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Deploys for the week of 2013-02-25

Maestro Linden

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Second Life Server (main channel)

The main channel is getting the server maintenance project which was on all three RC channels last week.  This project has miscellaneous bug fixes, along with a slightly better restart notification (which will only be apparent when this new version restarts for the next update):


Scheduled Tuesday 2013-02-26 05:00-12:00 PST


Second Life RC BlueSteel, Second Life RC LeTigre, Second Life RC Magnum:

All three RC channels are once again sharing the same server maintenance project.  The only change with this new maintenance project is a fix for a crash mode.




Scheduled Wednesday 2013-02-27 07:00-11:00 PST


We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.  If you have a specific bug you'd like to report, please file a Jira

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A quick comment.  A few weeks back one of the Server Updates to LeTigre RC caused the SL wind velocity to rise dramatically, affecting any flexi items that responded to wind.  You may recall that I raised the issue with regard to the "egyptian tent" on our sim (Woods of Heaven sim 9030 Le Tigre RC).

That past week I have been carefully watching it and it seems to me that the issue has returned with the update of 21st, ie that last roll.

Whether this was intentional or a reversion I do not know but it needs attention.

Also while I am here and since the support website is currently unreachable, will you PLEASE pass a message on to support that since the introduction of adverts on your company's webpages, the site's performance is dreadful.

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Hi Maestro! Just thought you might want to know that with all 11 of my sims now rolled over with this mornings Second Life Server update, I'm seeing that the sim crossings are nearly flawless .. first time in ages .... including that irritating problem with prims from the sim I just crossed from , showing themselves on the sim I've just crossed into.  As far as the sim crossings ... a big thanks to the developement team this time around :)

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Ayesha Askham wrote:


A quick comment.  A few weeks back one of the Server Updates to LeTigre RC caused the SL wind velocity to rise dramatically, affecting any flexi items that responded to wind.  You may recall that I raised the issue with regard to the "egyptian tent" on our sim (Woods of Heaven sim 9030 Le Tigre RC).

That past week I have been carefully watching it and it seems to me that the issue has returned with the update of 21st, ie that last roll.

Whether this was intentional or a reversion I do not know but it needs attention.

Also while I am here and since the support website is currently unreachable, will you PLEASE pass a message on to support that since the introduction of adverts on your company's webpages, the site's performance is dreadful.

Hi Ayesha, I did look into the windspeed after your initial report a few weeks ago, sampling it in the new interest list sim and the 'old' sim about 20,000 times, and I found that the average wind speed was very similar (the newer version had a slightly lower average windspeed, but the difference wasn't statistically significant).  It was important to sample over several hours, since sim wind follows a very long cyclical pattern.

The LeTigre update did introduce the interest list changes compared to the previous version (the changes are detailed in the SLS release notes here), but the average speed over the whole cycle should be the same.  If you suspect wind speed has changed, you can sample it on Aditi's SLS channel (which is still on the old version currently).

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It appears that today's rollout of the Main Server has also redeployed the bug that caused a Region to vanish from In-World Search. After a quick check of my SEO Clients, all of those that are on Second Life Main Server have vanished from Search Results. Some of these are Regions and Parcels that absolutely depend on Search for their income.

Please investigate and consider a rollback ASAP as they cannot tolerate another lost week's income at this point.

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not only are sims vanishing from the search, but it seems some sims have vanished off the grid... I'm stuck on a sim with several others who seem to also be disconnected from the rest of SL. (can't TP off the sim, can't fully load inventory, can't IM anyone, and can't resolve displaynames)


sim10088.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life Server


Edit: we got off by logging in to a different location

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Darrius: which places in particular seem to have dropped off of search?  This doesn't appear to be a universal problem; I just tried searching for 'fun times' on search (everything category), and the first 2 results are for parcels on "Second Life Server" regions (regions 'Somewhere in Time ' and 'Coral Tropics').


Star: You should contact support at https://support.secondlife.com/ against the region you were 'stuck' in before.  It's likely that the specific region/sim host requires intervention.

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Maestro Linden wrote:

Darrius: which places in particular seem to have dropped off of search?  This doesn't appear to be a universal problem; I just tried searching for 'fun times' on search (everything category), and the first 2 results are for parcels on "Second Life Server" regions (regions 'Somewhere in Time ' and 'Coral Tropics').

Well, it appears to have been a transient problem. Those parcels that dropped out have been returned to Search results. Not sure why it happened, but it was definitely universal across all Second Life Server Sims. Maybe it was something that caused the indexer to skip a cycle? (Just guessing.)

Thanks for following up though Maestro.

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I am not sure what the time is between scans. for the map, the search, or anything else, but since there are always sims which never seen to get marked down on the map during a rollout, and some which are marked as down for hours, I figure there will always be places that will get missed for one cycle.

