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[Special] Over 80% off land in The Wastelands!

NeoBokrug Elytis

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Historically this is the lowest the land prices have ever been in The Wastelands. For only the price of two weeks of tier, you get the land and two weeks of tier! Typically we charge about 6.5k for our smallest parcel, which is now just L$ 1,080!

If you're already a Wastelander, now's a good time to expand! If you're not a Wastelander, now's a good time to see what our community is all about. If you were once a Wastelander, now's the best time to come back! ... and if you don't even want to be a Wastelander... that's cool too. (We'll just loot your current home for your food and shiny trinkets)

For a more complete, and up to date list of land for sale, please visit our land store!


Fort Stygian
Fort Stygian
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
Fort Stygian (13,240,5) - 2341080512234~L$540
Fort Stygian (180,74,70) - 46821701024468~L$1090
Fort Stygian (56,235,61) - 3501630768350~L$810
Fort Stygian (41,202,69) - 2341080512234~L$540
The Junkyard
The Wastelands
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
The Junkyard (16,99,72) - 46821702048468~L$1090
The Junkyard (128,112,72) - 93743404096937~L$2170
The Junkyard (16,29,70) - 46821702048468~L$1090
The Junkyard (22,189,71) - 46821702048468~L$1090
The Junkyard (170,218,71) - 70332503072703~L$1630
The Great Fissure
The Great Fissure
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
The Great Fissure (90,241,72) - 2341080512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (243,32,67) - 2341080512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (179,58,68) - 2341080512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (13,96,64) - 2341080512234~L$540
The Great Fissure (93,202,71) - 2341080512234~L$540
Cape of Ruin
Cape of Ruin
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
Cape of Ruin - (56, 170, 48) - 3501630768350~L$810
Cape of Ruin - (12, 224, 74) - 3501630768350~L$810
Cape of Ruin - (12, 172, 74) - 2341080512234~L$540
Cape of Ruin - (56, 122, 56) - 3501630768350~L$810
Cape of Ruin - (56, 74, 62) - 3501630768350~L$810
North Yard
_North Yard.png
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
North Yard (216, 40, 75)25803808434~L$1290
North Yard (64, 128, 25)25803808434~L$1290
North Yard (128, 64, 25)25803808434~L$1290
The Wastelands
Hambone Slash
LocationPriceAreaPrimsWeekly Tier*
The Wastelands (10,179,73) - 23410801024234~L$540
The Wastelands (112,102,74) - 35116301536351~L$810

* Tier Rates are approximate, since we convert L$ to USD on the fly for each tier payment. We actually use the USD rates listed here.

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