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Secondlife.com homepage adverticements?

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I saw an ad in banner shape at the secondlife.com website when logged in first thing i was thinking this cant be right LL would not make commercials for other then themselfs, I even thought for a moment that the whole site was insecure and that my pasword would get stolen along the ones from my friends. But after making a ticket and ofcours wait a day or 2 this came as reply from LL:


Hi Hellespont Hoorenbeek,

Sorry for the confusion on this - for some reason I was still seeing a cached copy of our homepage; the ads are showing for me as well now. They were recently added to our website, you are still secure :)

Have a nice day!

TJ Linden, Concierge Support


To start this sould be first be as info on blogs to warn people not to worrie, Second this is bad business specially for paying residents and long term reisdents of Second Life what will happen next we all know what LL did to our viewer it looks like they are screwing it up even more on theire website with this commercial crap. Im am worried about where this will lead to. Just my opinion but who seems care?


Philip Linden we miss you please come back and safe our Second Lifes! (serieusly)

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Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

[...] this is bad business specially for paying residents and long term reisdents of Second Life what will happen next we all know what LL did to our viewer it looks like they are screwing it up even more on theire website with this commercial crap. Im am worried about where this will lead to. Just my opinion but who seems care?

The ads are not intrusive and they earn a bit of money for site owner (LL). Therefore, there is nothing wrong with them at all. Nothing.

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Firstly,think you are over-reacting bit to the security issue. Rather than filing a ticket you could have just come to the forums (as you have now) to see if anyone else had seen the new banner ads. You would have found a couple of threads discussing the topic (as is the case with all  LL related news). 

Secondly, since when has a company selling ad space been bad for business? I doubt this will cost LL any customers, but it will generate them revenue. This is good news for everyone that cares about the continued support and development of SL. I am sure the users of secondlife.com will moan and complain a bit, but we complain about nearly everything, so nothing will come it, and we will all continue on with our second lives.

As for Phillip coming back, he never went away, he still sits on the board and can voice his opinion at any time.

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Say that im overreacting, say that im wrong or say what ever you whant i RESPECT that it is simply your opinion. But i dont have to follow the Linden Fan boys and say: "everything LL is doing is the best" Those ads are a EYESORCE ON MY PERSONAL ACCOUNT INFO!! that is all im pointing out.


I dont whant ads on my personal account info when logged in, When i logg in i am taking care of sim tiers taking care of my personal things, I dont whant to get distracted by weird ads from The S*ms and S*m C*ty or what so ever i play Second Life, And if LL things its a good thing to do ads then leave that to non logged-in areas!



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Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

Those ads are a
that is all im pointing out.


The amount of time you have spent complaining about the ads in this thread, you could have spent that time downloading and installing an ad blocker. Problem solved and personal crisis (and red caps) avoided.

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It just popped into my mind, will the next step be that they start flashing ads on the viewer while we're logged in?

*Your view to the world will be blocked for the duration of
  these commercial infos. Please stay tuned in.*

Or they might put an army of Linden ad bots walking about the grid carrying ad signs.  :smileytongue:


If that happens our only hope is that somebody develops ad blocker for the viewer and automatic ad bot derenderer too. :smileywink:

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Currently offline.... refresh its gone but placeholders are still there... Now, advertising quibid....... thats a whole other story. They have the worst reputation... but whatever pays the bills huh LL. Listen I could understand free accounts having to see this, but paid prem accounts.. NO


second life ads to its paying members.JPG


and this while going to shopping.. Notice the ad is region specific...

I have no idea how these banners work, but its fishy it knows Im in florida isnt it? BTW this one came when I was online. And yes we can install ad blockers and such, but there is now a matter of trust between users and LL that has been broken. It is very SAD to have to installl something that LL put in place to block. Next will be in world banners like ticker tape in world...

florida residents.JPG

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if you don't use an ad blocker i don't see these external ad's as a problem when me or one of my alts is logged in theres no ad's (so far) if i'm not logged in then there are ad's but i expect that on any site i visit i can't see this damaging LL or SL you see advertising almost everywhere else on the net why not the SL website

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Hellespont Hoorenbeek wrote:

Say that im overreacting, say that im wrong or say what ever you whant i RESPECT that it is simply your opinion. But i dont have to follow the Linden Fan boys and say:
"everything LL is doing is the best"
Those ads are a
that is all im pointing out.

