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Ads on everything now?

Paul Hexem

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The thing about the ads ...

1. They are hideious

2. They take up room from the creators of SL

3. My concern are not the cookies....But are 2 fold

A.... that some malious scripts ( not tracking cookies) could and have slipped by....and let me say unless you click on them they are harmless..

B....  Are the sites themselves....Are these real sites... are they legit.... are they fishing sites.... or posing sites saying they are one site but are just posing as such... and I question the integrity of such sites that use this method of advertising invoved.....


4. I do have to question how much money is LL getting from these.. they do not get money unless somone clicks on these ads......and if people click on these ads.... it takes them away from SL..... and SL creators.......we want people to stay on and at SL not venture off to parts unknown .......becuae if they go off to parts unknown... how are we making money? LL might be making money but what about the creators...


5. which brings me to my next point.....They will be opening itup to those who are creators here in SL Kudos...... but, why not have done that from the start?.....Keep the people in SL....In the market place..and their Money and thier Lindends...I say if there are going to be ads on the pages.. whether in the portal or the MP...... Lets keep the busniness here.... do not  send them else where.....and kick those hideous adds off SL!


And heaven forbid they should turn up inworld...or maybe that is where.. oh n ever mind point made.



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4. I do have to question how much money is LL getting from these.. they do not get money unless somone clicks on these ads......and if people click on these ads.... it takes them away from SL..... and SL creators.......we want people to stay on and at SL not venture off to parts unknown .......becuae if they go off to parts unknown... how are we making money? LL might be making money but what about the creators...



And a perfectly legitimate answer to that is to get rid of Marketplace entirely.  Force merchants back in-world to sell products for Second Life.  Marketplace is outside SL.........how's ads shown on a site outside SL taking people from SL when they already are out of SL?

Let me tell you how merchants are making money.  LL provides a way for them to make money by providing the web space to sell their products for a pretty small fee (5% of the sale).  The merchants don't have to rent or lease web space for their "store".......that's free.  LL is paying real money to make the space available.....upfront.  I don't know what contract LL has with the whoever they have the deal with but I'm sure it's not free to them.  The merchants make money without having to lay out any of their own money upfront.......they only pay a small 5% fee for any money they make (after the fact).  That means the merchants pocket 95% of all the money they make (their ain't many businesses in the real world or virtual world where profits are quite that good).  I'm sure you (and most other merchants) would love for that deal to continue.  Perhaps those hideous ads are going to make that possible (if LL doesn't make money or Marketplace costs them money then Marketplace is gone........or the merchants are going to have to start footing some of the bills upfront).  Pop-ups and ads might be hideous (even to me......I've said numerous times I don't like ads, especially pop-ups) but if it means keeping my expenses down then I'm willing to endure that inconvenience or annoyance.

But, again I guess I have to qualify my statements.  I don't use Marketplace (I've not ever visited Marketplace in fact......on back when it was XStreet and that was a long time ago).  The reason is simple.  It revolves around your statement (the one I quoted).......keeping people in SL and not somewhere outside SL.  Marketplace is outside SL.

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Break some viewers, IE9 seems to display them fine ( L ) ?   Yes, I know there are other browsers!

McAfee says the servers supplying the ads are safe (it stops ads from ‘unsafe’ servers) but really, is this the way for my favourite platform to go?  As has been said before the ads just look ‘tacky’ but then the mighty Google is behind them so I guess it must be good. The funniest thing though is that the ads at the moment are attempting to drag me away into facebook type games (farms and whatnot – yes, seen the relationship ads to!).   So really (IMHO) the question should be is LL really happy for content creators to keep ‘working’ in SL or would they prefer we spread our wings and leave SL in peace and develop / play (spend our hard earned [enter your currency here] cash) on other platforms?  I won’t be quitting SL anytime soon but you have to wonder…



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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


But, again I guess I have to qualify my statements.  I don't use Marketplace (I've not ever visited Marketplace in fact......on back when it was XStreet and that was a long time ago).  The reason is simple.  It revolves around your statement (the one I quoted).......keeping people in SL and not somewhere outside SL.  Marketplace is outside SL.

well I use the MP alot.. if I need more information I hope there is a current LM to it inworld... it
is quicker to find things in the MP
than inworld.. The search
inworld has something left to be desired....

