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Is there a way to ask SL to ban a avi for harassment, violence against races etc?


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Hello everyone. Last night me and some friends were spending some nice time together and suddently 3 people tp'd in the house (a clan castle) starting to harass violently, post random links in local chat, insult, abuse with some weird HUDs. We asked politely to leave but they kept going without any inhibition. 

I'd like to know if someone from LL or SL has the authority to ban them. It has been pissing like hell and a true shame. 

Thank you

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2 answers to this question

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You can certainly file an Abuse Report.  Look for it when you are in world, under Help/Report Abuse.

However, it is unlikely that LL will ban these people unless their offense is very severe and on-going.  You have some tools at hand that will work quicker.

1.  The BLOCK, or Mute function.  Right click their avatar and select Block.  Poof!  Problem solved.

2.  If you own the land you are on, you can open World/About Land/Access, and add them to the parcel ban list.  Poof!  Problem solved.

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