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Adult regions outnumber G-rated ones for the first time

Innula Zenovka

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Over at SLU,  Tyche Shepherd reports, in her weekly survey of the grid, that 

Today the number of Second Life Adult Rated regions exceeded the number of General rated for the first time ever, 3932 vs 3924 . Mature is still the largest category with 19842 , there are also an additional 8 regions marked as down

This brings the Adult share of the grid to 14.2% by size, Jack Linden originally estimated that the demand for Adult rated regions would be no more than 5% of the grid when they were first introduced.

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this actual a good thing I think

good bc while the linden company wants to make space for G-rated activities on the grid. it has done in a way that the residents/customers can determine for themselves how big that space might be. same for A-rated

lucky for everyone that linden company never listen to Jack Linden on this. in same way they never listen to them who wanted to keep it all A=M=G=18+ at the time of the change

is all about choices we can make for ourselves independently and not have them made for us. so am happy that is working this way  

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

,  Tyche Shepherd reports, in her
, that 

Today the number of Second Life Adult Rated regions exceeded the number of General rated for the first time ever, 3932 vs 3924 . Mature is still the largest category with 19842 , there are also an additional 8 regions marked as down

This brings the Adult share of the grid to 14.2% by size, Jack Linden originally estimated that the demand for Adult rated regions would be no more than 5% of the grid when they were first introduced.

Very interesting.

Foe any one wanting to look at more info on the indroduction of Adult Regions, their are links to a lot of information in the Wiki.


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16 wrote:

this actual a good thing I think

good bc while the linden company wants to make space for G-rated activities on the grid. it has done in a way that the residents/customers can determine for themselves how big that space might be. same for A-rated

lucky for everyone that linden company never listen to Jack Linden on this. in same way they never listen to them who wanted to keep it all A=M=G=18+ at the time of the change

is all about choices we can make for ourselves independently and not have them made for us. so am happy that is working this way  

There are still many of us who think "G" should have been segregated.

You have to watch out for this while sailing Mainland waters.  Most is moderate so you can sail nekkie.  But if you don't keep your eyes on the map you can inadvertantly find your self passing theough G-Rated water.

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Statistics.  Don't we love them.  :)  Below is the current Second Life Grid Survey.


Ownership Total General Moderate Adult Offline Total Area (km²)
Total 27706 3924 19842 3932 8 1815.74
Linden Owned 7098 1725 5026 346 1 465.17
Private Estates 20608 2199 14816 3586 7 1350.57
Bless Jack's heart.  He actually got it nearly dead on for Linden Owned land (4.9%.......that's the red highlighted text.  But it seems he believed the private sector would follow LL's lead.  He missed that by about 12.5% (17.4%.....that's the orange highlighted text).  I guess us civilians are more perspicuous than LL.  :)  Just take a look at the General regions that LL owns compared to the Private Estates.
Naughty, naughty us
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And yet, as adult expands SL declines.  I suppose one could say Adult has saved SL from total collapse as perhaps these regions would just have been lost if they could not be adult.   I wonder if LL has any idea of the impact of the growth of Adult regions?  I might also be true that a reliance on Adult, presumable sex, for SL's financial health might also supress many others from joining SL.  

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For me this is bad news, but I am already changing every thing over to working without web sites or servers, means all of the games parts will be scraped, once I am done I will be able to abandon my land and have only a market place shop with just 8 items, the fighting dummies have always been popular and don't need servers, so they stay, the combat meter is now super fast not having to use the web or servers but means no trading or stuff like that, and the drone shoot will be released here, these are drones as the USA have them that have AI pilots and you can dog fight with, comes with AA guns and a points system, they have defense and attack patterns that are as near to real as I can get them, many in the beta sims on the main grid have seen them, plus the hats and canes, so just 8 items on market place, I will change my account to basic so cost here will be zero. I have made 100's of things here and it will take months to transfer them all to my own grid, this is OS grid and the vehicles don't work well there, but I am sure when I have left SL I can spend more time to make them work like they do in SL.

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Well, I'm actually surprised that this hasn't happened sooner, because Adult doesn't necessarily mean Adult in terms of anything other than age verification.

What I mean is that many regions that are labeled adult are in fact ran as if they're moderate. The owners just chose adult land because they feel that gives them more freedom over how to use it. This is expecially the case in rp sims, where people are relied upon to regulate eachother.

For example:

In most urban sims, the rating is adult, but because of the attempt to achieve realism, other people will show a negative reaction to "streakers" or to people who choose too public of a place for sexual activity. Add to that the long memories that people in those kind of rp sims tend ot have, and the effect is that while "adult" activities won't get you kicked off, they'll certainly make your stay less than enjoyable.

