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Deploys for the week of 2013-03-11

Maestro Linden

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Happy March!


Second Life Server (main channel)

The main channel is getting the object rez project that was on BlueSteel and LeTigre last week.  This project makes sim performance smoother while objects are being rezzed.


Scheduled Tuesday 2013-03-12 05:00-12:00 PST


Second Life RC BlueSteel:

BlueSteel is getting a new server maintenance project, which fixes a fairly common crash mode.


Scheduled Wednesday 2013-03-13 07:00-11:00 PST


Second Life RC LeTigre:

LeTigre is getting the same project as BlueSteel.


Scheduled Wednesday 2013-03-13 07:00-11:00 PST


Second Life RC Magnum:

Magnum is on the same server maintenance project as last week.  This project includes a mix of bug fixes and stability improvements.


Scheduled Wednesday 2013-03-13 07:00-11:00 PST


We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.  If you have a specific bug you'd like to report, please file a Jira

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Dagger Ulrik wrote:

Maestro, any news as to when the current serious problems with sim crossings caused by last weeks Grid Roll are going to be fixed?

Dagger, I suppose you mean the BUG-1814 issue with interest list subscription following some region crossings in a vehicle, which people have posted to the last few deploy threads about? I don't have any news about that, except that we're still investigating it.

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I don't like to nag, but is there any news of this physics spiking issue?  I haven'f filed a JIRA because quite honestly I do not know how to phrase one.

Also, I notice that last week's code from LeTigre was supposed to have improved object rezzing as it's goal.  I had not realised that.  Since that roll I have seen more "Failed to Rez object" errors on our sim Woods of Heaven, LeTigre RC (sim 9163 currently) than in the past year.  Some "improvement"!

I see that it is released to Main Server this Tuesday, so it looks as though it will be on the whole grid bar Magnum now.

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Maestro,    I sincerely hope that "still investigating it" means that they are trying to figure out why the new interest list code has Broken aircraft vehicle sim crossings in every sim in SL...at every sim crossing.

I have noticed that  some aircraft which contain only the  basic vehicle script are able to cross sucessufly if the aircraft speed is kept low.  

But most sl aircraft contain  many 10's of scripts  beside the basic  flight script  to control sit positions, animations,sounds.propellors,alerions,elevator,rudder,landing gear  and combat aircraft contain even more  scripts such a  6 or 10 vice combat  related scripts.

 When this the sim boarder is crossed cam view, sit position/pose. and  keyboard vehicle control are all lost and dont come back.

This issue should be given a high priority........from you comment this morning   i did not get the impression that LL  was seriously /actively working on this.........I  hope I am wrong about that.

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Andrew has said they cannot reproduce the problem. He thinks it may have something to do with ping time, which would make repro it diffcult from within the Lab. So, let him know if you are able to reproduce the problem.

Those experiencing the problem should check their ping times and report them. That will prove or disprove the ping time idea.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

I don't like to nag, but is there any news of this physics spiking issue?  I haven'f filed a JIRA because quite honestly I do not know how to phrase one.

Hi Ayesha, it would probably be good to file a Jira with details about specific incidents, so we can check the logs.  If there's any specific behavior that triggers the 'lag spike' in a region, that would be good to note too.

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My ping time is 95 ms    its nothing to do with ping time.

..as i stated in my previous post this issue needs to be tested using a typical Aircraft that the full complement of scripts and features.......Not   just  1 basic vehicle script.

I will be happy to provide a test Airplane to Andrew or Maestro.

Certainly Aeon Voom must have provided Andrew with a Airplane to test after submitting Jira  BUG-1814  as he is one of the major builder/sellers of aircraft in SL.

How long ago did Andrew state that he can not reproduce the problem???  is that old  news   or  his current position?

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Hey Maestro


Any Word on Sim Crossing Fix,  Lately Sim Crossings at Giano Properties are Horrible, 2-3 minutes to just get thru, in Moving Vechile or walking, or if walking keep walking and either finally recover or crash out,  (earlier I crashed 3-4 times just walking to the point where my SUV was left after driving across a sim change)


This really needs to be fixed, I know sim crossing have always been terrible, but never this bad, been in SL 5 years now, currently using TPV viewer, and not getting much support from TPV Viewer Creator on this matter


Hopefully bug 1814 is fixed soon, and I can enjoy SL driving in SL again, or flying or boating


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It's pretty easy to build a set-up that simulates an extended ping-time for testing effects on a network. You have a dedicated box in the chain from server to client that can introduce a variable delay. Might be a dedicated network test gadget, it might be a cheap Linxu box with the right software,

Actually, it doesn't simulate an extended ping-time, It just adds a controllable delay to the network traffice that passes froim one ethernet port to another. And the extra ping time is real.