5% of sales is not enough.....to make.. in other worlds...or virtual c
hats they pay a fee.. to submit things...
then they get a per
centage of each sale...and yes there are people who can still earn a living off that....


Publishers clearning house and Guffins what ever that is.. a virtal pet site I think.... are what
ads I am seeing.. sigh..


Creators may hate me.. I think LL
has not raised their profit margine on their items for a while....and we all know w
ith economy the way it is
prices are on the rise..
like gas.. they are not going to go down le
ts all face it... as sad as it is....
I think
they (LL) should get rid of the ads....( with unknown profi
t amount)
...They shou
ld raise it from 5% to 10% that is 10 lindens for every 100lin
still cheap and may be pay 5L to submit....and for premuim customers ..
or free submiss

Yes it take
s up storeage on their servers.. for the market place but so do they in world as well.....So no matter what it takes up room...it is all on how things are distrubuted.

I still say get
rid of them....

* ok waits to be  stoned *





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I'm sure it's a calculated risk.  One LL has decided to take.  At least for the time being.  All ads look "tacky" on websites.  Some are just plain stupid, some offensive, some are even relevant but ads are ads........someone trying to get my attention in order to take some of my money.  It's life and I've learned that I can accept it and still be happy.......it's my choice to be all PO'd over it or ignore it and move on. 

I can go to a gardening site to look up "Morning Glories" and be faced with ads to take a Mediterranean Cruse.  How relevant is that to Morning Glories?  The ad is tacky when placed on a page full for pretty spring flowers.  I can get upset and all up in arms about the intelligence of the owners of the gardening site (say it's Burpee Seeds) and question there motives or I can ignore the call for me to go to the cruise ship site.  It's not much different.......someone decided that ads were the way to go and in the process are probably making some money from that decision.  I got what I wanted and Burpee Seeds got what they wanted (even if I didn't buy any seeds from them).  No harm, no foul.

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I'm not going to stone you.  I actually am not that far in disagreement with you.  But I just don't question LL's motives.  Nor do I begrudge them making money on their website.  I may not use Marketplace but many do and unless LL makes money (or at the very least breaks even) then Marketplace it going away...for good.  Ad bring in money.  As long as money is brought in Marketplace can continue to exist.  It's possible that if LL takes away the ads Marketplace will be close behind.  The merchants are not going to foot the money required to run a website the size of Marketplace (with it's hefty bandwidth requirements.......not counting the server space which is different server space that the in-world asset servers.  It's in addition to the in-world servers).

The merchants want their costs as low as possible and profits as high as possible..........so does LL.  The consumers like the convenience and I'm sure that's one of the main reasons LL even purchased Xstreet a couple years ago.  I think the ads keep Marketplace in existence and free........so, in that sense, they are good.  But I'm with most others I don't particularly care for them.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I'm sure it's a calculated risk.  One LL has decided to take.  At least for the time being.  All ads look "tacky" on websites.  Some are just plain stupid, some offensive, some are even relevant but ads are ads........someone trying to get my attention in order to take some of my money.  It's life and I've learned that I can accept it and still be happy.......it's my choice to be all PO'd over it or ignore it and move on. 


we can all be upset and move on...lolol... well not move on but to "deal with it"

I may change my shopping habits and where I chose to place what  little items I do have...and work harder at advertiseiing them in world.....and be less reliant on the MP... It is all a matter of choice on how we want to handle it or not..but does not negate the fact that they are nasty eye sores.....and I do not think they will go away any time soon..... So plan how to do sl differntly...


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I'm not going to stone you.  I actually am not that far in disagreement with you.  But I just don't question LL's motives.  Nor do I begrudge them making money on their website.  I may not use Marketplace but many do and unless LL makes money (or at the very least breaks even) then Marketplace it going away...for good.  Ad bring in money.  As long as money is brought in Marketplace can continue to exist.  It's possible that if LL takes away the ads Marketplace will be close behind.  The merchants are not going to foot the money required to run a website the size of Marketplace (with it's hefty bandwidth requirements.......not counting the server space which is different server space that the in-world asset servers.  It's in addition to the in-world servers).