A certain Adult rated sim has this in theri rules:

This is an Adult sim and as such nudity/sex may occur but please be tasteful and respectful of those around you.  Please be respectful and mature to anyone in this lack of attire.  Keep sex quiet (they make gags for this) unless you want a slave trader audience and if do then at all times keep a weapon handy!!!  You have been warned.  

So again, it's rated so that it can happen, but they really make you think about whether or not you want it to.

It makes me very curious, actually, about what percentage of places that are rated adult could in fact be rated moderate, if the sim owners didn't go for "maximum freedom under TOS"


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This is an Adult sim and as such nudity/sex may occur but please be tasteful and respectful of those around you.  Please be respectful and mature to anyone in this lack of attire.  Keep sex quiet (they make gags for this) unless you want a slave trader audience and if do then at all times keep a weapon handy!!!  You have been warned.


So again, it's rated so that it can happen, but they really make you think about whether or not you want it to.

It makes me very curious, actually, about what percentage of places that are rated adult could in fact be rated moderate, if the sim owners didn't go for "maximum freedom under TOS"


and that's the real reason for Adult rated sims: respect and tolerance.

A lot of people I know refuse to go to any G rated sim because of the extremely narrowminded attitude of many of the people that hang out there, the constant harassment of anyone who's the slightest bit different from "mainstream" as defined by the average person that hangs out there.

Not all G rated sims, but a large enough percentage it leaves a definite impression (just like many people seem to think A rated means sex and nothing else).

That's not to say it doesn't happen in A rated regions, but it happens a lot less and the sim owners/peacekeepers mostly don't take too kindly to it rather than actively engaging in it.

As to not allowing nudity in M or A rated sims, that's imo idiotic unless there's a specific theme to the sim that would make it problematic. And even then there's usually in sims I've visited a clause like "no nudity unless you can explain it" (iow, unless it makes sense for your avatar to be naked in that situation).

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jwenting wrote:

As to not allowing nudity in M or A rated sims, that's imo idiotic unless there's a specific theme to the sim that would make it problematic. And even then there's usually in sims I've visited a clause like "no nudity unless you can explain it" (iow, unless it makes sense for your avatar to be naked in that situation).

Adult sims I agree, but M rated sims I think it's actually a smart idea not to allow nudity in some RP sims or sims trying to fit a theme (like churches, official gatherings, etc).  Nudity just isn't need in some places really.




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Perrie Juran wrote:

There are still many of us who think "G" should have been segregated.


I agree with this. we have chatted about this before in this forums

it makes little sense for M and G mainland sims to be mixed together like they are

there is a G rated continent. the old teengrid which is now on the maingrid. if was me then i move Linden Village/OIP/HIP to the G continent and flip the rest of all mainland (except A Zindra) into M. offer a move to the G continent for them who want to move 

having mainland clearly defined G-M-A by continent is the way to go I think. this a predictable experience which most people i am pretty sure would be ok with

private estates/islands can do as they like when rating their own sims. as always



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Tor Karlsvalt wrote:

And yet, as adult expands SL declines.  I suppose one could say Adult has saved SL from total collapse as perhaps these regions would just have been lost if they could not be adult.   I wonder if LL has any idea of the impact of the growth of Adult regions?  I might also be true that a reliance on Adult, presumable sex, for SL's financial health might also supress many others from joining SL.  

is possible

i made a answer to Perrie that A-rated is well-catered for in SL. the continental separation of A from M and G mainland sims.

i think is incomplete. G-rated activity on mainland need to move to their own continent as well


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solstyse wrote:


It makes me very curious, actually, about what percentage of places that are rated adult could in fact be rated moderate, if the sim owners didn't go for "maximum freedom under TOS"


Back when the Adult rating was introduced, I switched my lands to adult for two main reasons.   The first, which you rightly identify, was that I wanted to be able to run things according to my rules -- basically, have fun but don't upset me or other tenants -- without having to worry about LL's rules.    I don't particularly encourage tenants or visitors to have pixel sex on the beach or in the woods, but if they choose to, I want them to be able to do it without having to worry about some random tourist taking exception and ARing them.

The other reason, which is important for the sort of content I create, is that a lot of keywords my business partner and I naturally want to use for our BDSM toys can only be used in adverts for locations on Adult sims.   We can perfectly legimately sell our products on M sims, and do, but there are a lot of keywords that we simply can't use in adverts for shops on M land.    So we need shops on Adult land, too.

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jwenting wrote:


This is an Adult sim and as such nudity/sex may occur but please be tasteful and respectful of those around you.  Please be respectful and mature to anyone in this lack of attire.  Keep sex quiet (they make gags for this) unless you want a slave trader audience and if do then at all times keep a weapon handy!!!  You have been warned.


