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Do RC regions ever change?

Atashi Toshihiko

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It depends I think on if the sim is mainland or a private island.  If you own a private island you can request that your sim be put on a different channel, or at least you could at one time.  On mainland you can't do that since the 'estate' is owned by LL who can do what they want with it.

Even on mainland though, I'd never say it wouldn't happen.  I am sure  if LL had a good reason of their own to swtich a mainland sim to another channel they would.  Residents would not have any influence in this though.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


Even on mainland though, I'd never say it wouldn't happen.  I am sure  if LL had a good reason of their own to swtich a mainland sim to another channel they would.  Residents would not have any influence in this though.

Several months ago when my Mainand region had repeated crash problems, the Linden who did the 'maintenance' switcg it from LeTigre to Main Channel.

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