I dont whant ads on my personal account info when logged in, When i logg in i am taking care of sim tiers taking care of my personal things, I dont whant to get distracted by weird ads from The S*ms and S*m C*ty or what so ever i play Second Life, And if LL things its a good thing to do ads then leave that to non logged-in areas!

What you want doesn't matter. What any individual wants doesn't matter. The ads are not intrusive for anyone, including you. You have a choice not to see them, so take it and stop whining.

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Coby Foden wrote:

It just popped into my mind, will the next step be that they start flashing ads on the viewer while we're logged in?

*Your view to the world will be blocked for the duration of

  these commercial infos. Please stay tuned in.*

Or they might put an army of Linden ad bots walking about the grid carrying ad signs.

If that happens our only hope is that somebody develops ad blocker for the viewer and automatic ad bot derenderer too. :smileywink:

If they are thinking of doing anything like that, I'll volunteer my bots for it - for a fee, of course.

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Tarina Sewell wrote:


and this while going to shopping.. Notice the ad is region specific...

I have no idea how these banners work, but its fishy it knows Im in florida isnt it?


Whenever you connect to a web page you send  your Internet address.  That is how the Web Site knows where to send the info.   The address includes specific info, including the area where you are connecting from.  That gets crossed referenced on the Ad Server.

It is simply how it works.  Nothing nefarious here.  ALL Adverts you see are to a degree tailored to you.

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Yea, Like I stated in another thread and someone else mentioned it in this thread that premium members should not be bombarded with the ads.. That is usually a selling point for most websites, to offer ad removal if they pay for premium membership.. I Guess if they don't disappear for me, then ill drop my premium LOL

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Genuine question here, what do you find so objectionable about these adverts? I ask because you have an advert in your signature, so you see the value of advertising.

I've used the events and land forums here to advertise events and land and I previously used the new products section on the old forum to advertise, I'm also a strong believer that there should be a new product forum, but it's all advertising.

Is the problem that they're not Second Life related adverts?

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I guess it is a matter of personal preference. I would expect facebook to bombard me with ads since there is not premium membership and 100% free. FB has gone as far as bombarding my wall with ads and now I don't use it anymore. Ads that make me think my friends agree to LOL

My ad in my signature is not on your pages and only visible when I answer questions or help someone or answer a post or 2 . Small price to pay for help from residents


I could care less if the ads were from SL or even RL. Its just not the standard . I am all for a company to make money. That's why I payed for premium. But I guess LL wants money hand over fist and that's fine for them too. It will be a deciding factor weather I renew or not and the horrible support I received lately is the topper. They have ads now. So I don't need to pay for ads being displayed to me. LOL


Like I stated before. Removal of banner ads for premium members is normally a selling point to get people to pay for premium .. LL has it backwards LOL

 Just like when I ran my clubs. I had all kinds of ads put up. Because I didn't charge anyone anything and needed to recover costs. If I charged for entry and use. Then I wouldn't disrespect the  premium members by  putting up ads all around them to make even more money LOL But I guess that's why my proffits were low and user base high LOL

But I am no one to tell anyone what to do. If that's what they Want to do then that's good for me too. It just leads to decision making on the users end. I am not against it totally. I just felt it is a bit crass

Pretty much why I dislike Television. Pay for cable channels and then get hit with redundant ads every 10 minutes. I dont watch Television anymore lol Only to catch up on news and weather. lol


But if I would have to look ad ads on the site i would rather they be Second Life world ads and not RL ads


How funny TeeVee is a banned word lol

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:


Pretty much why I dislike Television. Pay for cable channels and then get hit with redundant ads every 10 minutes. I dont watch Television anymore lol Only to catch up on news and weather. lol



Yes!  :smileyfrustrated:

They make me mad!



They drive me nuts!



They destroy my enjoyment!



They are too loud!  Besides, I don't need any ads.



TV commercials every ten minutes totally destroy any enjoyment in trying to watch a TV show or a movie.

Therefore if I'm interested about some TV program I often just save it on disk, watch later and skip all the ads. :smileyhappy:


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