So again, it's rated so that it can happen, but they really make you think about whether or not you want it to.

It makes me very curious, actually, about what percentage of places that are rated adult could in fact be rated moderate, if the sim owners didn't go for "maximum freedom under TOS"


and that's the real reason for Adult rated sims: respect and tolerance.

A lot of people I know refuse to go to any G rated sim because of the extremely narrowminded attitude of many of the people that hang out there, the constant harassment of anyone who's the slightest bit different from "mainstream" as defined by the average person that hangs out there.

Not all G rated sims, but a large enough percentage it leaves a definite impression (just like many people seem to think A rated means sex and nothing else).

That's not to say it doesn't happen in A rated regions, but it happens a lot less and the sim owners/peacekeepers mostly don't take too kindly to it rather than actively engaging in it.

As to not allowing nudity in M or A rated sims, that's imo idiotic unless there's a specific theme to the sim that would make it problematic. And even then there's usually in sims I've visited a clause like "no nudity unless you can explain it" (iow, unless it makes sense for your avatar to be naked in that situation).

i think you taking way to broad brush approach

first there is a clear distinction between linden mainland sims and private estate/island sims

private estates can impose G conditions on their M and A sims. is their right to do this bc they paying the tiers


mainland G is not full of narrow-minded people

if you running round nekkid on a G sim then you breaching ToS and that will get pointed out to anyone who do this. whats narrow-minded shallow-minded is people who insist on running round nekkid in public spaces on G sims. and then start bawwing about it when they get reminded of the ToS




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I just think this is sweet poetic justice. For a while after the Zindra migration I know many owners were wondering how long it would be before Linden Lab banned adult places altogether. Now that question is off the table and replaced with a new one... how much of their bottom line is being dragged down by maintaining all the vacant land that is NOT adult.

I will also echo some comments above... not all sim owners are deciding on an adult rating for sex-based reasons. I think more and more are going that way to gain the most freedom, especially for role-play, art, and even education.

Interestingly, the trend also indicates how the adult rating is meaning less and less. It has always been a joke and never enforced. Sim owners seem to be realizing that and understanding the stigma behind the title doesn't affect their bottom line at all.

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Now that I think back, I realize I made an extraordinarily bad prediction, back in the earliest days of Adult land: that Moderate land would empty out and everybody would go either General or Adult -- mostly Adult.

In my defense, it was hard to predict just how badly Adult content would be abused at first, with an age verification process that was both difficult and futile, multiple content preferences that had to be re-set on every login, Search listings that came and went with rankings as close to random as made no difference, and lax policy enforcement (to be generous). I think that's why folks opted for the risk of ARs on Moderate over the freedom--and brokenness--of Adult.

As they gradually fixed the artificial barriers to Adult, it became the sole place where SL grew. I can see somebody concluding that, in its decline, SL is becoming more adult-oriented, but that would be wrong. It's just starting to work a bit more as designed.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Just like real life, that's the hazards of having a free society.  Adult regions may very well have saved LL's butt....but the opposite is still quite possible.  If not for adult regions could SL have expanded exponentially faster and larger? 

No one knows that answer. 

I don't understand how the existance of adult regions could have impeded SL's expansion.  People have the option of refraining from going to adult regions, so why would their existance deter them from enjoying the rest of SL?  If they don't choose to see adult content in their preferences, they won't see it and can't, even accidentally, teleport to an adult sim.  That's better protection than sensitive eyes have in RL.  Also, the restrictions on what can be done and displayed in G regions are more stringent than the restrictions in force in RL.  For example, in RL I can legally walk down the street wearing a tee shirt with the f-word on it, and consenting adults can do whatever they want in private residences.  Not so in G-rated sims in SL.


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I moved my residence to Zindra when it opened.  I have never done anything there that wouldn't be permissible in a mature sim, but I felt like if I stayed where I was, I was giving up liberty.  I had always had the right to do whatever I wanted on my own land, but if I stayed there I would no longer have that right.  The only way I could keep the same freedom was to move.

It turned out to be a very good choice.  I received a beautiful waterfront parcel with a wonderful view.  There is a BDSM hangout on the sim, but all the activities are all indoors, so they don't affect the neighbors.  There is a small shop that sells some items with adult animations.  Other that those, there is nothing on the sim that wouldn't be OK on a mature one. Sensitive people could just not enter them, easily avoiding being offended.  It is very quiet and pleasant.  The entire time I have been living on the sim, I have never seen anyone do anything that could offend even an extremely prudish person anywhere except inside a building, not visible from outside, that had a name that clearly indicated what kind of activity went on inside.

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