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Quesion About ownership in group

Goba Solo

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correct but how could that Lindenlab didn't think about permision for founder to remove owners , you think all owners in any group didn't make mistakes ? mistakes happend between everyone and if you trust somone and turn on you what you should do ? so that's why i am wondering how that be not possible to remove owners from the group if i am founder

LL have to think about that because this is very important thing

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i didn't say super owner , i am saying that the only one could remove owners from the group should be the founder in case of any bad things happend in the owner role , and you don't read mind to know if he is good person or not even friends turn on each other


i hope that support case will be a good soultion for this

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As all have said you are stuck now.  LL will not remove them from the group without their permission for good reason.  LL has no way of knowing how removing an owner will effect their rights to things they paid for, such as land group owned objects etc.  They won't take anyone's word for that either since when people have a falling out they tend to gloss over, twist or omit some important facts to get what they want. The only way they would remove an owner is if they got a court order from a court with jurisdiction to do so.

Being a founder means nothing really.  When a two or more people decide to create a group that they will own together, only one person can create it and therefore they are listed as the founder.  That doesn't reflect any higher authority for this reason.

You have to create a new group with a different name and invite all your members to the new group.  If you don't want to have the old group active the only thing you can do is kick everyone out but the other owner and then the group will die with only one member.  However if the other owner invites another member it won't die.

When you make your new group and want to give someone owner authority except want to boot them at will, make a new roll and give them all the owners authority except do not allow them to assign someone to the owner role.  Note though that if this other owner is going to be paying for tiers etc. and/or investing a lot of time and effort into a business say, then they may not accept that as fair so that in itself may be a deal breaker in some circumstances. You will need to discuss this first with them.

You should never share ownership in a group or partner with someone for business etc. unless you really really really trust someone and know them VERY well.  You might even want to consider a RL contract with them if a lot of money is involved that outlines everything that will happen if you have a falling out or one of you wants out, so that you can get a court to enforce the contract, including making them leave the groups.

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It's kind of like RL, never give anyone the power over your land or money. In the future I would suggest just making a role that gives all the powers of an owner without actually making someone an owner, that way you can eject them and delete the role. 

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When you assign someone in a group to the owner role you get a pop-up that clearly states:


You are about to add group members to the role of Owners.

Members cannot be removed from that role.

The members must resign from the role themselves.

Are you sure you want to continue?


You as the owner of the group must clearly acknowledge this to complete the assignment to that role.

What was it you didn't understand?

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Lucretia Brandenburg wrote:

If the founder of a group is an owner, yes, the founder can have LL remove someone else as an owner, but a ticket has to be filed and I'm pretty sure they would only do that for premium members. My SL employer was forcibly removed from a group by the founder and we were quite surprised that it could be done.

I wondered if that might work, so it's interesting to know that it has at least once. Resident groups are generally "hands off" for LL, for the obvious reason that there's no more certain way to annoy customers than to get in the middle of such disputes that plague some groups. One side or the other is sure to think any intervention is unfair, so why ever intervene? I'd guess that LL would prefer not to do this very often, nor have any public policy that it's even possible.

Another thing that's interesting about this is that the "Founder" role has any significance at all. Lots of groups chug along just fine long after the Founder leaves, so I've always thought of it as nothing more significant than an honorific.

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I'm sorry that it turned out badly between you and the other owner....instead of changing groups or deleting it or anything, have you two talked it out?! Is there any way it was be fixed? Would avoid a lot of problems.

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