I have sometimes wondered if these things should really run on a cycle which is effectively same-time-every-day. The sun-moon model has sunrises several times every real day, and always at the same RL times. I've never bothered to measure the cycle time, but if it ran seven hours it would go through a weekly cycle. Whether search or map scans are ever that predictable, I just don't know.

For the search scan, and its interaction with roll-outs, I am not sure I can see how it would be predictable enough to be able to say whether somebody could be regularly afflicted. Would it be simplest, now the rollout-process is running faster, just to pause the scan as part of the roll-out process?

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Hello Maestro,

I would like to describe a recurring problem on sim crossing.
This problem affects all vehicles in Second Life, and whatever the server.
I thought a video would be the best way to do this.

I hope that this will help you effectively kill this huge problem.
Thank you for what you do
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Erick Gregan wrote:

Hello Maestro,

I would like to
describe a

This problem
all vehicles
Second Life
, and whatever the

I thought a
would be the best
way to do this


I hope that
will help you
effectively kill

Thank you for
what you do

I can confirm this issue. 

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I am seeing the same problems exactly  for the last 2 weeks....however it got much worse on the last agni server rollout of Tuesday (26 feb).

Before  the last 2 server version changes, we could Fly airplanes across sim boarders at speeds up to 70 knots with only a few seconds of loss of control.

Now I loose control entirely and never recover even at very low airplane speeds of less than 25 knots. Typically the aircraft actually continues to fly uncontrolled until the vehicle goes off world. The Viewer view is lost,cam view lost. and pilot is frozen in pilot animation.  The only way to recover is to log out of sl and relog........rez new plane etc.

Boats and cars may be fine  i dont know.............but Airplanes  at speeds above 25 lnots all seem to have this issue now.

I have been flying in sl for 6 years   and i have hi speed internet (20meg)  and  hi end Nvidia graphics,  I7 PC.

Sim crossings for Aircraft have never been very good.....BUT now they are impossible...:matte-motes-angry:

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Hi Erick, I visited Alphubel from your video and region crossed into Cochrane a few times, using a variety of vehicles: 'A4C Skyhawk VA15 1.1', 'F-117A NightHawk 1.0', 'M1151 HMMWV 1.0.2', 'SW-319 v1.0 Blue & Grey', and '[aR] Mesh Expedition Station Wagon v1.6'.  I did not encounter the problem you describe.

Erick and Eric, this is worth a Jira if you can reproduce it in a supported viewer (your video showed either a TPV or the 1.23 viewer, neither of which is supported).  In your report, you should note the following:

* Some example time stamps of your crossings and the names of the regions involved

* Attached a copy of your viewer's Secondlife.log from that session.  This page describes where to find those log files: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-report-a-bug/ta-p/733545#Section_.3

* Note whether this issue occurs with any vehicle or just specific vehicles.  Does it happen with the 'Kart 1.0' from Library?  If it's only happening with specific vehicles, please provide instructions about how to obtain them.

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There is a pattern to these apparently unrelated issues that people  (including myself) are encountering.  Nearly all (if not all) of the accounts suffering either connection or similar issues with the Grid or Website are European.

This needs some serious investigation ot the US (ie Linden Lab) end of things, since it must either be an issue with your own servers or the routing to Europe.  This is not something that we can do from our end...I know...I tried.

This matter is serious, verging on the critical and needs detailed attention as soon as is possible.  I know it is not necessarily your job to do this, but please, for goodness sake get someone to investigate the problem and REPORT BACK!

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We've been here before.  Several massive spikes of 0.1FPS physics again tonight.  During such an outage, it is as though we are disconnected from SL, since we cannot move, merely pivot.  These spikes last for up to 10 seconds, and once they are over sim physics FPS return to completely normal.  None of the other statistics appear affected, though I assume sim ping rockets, I did not, however, observe it as having done so.

 Woods of Heaven is now sim 9123 LeTigre RC.  I noted that our sim restart was much later than normal, over 2 hours later.

 What IS going on?

On a separate note I have suffered similar symptoms to those reported by dd Temin within a sim while at high speed in a mesh car at Amber Raceway.  Control is lost, the camera view is lost and it is impossible to "unsit" the driver for anything up to 30 seconds.  Once the driver avatar is unsat, the vehicle vanishes (offworld I assume) never to be returned.

Now this "unsupported" nonesense must stop.  LL knows well that its own viewer is no longer No1 in the stats, but more importantly the code that TPVs are allowed to use is in these respects identical to that in the Linden "official" viewer, therefore issues reported in such circumstances are just as valid as those reported using an "official" viewer.


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Thank you Ayesha....very well stated..... about the use of 3rd party viewers.