The merchants want their costs as low as possible and profits as high as possible..........so does LL.  The consumers like the convenience and I'm sure that's one of the main reasons LL even purchased Xstreet a couple years ago.  I think the ads keep Marketplace in existence and free........so, in that sense, they are good.  But I'm with most others I don't particularly care for them.

Ok so the low high game....we can discuss all this to the cows come home.. think I hear them a mooo-ing...* puts hand to ear...*... But sure each creator would like to make as much as they can...


As I said.. in another place .. You have to pay to submit... and the site gets a precentage of each  sale on top of that.... then you set your profit margine......how much you wnat to make over that.. beleive me there are people there who are making a living from  this .. and it can be done here.....

But also the prices of Lindens if not already will or have increased...and they will.... Even the resellers of lindens .. are not as cheap .....they have to make money as well....

I still say let LL increase what I have stated before.... things will even out again.......They are just holding off the inevitable

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If that ever happens you'll learn some new terms describing Linden Lab.  For heaven's sake I hear complains about the $L10 upload fees.........4 cents USD!!  :)

I guess it will be comical though.  And, I do believe Second Life will survive (but it will have a very different looking creator base :) ).

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

But, again I guess I have to qualify my statements.  I don't use Marketplace (I've not ever visited Marketplace in fact......on back when it was XStreet and that was a long time ago).  The reason is simple.  It revolves around your statement (the one I quoted).......keeping people in SL and not somewhere outside SL.  Marketplace is outside SL.

Not necessarily. :)  I personally don't like doing much shopping in SL for several reasons, one of which is that many locations are major lag-fests, at least for me currently. I also don't like shopping RL or SL.  A couple of examples of how I use the MP:

1. To first narrow down my search for <whatever> to several I like, then go in world to just those locations to check it out in world prior to purchase.  I mainly do this for scripted items like some furniture or larger purchases.

2.  While in SL I pull up the MP website, find what I want, and have it delivered directly to me.  I have not left SL to do this; I just find it more convenient for many of my purchases.

Another feature of the MP that many people have mentioned that they enjoy is the ability to browse for and buy items when they cannot be in world and then have the items awaiting when they do log in.

I definitely support merchants having an in world location.  No, I currently don't have one; this is the first time in over 4 years I have not due to a major overhaul of my older items plus rethinking/redesigning my shop.  In my case, no matter how much marketing I did in world (participating in hunts, sending notices in my own and designer groups, running specials, etc.) during my entire time as a merchant 99.9% of my sales have come from the MP (Xstreet, et. al.)  I still believe in having an in world store but, for me, my MP sales are what pays the tier.

Back to the main point - I don't believe that the MP necessarily takes people out of SL.  The fact that people are buying items that can only be used in SL would indicate people are still interested in being in world.

Edit: clarification


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LadyPetunias Audion wrote:

The only thing that stays the same is change.....

I am not go
od with changes.. like when I was in th
ird grad
e tryin to stick leaves back on the trees cause
I did not want summer to end.. LOL grandma loves that story lol


A woman after my own heart!!

I heard that same expression, just in a slightly different way, "Constant change is here to stay."

I've never dealt well with change either.  I like to get things just the way I like them and have them STAY that way, lol.  Take my RL house (well SL for that matter).  Once I get the furniture arranged and have the decorating to my taste, things will stay that way until I move.  I have a friend that I need to be careful when entering her house since I think she rearranges it several times a week.  Different strokes for different folks.

You should have heard the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth when the techs who built and upgraded my current PC tried to convince me to upgrade from Win98 to XP.  I had resisted soooo long but bit the bullet and let them install it when I had the last MB installed.  I'm basically shuffling my feet on getting out and buying a new PC (now that I have the funds) because I dread the process of getting everything set just how I want it...again.

The older I get, the more curmudgeonly I am getting about this too!  And one doesn't want to unduly tax the patience of a curmudgeonly redhead. :matte-motes-wink:

Anyway, mainly wanted to say I feel ya on the change issue and loved your childhood story. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Thanks much for the extensive rundown, there was a great deal of misinformation going on and that clears much of it up nicely.

