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A q about Nails

Sephina Frostbite

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If you want an easy fit and don't want to worry about animation glitches leaving nails that float in the air, you might want to go old school and use the glove style nails. You won't get things like crazy long with these, but they always fit and stay in sync.

There are rigged mesh nails that should solve the fit problem pretty well now, but you still have to worry about animaton glitches.

There are also complete mesh hands now, some come with a few hand positions, and since the nails are built in, they always match. You do still have the worry about matching the skin tones.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Can anyone recommend nails. I tried nails but can't seem to match to hand. Can anyone recommend nails that fit easily?

I'm not inworld right now, but I believe mine are from SLink. they were easy to adjust, believe me for me it was super easy because of my crappy computer. LOL. so someone with a great computer, shouldn't have any trouble adjusting them.

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Pretty much any nail I've tried. The easiest way is to adjust your hand size - just slightly. Most of the better nails have size 0, 10, 15, and 20, at least. Those sizes correspond to the sliders, so if you set the hand size slider to 10, you'll use the size 10 nails. Unless your hands are particularly large, you'll probably find that you only need to adjust your hand size a tiny, tiny bit - barely noticable.

Bamboo Nails are my current favorite. Those and Mandala are the best I've tried, bar none.

There's also Angel Rock, which are very nice, but significantly too curved for my style.

I prefer nails where only one side is painted, as in RL. Few women paint the back of the nail; I prefer when that part is unpainted on my prim nails. I don't care for glove layer nails, because I don't care for the look of the fingertips on the avatar mesh.


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These.  RIgged mesh and hundreds of choices of polish and styles, infinite color picker, as well as free updates for life. Since they are rigged they always fit your hand and look good, never stray off or have to be repositioned.  These are without a doubt the best one's I've had for the variety of choice alone. I have Mandala, Slink and some others but these are much better.  They are a bit pricey but these are all I wear now.  Never will have to buy another set.  BTW , join the group and buy them in world and you get a substantial discount on them.

I am not affiliated with the creator in any way, just love the product.

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I have been using Candy Nails for a few months now, they have only ever failed once, I also love their nail art, they have a wide selection of different looks that are available.

And no I am in no way associated with the store, I spent a few days in December looking and sampling different offerings and found those the best buy.

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I have always loved the look of the long nails but the way hands change position I just never used them. Then I started using AKEYO ROOKIE AO, it cost 1L$ and only has stand, sit, run and walk in it, and you can replace any or all of them. My fingers have never gone wonky with it running. And right now I am using CCD nails. Have not tried many but the CCD nails are nice. I have only tried the 100L$ plain nails though, I don't have much money to spend :)

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I used a HUD for a while but found it did fail from time to time, seldom but still failed. Don't think it was this HUD that you point out but the HUD's all work about the same, I think. And the down side for me is that I had to use the HUD to fix my hands. With the AO I don't need the HUD because my hands do not change and my nails always look right, everyone is different, the AKEYO ROOKIE AO works best for me and the price is right.

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  • 6 months later...

I purchased 

ULTRA MESH RIGGED FINGERNAILS and I just love them so much that I would love to learn how to make my own. I tried hands but the whole idea of my hands being frozen in one pose is annoying. not to mention trying to match skin tones. So for me, these are wonderful. and they REALLY look great!


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Tenly wrote:

I purchased 

ULTRA MESH RIGGED FINGERNAILS and I just love them so much that I would love to learn how to make my own. I tried hands but the whole idea of my hands being frozen in one pose is annoying. not to mention trying to match skin tones. So for me, these are wonderful. and they REALLY look great!

I have these, also and totally love them! I also agree with you on the hands, the frozen in one pose is terrible and I had a very hard time matching my skin with them.

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