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Let's talk about this LL Valentine's Day gift......


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oh and btw, i forgot to tell...

i recieved one vday gift today.... from Czari....

you know what ? its not the item itself that touched me.. but the everything around..

First she took time for puting it in a lovely box for me with a hoover text with "Vday gift for Trinity"...

then she took time to write a nice nc to me.... that went directly to my heart... bec she writed it specially to me, she took from her own time to do it... She said nice things to me and added even a really beautifull quote... (so i guess she took time too for finding this one)...

im not cupid at all... i  usually dont pay no mind to the gifts themselves... but i give a huge attention to the purpose of the gifts and above all the care the person (giver) put for the gift and the time he/she deed for it.... the more worth thing we have, the only thing we cant never replace its the time..... this is the thing the more precious we have to give to others...

And see, she gave some time for thinking to me, packing her gift, writing the nc etc... no matter even if  she had put a simple cube i would have been more than happy to recieve her gift...ive been deeply touched...And really LL should take example...a lot of pp should take example....

There is no need to spend money to make a sincere and honnest gift... if you have the sincere purpose to make someone happy you can even do it with words... LL just even didnt sent a notification for saying we recieved the 10 l$...

i would give the 10 l$ to everyone want them.... i wont never give the so sincere gift that Czari made to me...

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As you say L$10 has a negligible value out in the real world but it does have value here and you are spoilt for choice on how to spend it.

When you put it that way, it all makes sense.

I just have to think of it in SL terms.

It pays my tier for 7 minutes and 24 seconds.

Happy days are here again!

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Qie Niangao wrote:

As you say L$10 has a negligible value out in the real world but it does have value here and you are spoilt for choice on how to spend it.

When you put it that way, it all makes sense.

I just have to think of it in SL terms.

It pays my tier for 7 minutes and 24 seconds.

Happy days are here again!

It would be interesting to see what could be accomplished in 7 mins 24 secs on your land that LL have kindly subsidized.

Maybe we should have a good old fashion speed building competition to find out. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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There was a Valentine's gift from LL?

In days of yore (!) I stumbled across a mysterious heart in the middle of a mainland highway. It contained all manner of Valentine's-themed goodies, courtesy of LL, including a clue to another parcel of treasure. I don't tend to participate in treasure hunts, but it sure was fun to find this, and made me feel like LL were thinking about the residents, to have planned and placed their booty all around the grid.

And then, you will remember, being an older resident, the annual Kiss-a-Linden (or volunteer) over on the Isle of View sims. 

RIP Oskar.jpg

As it would seem more people were wanting to kick-a-Linden rather than kiss one, and as Linden Lab culled rather a lot of Linden people in one fell swoop, maybe (maybe) this was the reason for the demise of the two Isle of View sims.

Or maybe some people were just getting that bit too friendly and close to the Lindens.


Or maybe it was the outbreak of virtual herpes.


10L$ is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, and undoubtedly new residents will appreciate it. It's a gesture, it shows the residents haven't been totally forgotten. And it saved them having to referee the melee that last year's Valentine's contest on the blogs became.

Kids puuhhh!

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I'm with Porky on this one. When has LL ever given us any L$ at all? So it was just 10L but so what? They could have given us crap and I bet people would complain about that too. It is the thought that counts, and the fact that they sent it to everyone (I checked all my alts and all got it). To one person 10L might not be much, but to LL this meant millions of accounts so millions of L$. It was only 10L but it was a nice gesture anyway.

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Darren Scorpio wrote:

If my special someone gave me an envelope with nothing in it but a note on it that said "Happy Valentine's...[insert other lovey dovey stuff here] I'd be excited and appreciative, but I guess that's just me.

I be excited bc I know that they know that there better be a present coming right after it or they going to be in big trubbl. like big big big truubbl !!!! (:

am consistent shallow me about these things. I cant help it. i was just natural born that way. sometimes I get told off about this. but I don't mind. as long as I get presents then I not worry about it. jejejeje (:


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Darren Scorpio wrote:

I'm with Porky on this one. When has LL ever given us any L$ at all? So it was just 10L but so what? They could have given us crap and I bet people would complain about that too. It is the thought that counts, and the fact that they sent it to everyone (I checked all my alts and all got it). To one person 10L might not be much, but to LL this meant millions of accounts so millions of L$. It was only 10L but it was a nice gesture anyway.