I'm afraid I may have brought up the LL financial state issue, although it was off topic to some extent. That mostly because with all the cutbacks LL has made in the last year from pulling back from SLCC, the birthday celebration, closing down a data center, consolidating more regions onto newer hardware (supposedly), region idling to save resources, the new products, a whopping 13% loss of regions last year and now 3rd party advertising on top of it.

It was just one of those merchant speculation things does this have anything to do with LL needing the money that badly. If it's an indicator of LL financial trouble, it's a merchant consideration as RL speculation is to RL business.

Probably best as a conversation in its own right, poor Gadget got hijacked in this thread.

It was good to see subjective turned back to fact- based though. Thanks again.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


Let me tell you how merchants are making money.  LL provides a way for them to make money by providing the web space to sell their products for a pretty small fee (5% of the sale).  The merchants don't have to rent or lease web space for their "store".......that's free.  LL is paying real money to make the space available.....upfront.  I don't know what contract LL has with the whoever they have the deal with but I'm sure it's not free to them.  The merchants make money without having to lay out any of their own money upfront.......they only pay a small 5% fee for any money they make (after the fact).  That means the merchants pocket 95% of all the money they make (their ain't many businesses in the real world or virtual world where profits are quite that good).  I'm sure you (and most other merchants) would love for that deal to continue.  Perhaps those hideous ads are going to make that possible (if LL doesn't make money or Marketplace costs them money then Marketplace is gone........or the merchants are going to have to start footing some of the bills upfront).  Pop-ups and ads might be hideous (even to me......I've said numerous times I don't like ads, especially pop-ups) but if it means keeping my expenses down then I'm willing to endure that inconvenience or annoyance.

But, again I guess I have to qualify my statements.  I don't use Marketplace (I've not ever visited Marketplace in fact......on back when it was XStreet and that was a long time ago).  The reason is simple.  It revolves around your statement (the one I quoted).......keeping people in SL and not somewhere outside SL.  Marketplace is outside SL.

I'm guessing you're not a merchant at all then? I could be snarky on this one, but I'll ask the same thing you asked me ... if it bothers you so much then why are you here? Rhetorical, I can script the answer for myself

But on this last bit, wow are you way off base.

LL isn't doing merchants a favor by letting us sell goods on the marketplace. They are monetizing our goods for their profit. All of that profit isn't financial, you need to understand how content and the people in SL are themselves monetized.

At best it's a symbiotic relationship, The content from merchants doesn't belong to SL, it belongs to us. It's our hard work, our copyright, our sweat and blood.

They get free labor and "free" content to monetize and they PROFIT from it. Let me say that again so that it's crystal clear ... LL makes far more off of us than we make off of them for far less labor.

There's a cost on both ends. We trust them to handle our funds, our goods, our image. We in turn use their services so that both of us may profit.

If you think what we do doesn't come at great cost, you're not familiar with content creation as a business.

If you want to see what a real site looks like that respects both their merchants creators and their customers, has no ads and has a good level of consumer protection go check out Turbosquid. That's how it's done. World of difference isn't it?

That's how my suppliers in RL do it. That's how I treat my customers in RL. And to some of us merchants, this IS RL business, we're not playing, we're investing in a feel-good business and we enjoy what we do and the people that buy our goods. THAT's why I'm here and why I continue to try to offer feedback to LL so that they don't lose another 13% of regions next year and thus affect my livelihood, the livelihood of others, and of customers and consumers like you.

But nowhere in business do I put this much labor in to be told that I should bow and scrape and accept whatever my partners or suppliers throw my way. Mostly because they're open to feedback and they know it's in their best interests to keep good relations in a business that's symbiotic.

As a non merchant though, you're kind of bringing a knife to a gunfight. We're allowed the right to want to be respected as business partners and to have a say in how OUR goods are monetized by LL.

You may have missed the bits over the years where LL has stated that they want feedback no matter how critical. But one thing I can assure you of is that the feedback is honest.

You're gunking up those works a bit by saying we should happily eat bloody eggs and battery acid and be thankful for it..

We need a content creators Teamsters, not a fake religion.

