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Secondlife.com homepage adverticements?

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I'm happy for Linden Lab to do anything they need to do to make money and stay in business.

I'd like them to sell the ad space to resident businesses both on their website and in the welcome and infohub areas.

I've been saying this for eight years and it gets boring to repeat, but the Lindens have to figure out how to make money for themselves and resident businesses together, that way both succeed. Why let have Google make money, and LL make only a bit of click revenue from gold sellers and engineering programs  that will lead to few conversions when they could sell ads for stuff that people want and will buy and will pay for.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:


I'd like them to sell the ad space to resident businesses both on their website and in the welcome and infohub areas.


I agree and I am surprised that LL have not extended an invitation to SL users directly to buy advertising space on the site.

I notice the banner ads do not extend as far as the forums or the MP, so maybe that is a prime place to sell banner ad space specifically to SL businesses. 

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Pretty much why I dislike Television. Pay for cable channels and then get hit with redundant ads every 10 minutes. I dont watch Television anymore lol Only to catch up on news and weather. lol

Every 10 minutes? You must be in the U.S. I've heard that it's bad over there.

You need a hard drive TV recorder so that you can skip through the ads in seconds. I don't watch much live TV these days - just recorded TV.

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Yea Charity had one of those recorders. can schedule recordings and such. made watching some programs a lot easier for sure lol. . I have a 2TB hard drive for my intertainment needs lol

Not too long ago I saw a TV show toss up ads during the show. They  have their little bar down below and suddenly start seeing ads scroll by. 

But hey more power to SL for  tossing up ads. . More money might mean more development .. or not lol

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I use a TiVo for my TV, which is brilliant. Before that I used a different HD TV recorder, and I still have it, but it's the TiVo that I use (it records 3 channels simultaneously). Before those, I never used to think about TV ads in a particularly negative way but now I really dislike watching live TV because I can't skip through them. Once in a while they are ok - make a cuppa or sandwich, or go to the loo - but that's all.

Actually, there is one set of ads that I do like to see when a new one comes out - the meerkats. UK people will know what I mean. If you see anyone writing 'simples' (with an s at the end) instead of 'simple', it's from the meerkats ads. If you're interested to know what I'm talking about, go to www.comparethemeerkat.com and browse the site.


ETA: Related to the thread topic, a few UK TiVo users are against some ads that have recently started to appear when using the TiVo. When you press Pause on some channels (live or recorded) a banner ad comes up. It's unobtrusive and most people find it acceptable, but a few don't. I'm happy for it to be there if it helps Virgin Media make a bit more money. VM is the UK TV service provider that leases out the TiVos. Other providers, such as Sky, don't have anything even close to it.

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The pre-TiVo catchup is good because the programmes are stored on VM's servers but the TiVo's catchup is poor because the programmes are stored on, say, the BBC's servers. The main channels have gone over to solely internet delivery (iPlayer) for everything except live programmes. Even the BBC's red button function is via iPlayer now. The TiVo has its own dedicated 10M BB, which shoukd be fine, but the delivery to it is not. There are a lot of complaints about it. But the TiVo is so good that I have no need of catchup.

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In France, commercials have been forbidden during all shows or movies some years ago, at least for public channels. We do have ads before and after the news, or between 2 programs. Thus we can enjoy a 3 hours movie without any interruption. We've had Gone With The Wind non stop a few weeks ago. More than 4 hours without Scarlett using some L'Oréal shampoo or Rhett getting a shave by Giltette! Lol, vive la France! :D

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Here in the UK only the 4 BBC channels are free of advertising. They are funded by the public - we pay an annual TV license fee. All the other channels must have advertisements to fund them. Our ads come every 15 to 20 minutes.

There are more than 4 national BBC channels on air in the UK. As well as BBC 1,2,3 and 4 there is also BBC News 24, BBC Parliament, CBBC and my favourite Ceebies. Even with these extra channels the License fee is still a rip off.

I spent about 15 years feeling very smug with myself because I thought I had got away without paying the license fee. Then I found out my wife had been paying it in secret every year!! 


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You've heard correctly. I envy all of you who live in places where that doesn't happen. The normal commercially broadcast program in the US provides about 45 minutes of program per hour of broadast. The remainder is advertising. It can be much worse if there's a competitive market for the ads. This from Entertainment Weekly:

"ABC packed roughly 107 spots — or more than 45 minutes of commercial and promotional time — into the two-and-a-half-hour Lost series finale, according to our (very unscientific but pretty reliable) count. Just when the finale would unveil a major plot point, a break would occur featuring anywhere from five to 11 ads and/or sneak peeks for fall shows on ABC."

Doesn't that sound fun? That is not the only reason I almost never watch television any more, but it certainly helps. I didn't see the last episode of Lost, nor the first nor any of the ones in between.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Here in the UK only the 4 BBC channels are free of advertising. They are funded by the public - we pay an annual TV license fee. All the other channels must have advertisements to fund them. Our ads come every 15 to 20 minutes.

There are more than 4 national BBC channels on air in the UK. As well as BBC 1,2,3 and 4 there is also BBC News 24, BBC Parliament, CBBC and my favourite Ceebies. Even with these extra channels the License fee is still a rip off.

I spent about 15 years feeling very smug with myself because I thought I had got away without paying the license fee. Then I found out my wife had been paying it in secret every year!!  

Those too :) But you forgot BBC HD which is also a different channel.