It was not a thought for you, me or anyone else... but a thought for their stats... and a good way to make a lot of pp come inworld yesterday. No more...

im like you, for me the purpose is more important than the gift itself.. but here the purpose is not a thought for us, just a thought for them... That make a big difference...

if it has been a thought for us, at least they would have deed a lil more time to find an original idea and that would have probably cost really less too..

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I've not seen anyone else mention this, but perhaps this may be the reasoning for a 10L$ gift on Valentine's Day

From the Partner tab on the SL Dashboard.-

"Partnering, like real life marriage, costs money. To create a partnership will cost each partner L$10."

Maybe they are thinking of the people who plan to partner today. 

I dunno, just a guess. :matte-motes-little-laugh:

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Akasha Sharpshire wrote:

I've not seen anyone else mention this, but perhaps this may be the reasoning for a 10L$ gift on Valentine's Day



From the Partner tab on the SL Dashboard.-

Partnering, like real life marriage, costs money. To create a partnership will cost each partner L$10."

Maybe they are thinking of the people who plan to partner today. 


I dunno, just a guess. :matte-motes-little-laugh:



No, I didn't notice that and it makes perfect sense in which case it makes the "thought that counts" argument valid. I personally think it's cute.

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You make a really good point! I hadnt thought of the partnering costs and that totally makes sense! :D 


On a different subject though, here is something that I've been thinking for a very long time. IMVU offers "bonus credits", they are credits you can use to shop and whatever but you can not transfer them out to your paypal or retain any RL currency from them. WHY WHY WHY has Linden Lab not implimented this in Second Life!?? I think this would be a WONDERFUL way to get new players to STAY longer and help them get a good start on creating their avatar or decorating a house. Now, yes yes of course you get some lindens weekly when you are a premium member and that's great, but for the most part, all the new players that I know (besides my mother -.-) are not going to sign up for premium right off the bat! So, I think LL should offer every single new sign up with 1000BL (Bounus Lindens). Make that currency strictly play money with no RL transfer and I think this would EXTREMELY raise SL's population and even make them some more money along the way, because when you have 1000L's and you fill your lil marketplace cart up with all your goodies you want and your a couple hundred linden short more people are likely to purchase some more lindens then they are going to subscribe to the premium service. That's just my two cents. :P

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Akasha Sharpshire wrote:

I've not seen anyone else mention this, but perhaps this may be the reasoning for a 10L$ gift on Valentine's Day



From the Partner tab on the SL Dashboard.-

Partnering, like real life marriage, costs money. To create a partnership will cost each partner L$10."

Maybe they are thinking of the people who plan to partner today. 


I dunno, just a guess. :matte-motes-little-laugh:



Oh, very good!

That reasoning, expressed in a nice Valentine in our Received Items folder, could turn this into a win.

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Looks like a no win situation for the Lindens.  If they had created a gift they would be told it's crap and inventory clutter.  If they had just kept quiet and let this day pass by they would be accused of being thoughtless. 

Too much like RL, she scoffed at the heart shaped box of chocolates and card from Walgreens and asks when she's getting a diamond ring.  Gah I hate Valentine's Day!  :smileytongue:

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Partnering costs - sigh already spent mine but maybe next year... =^^=

On the play money idea .. ok, sounds great but.... whats a merchant meant to do with them? Can they treat them just as normal Ls? Because I can see lots of, erm, tricks being used right there....

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Your post brought tears to my eyes, Trinity!

I've already had an AMAZING Valentine's Day as I watched an exquisite new gown being made by Trinity - with NO IDEA it was for me!!!!!

THANK YOU sooo much...can't wait to wear it!!!

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about romance - it's about letting people you care about know it...of course that should be done everyday but special occasions make us (at least me) stop and think. 

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I thought the gift was an insult. It would have been better if they had done nothing. I don't see the point in sending out emails to everyone and then the best they could do was muster up L$10.

Who ever thought this was a good idea and pushed for it, I hope they go into another line of work where their frugal nature will do some good.

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I actually made a big blog post on my website about this and the thought of people using alts to get MORE bonus lindens came up and that's a VERY good point, but they could make it like IMVU, make it so the bonus linden amount can not be gifted to anyone else or transfered. idk if your bored read my post it explains what's in my head lolol 



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