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Why am I where?  On the forums?  That's easy.........I like the forums.  I've been a forum rat for years before I ever heard of SL and an SL forum rat since sometime early 2006 (when I found them after joining SL in 2005).  Asking me why I'm still in SL?  That's easy too........I like SL.  I got fascinated with how SL works because it was so complicated to me when I joined.  I thought of SL as game and, like most people, I just could not understand why a game had to be so darned complicated.  I started digging, asking questions, trying things..........learning.  Once I started to grasp what SL was that made it so different from a game and unique on the Internet it started making sense......it's not rocket science but it does take a little effort to understand.  That fascination still exists for me today.

And, no, I do not have a shop on Marketplace......I don't even have a shop in-world.  So, no, I'm not a merchant.  I am a consumer though.  I'm also a creator..........you know, of course, you do not have to be a merchant to be a creator.  Between this account and my alt I have well over 10,000 textures that I created using GIMP (I'm guessing since that's the approximate number of textures I have over on my second hard drive and about 95% of those textures have been uploaded to SL by either me or my alt over the years).  Not all those textures have been distributed to anyone else but a very good percentage have......no, I've not made a single linden by giving those to anyone.  I don't see them nearly as much as just a couple years ago but I've spotted quite a number of my textures on builds and clothing.  I create for the fun of creating........I never wanted that fun to get to a point of being a job so I never went that direction.  I do know more than just a little bit about what it takes to create something..........and I will tell you straight up that, if you are good at it, it's no more difficult than editing your child's birthday photograph to remove that red-eye from the flash.  I hear all the time about how hard creators work.  Aside from worrying about some sort of income, most are merely playing.........it's not hard.  On the worrying about some sort of income......well, get educated about what you can and cannot do with the platform you are attempting to make that income.  That means learn how Marketplace works, how LL keeps it alive, and how you can use it to meet your income goals.  Whining about the owner of the platform you chose to use for this "business" is not going to make you earn a single linden more.  Demanding that owner stop doing to start doing anything for you is not going to make you a single linden more.

You got ads on a website that you don't have to pay a linden for (unless you earn a linden first.....actually you have to earn 20 lindens before you have to pay a single linden).  And screaming that LL is ruining your business.......come on.  Get back down to earth.    You're just an amateur making something to sell to other amateurs........making a few pennies (and if you are good, a few dollars, and very, very good, maybe something decent).  You have practically nothing invested in the company that gives you all that.  You are not what makes SL go around.  I am.......the consumer.  I can survive without you since I can create...you cannot survive without me.

And that is why I get sometimes rather passionate about people constantly bitching about LL.......it's not constructive criticism like you always try to tell me.  It's whining and crying because you don't like something or you think LL is taking something from you.  You, wouldn't be here if you couldn't "make money".  I would.  That's my investment.  I guess you can say I've lost a lot of respect for merchants (and even lost some respect for creators.........the creators who wear that title on their sleeve).  You're really not special.......not special at all.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

and I will tell you straight up that, if you are good at it, it's no more difficult than editing your child's birthday photograph to remove that red-eye from the flash.  I hear all the time about how hard creators work.  Aside from worrying about some sort of income, most are merely playing........It's not hard.

That comment, I for one, take rather offensively.  You however are entitled to your own opinion.


I have spent so many hours learning a program that people go to college to study.... on my own.  I have cried numerous times over not being "good enough" or not as good as "so and so".  I have watched countless tutorials on the content  I produce that show me concepts that I can not begin to grasp just so that I can bring a better quality piece of merchandise to my consumers.  I have spent days building and furnishing a structure only to realize it is not compatible with Secondlife/ too prim heavy etc. etc. 


There is a point in every Second Life content creator's journey here (who actually do this to put food on their family's table) where this goes far beyond "playing".  Logging in is now comparable to punching a time clock when you are dealing with customer inquires, defaulted merchandise, copybotting (the list continues).  For you to say that we are playing is similar to saying that a lawyer is playing when they defend a client in a court room- or that a teacher is playing when she educates a child.  These people, like us, are not playing.  This is simply the career choice they chose to fall into - much like art is to we ARTISTS here using Secondlife as a way to distribute the texture & 3D artwork that we create to make this community appealing to a variety of individual users with individual preferences. 