Look, even I can find out about such things with a Google search. It's in Wikipedia. If Linden Labs can't do this sort of test, well on past performance I can't say it astonishs me. 

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Actually, I can reproduce the vehicle crossing bug, if the vehicle is fast enough (like a jet). 


The one bug that we're having trouble reproducing is a bit different:

1) UserA TPs into somewhat busy sim

2) UserA sees themselves at landing point

3) Other users see UserA at the landing point

3) UserA walks around

5) Other users see UserA move around

4) UserA appears to not move on his viewer (although animations play) - this is the bug

Aside from not seeing his own avatar move, UserA apparenlty sees everything else normally (objects appear, other avatars move).  We're not sure why it only affects some users in some locations.

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Hi Maestro ..do you know if anything is planned to fix the problems that have arisen from yesterdays Second Life Main Channel rollovers..it appears that now most all of my 12 regions are experiencing these sim crossing issues, Physics FPS dropping to nothing, some scripts not working since, navmesh not being able to be rebaked without restarting the region .. I was even logged out when trying to restart one of them myself.  This is not a client side, nor a simple performance issue.  I see that the RC channel regions are being rolled over without the developement team dealing with the Second Life server problems from yesterday.  I have submitted a ticket on it.. but where does one start..lol  Just hoping they are aware of the issues

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There is also another bug that I presume is being caused by changes to the Interest list. This one has similarities to the animation problem and seems easily reproducable.


1) UserA & B are standing beside a tp pad on the ground with a second pad on a platform at altitude and a 3rd pad somewhere else at ground level in the sim

2) UserA is looking at UserB but not with cam locked on B. UserB teleports to the pad on the platform

3) UserA still sees UserB on the tp pad at ground level and UserA's mini map still shows UserB's icon as on the ground. UserB's viewer show them arrive on the platform.

3) UserB walks around on the platform, User A see's B's legs move but B doesn't move from pad.

4) UserA cams away until tp pad is out of draw distance then cams back in and UserB is gone.

This happens at ground level too and on Firestorm, Official Beta Viewer and the Main Viewer.

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Dagger Ulrik wrote:


There is also another bug that I presume is being caused by changes to the Interest list. This one has similarities to the animation problem and seems easily reproducable.


1) UserA & B are standing beside a tp pad on the ground with a second pad on a platform at altitude and a 3rd pad somewhere else at ground level in the sim

2) UserA is looking at UserB but not with cam locked on B. UserB teleports to the pad on the platform

3) UserA still sees UserB on the tp pad at ground level and UserA's mini map still shows UserB's icon as on the ground. UserB's viewer show them arrive on the platform.

3) UserB walks around on the platform, User A see's B's legs move but B doesn't move from pad.

4) UserA cams away until tp pad is out of draw distance then cams back in and UserB is gone.

This happens at ground level too and on Firestorm, Official Beta Viewer and the Main Viewer.

Yep, that's BUG-1795 "Agent appears in incorrect position to other agents after being moved by a sim teleporter".  We have a pending fix for that one.



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If i understand BUG-1814 correctly (which is not easy given that i can't see it!), i have been seeing this intermittantly for a few weeks with my ships (No more than 8m/s)


From my experience it does seem to be related to connection quality some how, although i can't tell if i it's dropped packet or ping related (My ping is usually between 170 and 250 from here in the uk).


I would happily provide a retail version of one of my complex scripted ships to You / Andrew to use for testing if that will help. They have several scripts to controll cannon firing / damage / sailing etc, however i have experienced these / similar problems at very slow speeds, sometimes it takes 10 or so region crossings, sometimes only 4, If the Gods are with me, sometimes i can sail for over an hour which is what lead me to believe it was something to do with my connection quality.


If a copy of a ship would help, just leave a message here or an IM in world and i'll send a copy over asap.



