Again, maybe cull it a little, but please, consider putting this back up in SOME form.... I think it'd help way way more than some folks on the Lab side of the fence may think it would hurt; and certainly help more than (LL, collective) may expect.



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I completely agree. It was a sign, seemingly a sure sign, that someone somewhere was doing something to reduce the amount of unpleasantness that can plague SL.

I saw one report of a resident (a two-namer, in fact) receiving a 1 day suspension for a griefing incident, followed three days later by a report for the same resident getting a 7 day suspension for an identical offense. To me that was as close as I'm likely to get to having proof positive that not only were people taking action, but they were paying attention and taking directed action.


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Ooooh Linden Lab are onto us. I've checked the link again just now and am getting the 404 error message.  Maybe they're just removing all the names from the Incident Reports so that they don't have to AR themselves for divulging avatar names in a public place.

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ok, so you put in a couple of abuse reports, thats great, but i highly doubt it was YOUR particuler AR's that got things changed. I would suggest it was a culmination of a LOT of AR's that did it, but you helped :)

Now for a grown up answer to your question........the names are not list so as to protect the identity ot the person/s being disiplined. This is for several reasons.....1) just because you put in an AR doesn't give you any rights of access to their identity, 2) no matter how much trouble they have caused, they have a right to privacy and protect from paybacks, 2) they have already disiplined them themselves and it would be unfair to publish their names leaving them ( the naughty people) open to ridicule, abuse or character assasination  when they have already paid the "so called" price. There are probably other reasons as well, but i worked last night and i am tired so i can't think of any more atm. put it this way... I am a security guard, if i report a crime (say i spotted a dumped stolen car) to the police, they  will not release any details to me unless i am needed as a witness...pretty much  (actually exactly) the same thing as this i think. i hope i helped you a little,after 15 hours i am fried and going to bed....goodnight all <3 xx

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wiked Anton wrote:

Now for a grown up answer to your question........the names are not list so as to protect the identity ot the person/s being disiplined. This is for several reasons.....1) just because you put in an AR doesn't give you any rights of access to their identity, 2) no matter how much trouble they have caused, they have a right to privacy and protect from paybacks, 2) they have already disiplined them themselves and it would be unfair to publish their names leaving them ( the naughty people) open to ridicule, abuse or character assasination  when they have already paid the "so called" price. 

I guess you didn't see the page before it was removed.  It contained all the information, the location, the avatar name, the letter they recieved describing their violation in detail, and the action taken (warning or suspension).  He was stating that the listed names did not match the one he was curious about, but the names were listed.  

Edited for spelling.

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Still 404'd as of this post.

But I have a theory too.

Just like people years ago would do things intentionally to get sent  to the Cornfield,  they are concerned that people might do things to get their name in print.

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