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Are free account residents really this low a priority?

Nuhai Ling

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I know what you said but your premise is nonsense centering on a trivial and irrelevant game of semantics. 


LL don't put up with the costs of offering support to pay devotion to some word.  They do it in the expectation of profit, so what matters in respect of the efficient use of resources is not whether or not they are exclusive to people who fit some word, but whether they enhance LL's ability to profit from SL.


The meaning of the word customer doesn't really have much of anything to do with anything.  LL offer support for profit-motives, not as a tribute to the word customer.

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Again Phil, bring the evidence Lindex is not owned by Linden. 

Because, dear Phil, when i track the money i pay for buying my l$ on it, it says it goes to..... Linden Research.... Bingo ! 

So till now, i trust my bank (at least when it says me where goes my money), you come and tell me my money doesnt go to Linden company... i need you bring me evidence about this if you want i trust such sillyness...


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Anaiya Arnold wrote:

I know what you said but your premise is nonsense centering on a trivial and irrelevant game of semantics. 

There's nothing "nonsense" about what is and isn't a customer. A customer is one who buys. One who doesn't buy isn't a customer. Simples.

LL don't put up with the costs of offering support to pay devotion to some word.  They do it in the expectation of profit, so what matters in respect of the efficient use of resources is not whether or not they are exclusive to people who fit some word, but whether they enhance LL's ability to profit from SL.

LL provides support to whoever they wish to provide support to, and for whatever reason they choose. Neither you not I can decide who they provide support to or for what reason they do it. They don't only provide support to actual customers. They provide some degree of support to all users, and I've never said anything different. What I have said is that non-cutsomers cannot
customer support, which is perfectly true. (You would know that if you'd read the thread.) non-customers - those who don't buy from LL - have no right to any support at all.

The meaning of the word customer doesn't really have much of anything to do with anything.  LL offer support for profit-motives, not as a tribute to the word customer.

The meaning of the word 'customer' has everything to do with this discussion. The discussion has been about 'customer support' and you can't divorce the word 'customer' from that. If you are not a customer (i.e. if you don't buy anything from LL) you cannot expect custoimer support from LL, or any support at all. You may get some, but you can't expect it and you have no right to it.


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Again Phil, bring the evidence Lindex is not owned by Linden. 

Because, dear Phil, when i track the money i pay for buying my l$ on it, it says it goes to..... Linden Research.... Bingo ! 

So till now, i trust my bank (at least when it says me where goes my money), you come and tell me my money doesnt go to Linden company... i need you bring me evidence about this if you want i trust such sillyness... 

The Lindex IS owned by LL. I haven't said anything different.

When you buy L$ through the Lindex, though, you buy them from other users - the sellers. LL is merely a middleman in the transaction. If you read the Lindex pages, you will see that that is what happens.

Perhaps it is clearer when you sell L$. You set the price you want to sell them at. If nobody is buying at that price, then your L$ will wait until someone buys at the price you want. Only then will you sell them - or some of them. You can set to sell them at the current market price, in which case they will sell almost immediately, but you'll get less for them than if you had waited until someone was willing to buy at your price.

Similarly, when you buy you can set the price you're willing to pay. If you want to pay very little, you'll wait forever because the chances of someone wanting to sell for such a low price is minimal.

The transactions are between users, and LL merely factilitates the transactions via their Lindex system - for a commission, of course.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Again Phil, bring the evidence Lindex is not owned by Linden. 

Because, dear Phil, when i track the money i pay for buying my l$ on it, it says it goes to..... Linden Research.... Bingo ! 

So till now, i trust my bank (at least when it says me where goes my money), you come and tell me my money doesnt go to Linden company... i need you bring me evidence about this if you want i trust such sillyness... 

The Lindex IS owned by LL. I haven't said anything different.

When you buy L$ through the Lindex, though, you buy them from other users - the sellers. LL is merely a middleman in the transaction. If you read the Lindex pages, you will see that that is what happens.

Perhaps it is clearer when you sell L$. You set the price you want to sell them at. If nobody is buying at that price, then your L$ will wait until someone buys at the price you want. Only then will you sell them - or some of them. You can set to sell them at the current market price, in which case they will sell almost immediately, but you'll get less for them than if you had waited until someone was willing to buy at your price.