To say that content creation in Second Life is easy, you obviously have no idea what TRUE content creation is all about and the true emotional stress, sweat and tears that go into making a product you can stand behind!


Shame on you for looking down on us-


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You're twisting things around again. I'm not trying to tell you that merchants are better, or going into the hobbyist vs. professional or merchant vs. customer debate.

Everyone contributes to this world in some way, but yet here you are on a merchants forum consistently and repeatedly telling merchants that they need to just accept these ads, that it's LL that's doing them a favor, that feedback you don't agree with is whining, etc.

Your facts are consistently wrong, such as your last bit:

"And screaming that LL is ruining your business.......come on.  Get back down to earth.    You're just an amateur making something to sell to other amateurs........making a few pennies (and if you are good, a few dollars, and very, very good, maybe something decent).  You have practically nothing invested in the company that gives you all that.  You are not what makes SL go around.  I am.......the consumer.  I can survive without you since I can create...you cannot survive without me.And that is why I get sometimes rather passionate about people constantly bitching about LL.......it's not constructive criticism like you always try to tell me.  It's whining and crying because you don't like something or you think LL is taking something from you.  You, wouldn't be here if you couldn't "make money".  I would.  That's my investment.  I guess you can say I've lost a lot of respect for merchants (and even lost some respect for creators.........the creators who wear that title on their sleeve).  You're really not special.......not special at all."

Any criticism is constructive if it's honest, you may mean not positive enough for your liking. That's fine, you've stated it many times in this thread, you're entitled to your opinion.

You're wrong that I wouldn't be here if I couldn't make money. I was here for years out of pocket for tens of thousands of dollars.

You're wrong that I'm complaining that LL is ruining my business, my business isn't reflecting the same losses as SL.

You're wrong that I'm an amateur or that others here are, content creation and virtual goods are a healthy business. We really don't need to do a dictionary definition of amateur and professional here do we?

Are 3D artists all amateurs now? Remember that the next time you watch a film.

Programmers who script are amateurs?

You got a professional response from a professional web developer bullet pointing your errors about advertising and cookies and sessions.

You're wrong that if you're very good you make only a few dollars, I've done better as have many others. I still manage to pay a couple of hundred dollars a week to my staff. Others own multiple sims and profit above and beyond those high tier costs.

One person I was talking to owns 40 sims and doesn't like the image it gives their business either. I've done some quickie stats of all the feedback here, on SLU, a bit in-world, and on blogs and my numbers are telling me that most people would rather not see the ads. So you seem to be a minority here (not to slight your opinion) about the ads and yet you're claiming that people shouldn't vocalize this. Or perhaps you're saying that they should be hugging plushies while they disagree meekly.

You're claiming that consumers make the world go around and yet the largest income sector are land barons.

There are more people than you think that earn full time livings here that do it because they love it, they love SL and yet they're just bitching amateurs.

We can keep going around this bush, countering fact with your passion against "complainers", but seriously you couldn't be much more insulting or condescending.

I've had to learn this same lesson myself, having done the cheerleader thing and I'm still picking out buckshot from the experience. The lesson here is to take everything at face value. If someone has an opinion, deal with it or counter with facts that actually hold up, but insulting and dismissing anyone who doesn't agree as an amateur or complainer isn't making your case any stronger.

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Shame on you for taking me for granted.....playing me for an idiot.  I said IF YOU GOOD it's easy.  If you are mediocre it can be hard and if you are really amateurish it will be almost impossible.  So you studied hard in school.......guess what, so did I.  So you cried in frustration.........so did I.  The end result is that I learned what I wanted to learn and I got good at what I wanted to do.......and IT IS NOW EASY.  That's the way life is  You can try to impress me with your hard work.........but I know it's little more than play.  If you are still, after learning your skill (whatever it is you do), working hard, then you are not very good at what you do. 

Get offended all you want and tell me I'm shameful...........you're still not getting the respect you seem I owe you.  I respect people who are honest with me.  You are not being honest.  You're playing some game to make yourself feel important.  You are no more important than I am (or that brand new SL resident wondering what the heck I'm talking about). 