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Maestro and Andrew.....

I want to point out that the sim crossing crashes also happen at very low speeds. In the  test Airplane that Darleen sent to Andrew I  loose control and  crash at even 30% power setting  which is lowest speed you can go withouit landing.

So apparently your internet connecton  into SL is NOT reprersentative of what most  residents experience.Perhaps you connect from the "inside" of SL??   not from outside SL.  Just a wild guess.

Today I bit the bullet and downloaded the current latest official SL viewer    and tested sim crossings in the same test Airplane we sent to Andrew......just to make absolutely sure 3rd party view was not part of the problem. Loss of control happend just the same as with my 3rd party viewer. The  only difference I observed was thay my frames/second  dropped to 20 from the normal 40 that i usually get. 

I use  I7 pc  nvidia GT550TI and have a 18 meg connection via eithernet cable....so performance at my end is not an issue.  95 to 115  ms ping also.

As i stated before....some Airplanes that have only the basic vechicle script  dont have this problem until much higher speeds.   However a typical  combat aircraft in SL  has probably 20 scripts  running for all of the normal airplane and combat functions. Most of these script use a 0.1 ms timer  to update control inputs.

We just want to get back to the  the airplane sim crossing we had   6 weeks ago  and the performace we have had for tjhe last 6 years. 6 weeks ago we could do sim crossing even at very high speeds....the only speed limit was passing completely  across the sim you had just entered  before regaining control.

The other clues are that when this happens the sit position is lost, cam view is lost...the airplane is really continuing to fly on the same path as when it entered the sim...but  the pilot cant see and most important  you never recover........you cant stand up either   so typically you need to relog.


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they aware of it. and they can reproduce it now. the vehicle problem. with a jet seems they get off Aeon from the BUG JIRA that was filed by him like was said last week


in the post I made above where I say delete. I made a 10 minute long youtube vid and post in that space. the video show every problem that can get. slow and fast crossings. some (like one) sim handling the crossing okish. the rest not. scooming off into sky. ground hopping across  multi sims. long waits for recovery. broken cameras. texture fails. massive + and - parcel coordinate changes. all of them. at 7 minutes then total lockup with avatar doing the monster sky loop round and round and round. like how that goes

at 10 mins then have to stop the viewer with Task Manager. is total stuffed

after I post then Maestro say can reproduce this. so OK. delete my post and take down the youtube I made. bc they onto it now. they understand. and is no point for me to keep the video up anymore


the vehicle thing is driving me insane as well. but we just need be patient now ok

bc like you say is something new that causing this. maybe interest lists. maybe something else. they onto it now. soon hopefully will be worked out what codes need to change so we can have both. good vehicles and faster sim rez overall for everything else as well




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Just confirming that sailing has been pretty rough in Blake.   Yesterday though on a main channel private estate it wasnt quite so bad.  Dont have hard data, but subjectively the same problems others have reported.   

Not sure that vehicle velocity is an issue.   I do suspect that using keybaord while crossing is a factor (yes thats an old one but I suspect its more acute now but again only a suspicion). 

Have noticed that in some situations what looks like a region corssing crash (submarining to infinity or EOW) can now recover after quite a long delay with the vehicle back at the original location, scripts responding etc but cam position and angle all messed up.   Also Yesterday managed to cross the finsih line while avi and boat was absent from screen and screen view was stuck!

Too much werid stuff that is hard to descrbe precisely.

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This is a bad case of Linden Lab singing "La la la, I can't hear you because I have my fingers in my ears".  Yours is by no means the first ticket to have been raised over the issues reported in this and other threads.

Also, Maestro "usually" relates issues reported on this particular thread to both the server group and (I assume) SL maintenance.  The fact that Support claim to have no other references to this is spurious.

It is yet another example of how one part of Linden Lab fails to communicate with others effectively both internally and externally.

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16 wrote:

don't know how to repro that one exactly. not yet. i have to find a crowd first (:

but if is about stuck and not moving and how others inworld see you then I made another vid (:

it self explain. is only 3 mins this one

Hi 16, that definitely looks like the vehicle region crossing bug that others have complained about, BUG-1814.  The good news is that we have a fix for the issue on the beta grid, which seems to work.  The fix will probably go to RC next week.

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