Similarly, when you buy you can set the price you're willing to pay. If you want to pay very little, you'll wait forever because the chances of someone wanting to sell for such a low price is minimal.

The transactions are between users, and LL merely factilitates the transactions via their Lindex system - for a commission, of course.

No Phil

when i buy l$, my RL money goes to Linden Research. So im a Linden Research customer. End.

useless to even try to loose me with no related and complex considerations... Keep the topic. You said when i buy my l$ with my RL money, this one doesnt go directly in Lindens pockets. im bringing you the evidence of the contrary. Stop being studborn.

You know im adding spanks on your list for when the audition will happen... Does this childish studborness worth youll be spanked for long hours ? Yes. You should stop now and care a lil more about your buttocks's skin... im afraid your avatar wont be able to sit for days...:smileyvery-happy:

And this is not bec youll keep being studborn and keep stating something that isnt true, that it will become suddendly true.

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I do believe that you are wrong, Trinity, but I see that I can't persuade you, so I'll stop trying.


Maybe one last attempt :)

If you want to buy some shares in a company, you buy them via a broker. But the broker doesn't have any shares to sell you, so he arranges a deal for you to buy them from someone who does have some shares to sell. The way it happens is that you pay the broker and the broker passes your money to the seller. At no time did the broker own the shares you bought so you didn't buy them from the broker. You bought them from the seller and used the broker to facilitate the deal by giving your money to him so that he can pass it on. At least I think that's how the buying and selling of shares works, but I've never done it so I can't be certain.

Because I'm not certain about shares, how about this? Someone advertises a TV for sale and you want to buy it but you can't collect it. So you hire a firm to collect it for you. You give the money for the TV to the firm, and they collect it and deliver it to you. But the TV doesn't work. Who did you buy it from and who would you take to court to recover your money? You gave the money for the TV the the firm but you didn't buy it from the firm, and the fact that it doesn't work isn't their reponsibility.

Or how about the c.o.d. postal service. You order something from someone and it's delived c.o.d. You pay the money to the delivery service but who did you actually buy the item from? Not the delivery service.

That's what happens with the Lindex. You buy from users who are selling and not from LL. LL's Lindex service merely facilitates that purchase. If no users are selling at the price you are willing to pay, then you can't buy any L$ via the Lindex, because it's not LL that is selling them to you.


P.S. I do think that my bum can stand being spanked longer than you would be able to spank it ;)

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oh and btw :

Phil Deakins wrote:

When you buy L$ through the Lindex, though, you buy them from other users - the sellers. LL is merely a middleman in the transaction. If you read the Lindex pages, you will see that that is what happens.

Perhaps it is clearer when you sell L$. You set the price you want to sell them at. If nobody is buying at that price, then your L$ will wait until someone buys at the price you want. Only then will you sell them - or some of them. You can set to sell them at the current market price, in which case they will sell almost immediately, but you'll get less for them than if you had waited until someone was willing to buy at your price.

Similarly, when you buy you can set the price you're willing to pay. If you want to pay very little, you'll wait forever because the chances of someone wanting to sell for such a low price is minimal.

The transactions are between users, and LL merely factilitates the transactions via their Lindex system - for a commission, of course.

Firstly, the ammount of l$ translated to RL money (sold) is far less than the ammount of RL money translated to L$ (bought)... And really... So it doesnt create any real argument here.

Then... you say that Linden is intermediary in the transaction (you said yourself :  LL merely factilitates the transactions via their Lindex system - for a commission, of course. thats what is called an intermediary, and since they are the one who takes the rl money they are even more)... and take a commision ? Great Phil ...

so what do you think the computer shop does while it sells Apple's comp ? SAME

but you said in a post before... that if A buys from the shop (B) an Apple comp, A is no more than B's customer and not a Apple one ... You said it... do you rem ?

So in that case... lets say that A buys from Lindens some pp's l$....A is the customer of ....... Lindens (who is in this case same as B). Bingo.

On top, as i said before... no, in most case you buy L$ to Lindens and not to other users because the ammount of L$ sold is far lower than the one bought.

So all your demonstration is pointless.. im afraid...:smileywink:

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I started to reply to your previous post but something went wrong, so I'll reply to this one first and then to your previous post.


Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

you are too much studborn, Phil, i give up... 

you are not the one who can say who is or is not a LL customer...

laws and economic systems says it... 

you may keep saying i am not... i dont care.. this doesnt make me a non customer at any time...Laws and economic says i am one. I will keep with this ... 

I'm not trying to say who is and who isn't an LL customer. I'm saying that (1) unless a person is an LL customer, they can't expect any customer support from LL, and (2) buying L$ via the Lindex does not make a person an LL customer. Buying something from LL makes a person an LL customer but buying L$ via the Lindex isn't buying anything from LL.

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Yes, LL takes a commission for being the intermediary in the deal. I said that.

A computer shop that sells Apple computers, owns the Apple computers that they sell so you buy from the shop - not from Apple.

Yes, I remember saying that a person who buy an Apple computer from a shop is a customer of the shop and not a customer of Apple's. And I was correct. The fact that Apple provide support for Apple owners does not mean that the owners are Apple customers. It just means that Apple provided a fixed term warranty to the Apple owners.


Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

So in that case... lets say that A buys from Lindens some pp's l$....A is the customer of ....... Lindens (who is in this case same as B). Bingo.

On top, as i said before... no, in most case you buy L$ to Lindens and not to other users because the ammount of L$ sold is far lower than the one bought.

But 'A' doesn't buy from LL. Just like in the broker example, 'A' buys from the seller. LL is merely the intermediary.

That's because the intermediary takes a commission - just like the broker does.

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I can't imagine what the tests might be. I think I'll have to find where all this originally started and find out what I actually volunteered for. I may be wrong but I think someone suggested a nekkid party ot something, and I said that I'd audition for it. What on earth could I be expected to do in an audition for a party?:smileysurprised:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:


We already know the audition will happen in my private skybox... so you ll get some intimacy there... see how we are kind girls... we could have choose to do it right in the middle of my store... but well... as i said... we are kind girls... and want to spoil you, since you have applied from your own initiative to this audition.... btw, the audition itself was your idea... ahhahahhahha

Awwww man...you mean we can't sell tickets to the event?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just going to start a thread very similar to this one, when I saw yours.  After one YEAR of not being able to log into my account, due to being automatically logged out with the same error message, I made a 3rd avatar.  (When my avarars get "borked" this way, they only way to get back into Second Life is to make another avatar).  After trying EVERYTHING on my end, I contacted LL again.  All they could offer me was to recommend I go back to their crappy viewer (last time it was blurry up close), or clear my cookies.  They then closed my case saying they didn't offer support to "free accounts."  Through my first two avatars I dumped HUNDREDS of dollars--REAL money into Second Life by shopping with LL vendors, creators and retailers.  All of the items I paid for from my first two accounts are lost from my third account, as nothing is transferable.  I'll tell you what, I have a few lindens left on one of my accounts, but when that's gone, I'm not putting one more dime into this!!  I'm so mad I could spit bullets at this point.

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WendyStormy wrote:

I was just going to start a thread very similar to this one, when I saw yours.  After one YEAR of not being able to log into my account, due to being automatically logged out with the same error message, I made a 3rd avatar.  (When my avarars get "borked" this way, they only way to get back into Second Life is to make another avatar).  After trying EVERYTHING on my end, I contacted LL again.  All they could offer me was to recommend I go back to their crappy viewer (last time it was blurry up close), or clear my cookies.  They then closed my case saying they didn't offer support to "free accounts."  Through my first two avatars I dumped HUNDREDS of dollars--REAL money into Second Life by shopping with LL vendors, creators and retailers.  All of the items I paid for from my first two accounts are lost from my third account, as nothing is transferable.  I'll tell you what, I have a few lindens left on one of my accounts, but when that's gone, I'm not putting one more dime into this!!  I'm so mad I could spit bullets at this point.

While this discussion is about who deserves support and / or who is LL obligated to give support to, have you posted your problem here?  It could be someone here can help you find a solution.

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  • 1 year later...

That is only one iteration of the poor level of service SL affords thos who use this virtual world. Try filing a complaint against somebody who is abusive. On the technical side I have found that doing a complete clean install of Firestorm, of which I have done MANY, normally fixes the issue BUT you have to do a total clean install.

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