You know. of course, I have some serious doubts about you being good enough to "put food on your table".  Creators that good don't **bleep** about ads on a platform that they know they are not paying anything near what they are getting back from it.  They're too busy creating..........and having fun.  Ads on Marketplace are the least of their concerns........it's that next creation that is stirring around in their head that concerns them.

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Then what are you bitching about?  Ads or the fact that I think ads are a fact of life and that the ads are a product of your Internet browsing? 

BTW.  Contextual marketing is search based (keyed off searches on the site you received the ad).  You wouldn't get a "see your mugshot" ad unless you searched for something related to jail, crime, mugshots, or, maybe Lindsey Lohan.......on Marketplace.  You would see ads along those lines if you, perhaps, searched Lindsey Lohan.  The ads are behavioral............not contextual.  Clean up your Internet browsing and get better ads.

Take a chance.......fire up Google and search behavioral marketing.  Then search contextual marketing.  Read a little (the wikis are good starting points).  You might learn to tell what type of ad you are getting.

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First off, no one said anything about studying hard in school and I certainly did not label you or play you as an idiot.  These are your opinions but I am going to assume (as a previous poster recently mentioned) you believe all of your personal opinions to be fact. 


Secondly, how do I take you for granted?  When did I mention such, I don't recall typing this.  I love my customers and most of them know this.


No one is requesting your respect nor being dishonest with you.  I do not need to prove my income to you to highlight the point(s) I made previously.  


What concerns me as a creator goes far beyond what I am building.  Please refer to my above statement regarding customer relations and my previous post regarding what will effect my income when other merchants have advertisements on my Market Place Profile- which incidentally, is why I am here.  In the hopes that our opinions will reach someone important and make a bit of a difference. -- Not to feed negative Nancys with nothing better to do but roll out a red carpets of insults.


You are attempting to belittle the work that many people do here and I stand by my opinion, your comment is shameful.

This is a game to you.  To many others, it is so much more.  Your negativity is flooding this forum.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Then what are you bitching about?  Ads or the fact that I think ads are a fact of life and that the ads are a product of your Internet browsing? 

BTW.  Contextual marketing is search based (keyed off searches on the site you received the ad).  You wouldn't get a "see your mugshot" ad unless you searched for something related to jail, crime, mugshots, or, maybe Lindsey Lohan.......on Marketplace.  You would see ads along those lines if you, perhaps, searched Lindsey Lohan.  The ads are behavioral............not contextual.  Clean up your Internet browsing and get better ads.

Take a chance.......fire up Google and search behavioral marketing.  Then search contextual marketing.  Read a little (the wikis are good starting points).  You might learn to tell what type of ad you are getting.

Jeez. You see that little icon on the ads? Click it and it will lead you to more information on Google and a way to opt out of interest based advertising.

I have and I'm still seeing cheesy ads.

You're not getting how this works.

And I'm not bitching, that's your word. I'm a pragmatic sometimes cynical but mostly good natured business person, who compares LL with other experiences from other companies that are similar in nature in various ways to LL and to RL. Read into that what you like.

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An ad to check your criminal record popping up a page that contains a creation that you are selling is SL is going to hurt your sales or cheapen your product?  That's what I heard from the very start of this thread and that's what I'm continuing to hear.  That's a crock and you know it.  First off just because you see that ad does not mean a single one of your customers or potential customers see that ad (they likely see something else entirely depending oh how Google has them targeted).  And second, people savy enough to even be on SL are smart enough to know a pop-up ad like that has nothing (absolutely nothing at all) to do with you or Second Life (or even Linden Lab).  You know that but you insist that LL take it away because you don't like it and it's your excuse to whine and scream about.

The ads are there and they are probably not going away anytime soon.  It's not going to effect your sales or your reputation in the least.  Get over it and create instead of trying to run LL's business..........you have enough to do with your own business.

I got negative last night (after several days of remaining quite pleasant in any post I made) when someone like you (not you, but someone like you) called me a pimp, then a few hours later someone called me a whore...........all because I'm taking a realistic view of LL's decision to put targeted ads on Marketplace.  I guess you came late to the thread.

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