I hope that all of the sl residents  who   fly airplanes in SL  will come forward and  let   LL  know how terrible sim crossings have become in the last 2 weeks in Aircraft at  even moderate speeds.

Do you crash on every sim crossing?  no....but  if you try to fly across  several sims in a row at even moderate speeds complete loss of control  will occur and you are unable  to recover without  loging out and reloging. At higher speed it happens on all sim crossings.

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I've sent you the Cessna 421 which I used for testing.
I redid the video using wiever secondlife.

I leave the care to create jiira by professionals of this procedure is so simple that I prefer to avoid the headache.

But, if I am allowed to contact you here, it is because we can not count the number of jiira that were created on the problem of sim crossing and that this problem has never been solved perfectly and final. The only time where everything was perfect, it was before the implementation of the system PathFinder. Since that fateful day for vehicle users (not just planes) are crossing the sim become a hell. We no longer think the flight of the aircraft and the pleasure of piloting, we think "Is the next crossing sim will throw me out of the world???".
But also, I made a small discovery. If you change the way you watch the plane, then we have the chance to spend the sim crossing, no problem. This video explains how to do it :)

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Good Find Erick...:)      At least it works on your particular aircraft's   script.     However   it did not  help with my Airplane  but   i did some more testing.......and now i am  absolutely  sure  that  this latest  server version  has caused some bug with the dynamic cam view scripts.....  It effects some cam view scripts  much worse than others     not sure why yet.

All latest SIM Crossing  problems in the past 2 weeks are caused by unrecovering loss of Cam view only.

Aparently it effects some   Airplane Cam scripts  much worse than others.

Has the latest version borked something with older version or 3 rd party viewers?  i dont know the answer to this yet.

I find that i can get unstuck  from this mode eventually if I open the edit window for the airplane  if the  airplane is still visible.

All os these problems have gotten  much much worse in last to server version changes.

Maestro,,,,,,,,,ill  send you one of my airplanes that exhibits  these  problems  along with a notecard  with control instructions. I was testing this airplane  in Vargas sim and LL maintence sim next to it on the north side.


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Hmm Dwarfins issue is back, not sure if this is related to any updates on the server but I first saw this last week:



That's how they should look, with weapon. Here's what I see on some of them:


Invisible Dwarfins, just their weapons are showing, although if I click one of them, a hat does sometimes appear:


A relog does seem to sort this generally, so no big inconvenience.

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Maestro -

How can I be getting an error message, "This Region (Mainland) Is not running any scripts?"

It's where I live, have proper group permissions, etc.  About land says scripts are enabled.

I've PM'd the location to you, I don't want to publicly post my home location here.


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Perrie Juran wrote:


Maestro -

How can I be getting an error message, "This Region (Mainland) Is not running any scripts?"

It's where I live, have proper group permissions, etc.  About land says scripts are enabled.

I've PM'd the location to you, I don't want to publicly post my home location here.


Hi Perrie, sometimes support disables scripts in mainland regions to clean up griefer objects.  If your region still has scripts disabled now, you should file a ticket at http://support.secondlife.com/

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Maestro Linden wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Maestro -

How can I be getting an error message, "This Region (Mainland) Is not running any scripts?"

It's where I live, have proper group permissions, etc.  About land says scripts are enabled.

I've PM'd the location to you, I don't want to publicly post my home location here.


Hi Perrie, sometimes support disables scripts in mainland regions to clean up griefer objects.  If your region still has scripts disabled now, you should file a ticket at 

Thanks...I was just coming back to say I just got done talking with someone else from the region and it did have a major attack today.  It was mine and several adjacent regions.    Thanks much for replying.

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

Now this "unsupported" nonesense must stop.  LL knows well that its own viewer is no longer No1 in the stats, but more importantly the code that TPVs are allowed to use is in these respects identical to that in the Linden "official" viewer, therefore issues reported in such circumstances are just as valid as those reported using an "official" viewer.



what you asking for is same as demanding a Apple engineer debug a problem with Safari connected to iTunes by accept reports and event re-construction from users using Google Chrome. bc they both use webkit which is mostly identical in both browsers. Apple engineer don't use Chrome for debug. just Safari



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No, your analogy is completely inappropriate.  The software is far more similar and there is a great deal more of the viewer that is common than would be the case for web browsers. Also the relative uptake of TPVs, specifically Firestorm, means that to effectively debug any issues Linden Lab engineers should use both the Linden viewer (which, bear in mind can have many variants in Beta at any given moment) and the prevalent TPVs.

To do otherwise is simply a waste of their and our time.  To say that only Proprietory viewers must be used is a spurious and invalid argument.

I don't expect that Linden Lab would do this, since they cannot even be bothered to ensure that their website runs reproducibly on anything other than Mozilla Firefox!  Outside of the USA this is a Big Issue.

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