And about your wife and the TV license... Ouch!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is what your Licence money funds... [if you pay it that is]

Without this you'll more than likely end up with adverts on the Beeb as well!






  • BBC Radio UK
    • BBC Radio 1 (Contemporary popular music) (97-99 FM) - Website
    • BBC Radio 2 (music for a more mature audience; and comedy), originally known as the Light Programme. (88-91 FM) - Website
    • BBC Radio 3 (Classical, jazz and non-western music and study in musical topics), originally the Third Programme. (90-93 FM) - Website
    • BBC Radio 4 (Non-musical entertainment such as drama, comedy, news programmes and factual programmes), previously the Home Service, formed in 1939 from the fusion of the pre-war National and Regional Programmes. Radio 4 has both FM and longwave frequencies and broadcasts a limited amount of different programming on the two bands. (92-95 FM, 198 LW) - Website
    • BBC Radio 5 Live (News and sports analysis and commentary), originally BBC Radio 5. (909 and 693 MW) - Website


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Third Party Advertisements

Linden Lab participates in ad and/or affiliate networks operated by various third party companies. These companies collect and may use certain anonymous information about your visits to our Websites as a function of referring Internet traffic to our Websites. We do not permit these companies to collect any personal information about you, such as your name, address, or email address; however, we do permit these companies to collect your IP address. These companies may set and use cookies, web beacons, pixels, or other technologies to collect anonymous information about your visits to our Websites, and may otherwise aggregate, analyze and anonymize that data. If you seek information about these specialized advertising technologies, the Network Advertising Initiative offers useful information about Internet advertising companies (also called "ad networks" or "network advertisers"), including information about how to opt-out of their information collection.

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chrismignon McDonnell wrote:

Third Party Advertisements

Linden Lab participates in ad and/or affiliate networks operated by various third party companies. These companies collect and may use certain anonymous information about your visits to our Websites as a function of referring Internet traffic to our Websites. We do not permit these companies to collect any personal information about you, such as your name, address, or email address; however, we do permit these companies to collect your IP address. These companies may set and use cookies, web beacons, pixels, or other technologies to collect anonymous information about your visits to our Websites, and may otherwise aggregate, analyze and anonymize that data. If you seek information about these specialized advertising technologies, the 
 offers useful information about Internet advertising companies (also called "ad networks" or "network advertisers"), including 
 of their information collection.

That's LL stupidly pretending that they have any control over what data the ad companies can and cannot collect, but they don't have any control whatsoever.

The ads are affiliate ads, and they are served by the affiliate center - not by LL's servers. When you get one of the pages in your browser, most of it comes directly to you from LL's server, and the ads come directly to you from the server(s) of one or more other companies. Your browser receives the LL page. Code on the page tells the browser to fetch another file from somewhere else. That file is the ad. In making the request(s) your IP address is sent to the other server(s). That's necessary because it's the address where the server has send the ad to. If your broweser didn't provide it, there would be nowhere to send the ad. So the other companies have access to 2 pieces of data - your IP address and the URL of the page in your browser that requested the ad. LL doesn't have any control over that. They can't allow it or disallow it.

Thaty's the way that affiliate advertising works but, having said all that, it is actually possible for LL to hide your IP address from the other server, by having the LL server fetch the ads each time they are wanted, and then delivering them to the browser. Doing it that way woiuld be against the Google AdSense rules but I don't think that LL uses AdSense. It may also be against the rules of other affiliate centers. Whether it is or isn't, it would be an unnecessarily convoluted way of having affiliate ads on the site. LL could actually have the ads on their server but that's not the way affiliate adverising works, and it probably wouldn't be allowed by the affiliate center.

The bit about LL not permitting the other companies to "collect any personal information about you, such as your name, address, or email address" is garbage. Names, addresses, and email addresses cannot be gathered by any affiliate company or affiliate advertiser. There is simply no mechanism for it. So LL's pretense at not allowing it is pure rubbish.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to say, I am not at all happy with seeing these adverts, and i fail to see why we should be expected to install other software in order to stop seeing it.

I fully accept that LL are here to make money and therefore I feel that freebee members should see the adverts to help towards the ongoing costs.

However I have been a pad member for many years, and have spent litterally thousands here in land fees and transaction fees etc.  I therefore do not fee that I, or any paid members should have to see these adverts.

Most other websites do not show adverts for paid members, and this should be no different.

Down with the adds please!

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  • 1 month later...

Well what bug me more with this ads its they give good publicity to another game...im buseness owner in sl and traffic on second life grid go down more and more every day...why not they dont make banner for Second Life and send every where (like IMVU)...no they put banner of other game on them own web site....soooo smart

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Monkey Canning wrote:

I have to say, I am not at all happy with seeing these adverts, and i fail to see why we should be expected to install other software in order to stop seeing it.

I fully accept that LL are here to make money and therefore I feel that freebee members should see the adverts to help towards the ongoing costs.

However I have been a pad member for many years, and have spent litterally thousands here in land fees and transaction fees etc.  I therefore do not fee that I, or any paid members should have to see these adverts.

Most other websites do not show adverts for paid members, and this should be no different.

Down with the adds please!

You don't have to see the ads. Don't visit the site. Problem solved.

How a site is run is entirely up to its owner, and nothing to do with anyone else, as long as it's all legal, of course. There is no "this should be no different" about it. What LL "should" do with the site is entirely up to LL

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