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Looking to start a new venue - real life scope

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Hey everyone.

I was a part of SL a few years ago and am now returning to the scene. I'm a professional DJ in real life and have a good chunk of spare time in which to do what I want. Well I just got back to SL and now I've got some ideas, and I want to run this by some of you more experienced people to see how feasible my idea is.

Let's start with what I see.

I have visited various clubs in SL and though they offer the feeling of being at a club, it feels more like a four walls and a floor with somebody dancing and talking while playing through their iTunes playlist. Now I know that there are those that offer professional DJs playing full length sets on wax, but even those clubs are often wide wide open, and with only 50-60 people there you don't get that feeling that you're packed in on a dance floor. There are lots of balls and dance props and things to interact with but they seem to detract a bit from the real club experience. People sometimes dance in lines with shared animations or dance in a way that often doesn't even match the style of venue. Got a techno-style dance ball in your club that plays reggae? Yeah, not going to look good. It destroys the illusion of being in a reggae club, for example.

Another thing I note as being out of place are lights. LIGHTS. Oh my gosh lights. Notwithstanding the fact one person with a facelight can show up at a venue and bring the fusion power of the sun to your location, most of the lights at venues seem sub-par. Even in midnight lighting setting, things are generally fully lit, a lot of objects have full brightness on and look out of place and the entire location begins to look like this thing that was thrown together by 30 different creative minds. Each piece individually may look great on its own but when put into a single location with lots of other props it looks clunky and creates a disheveled mess. And there are no intelligent lights! We've got shoutcast streaming live to the land but the lights either don't move or just flash a bit.

Let me share my vision with you.

My vision is that I offer a club experience unlike any other that exists. I will break down in a list format what I've got for ideas and then I'll detail each one.

  • Live mixing DJs with "live" animations
  • A venue that is a completely self-contained atmosphere
  • Real-time Intelligent lights and sound via VJs
  • Real-time choreographed dance animations
  • Pay-to-enter with auto-kick or pay-to-stay scripting
  • Active crowd retention
  • Real world scope in an in-world situation

Let's hash that out a bit.

For beginners, understand that each DJ will have a pre-recorded set that they will re-perform at the venue in front of a live audience. It is the pre-recording (or practice set) that allows most of the following to be done.

Live mixing DJs

This is probably the most obvious, but there will be talent that plays a set, practiced ahead of time and prepared like professional real-world DJs. This allows for a variety of things, which will be detailed below. The most important feature of this though is that, unlike many clubs where the DJ is just another person taking up space talking and dancing, the DJ at my venue will have a pre-scripted animation set made for acting to the live music. The animation scripters will have made a full length animation ahead of time, or will have a set of animations that the DJ can act to in real-time via somebody else controlling his animation set (this would be an assistant to the DJ, whether at the DJ's location or through SL.

Completely self-contained atmosphere

The first step to breaking the barrier between reality and SL is simulating realism. Kill the lights at the venue and it should be pitch black inside. You can't see anything. Flip on a flash light and you have the traditional cone of light that a real life light may show. Throw in a little atmospheric lighting and you have the closest thing you can to a dimly lit venue. Step outside into the patio and you'll have overhead lights which offer a place for people to lounge, smoke and get some fresh air -- all of this being completely isolated from the inside location. No light leaks!

Real-time Intelligent lights and sound

This is probably the most exciting prospect to my venture, along with the live scripted dance animations below. When the DJ pre-records his set he'd send a copy of it to the light and animation scripters who would be the Video Jockeys (or VJs). They would create a live audio/video experience which creates seemingly intelligent lights and sound. Lasers, search lights, PAR cans, LEDs, strips... you name it. These intelligent lights would be designed in mind for both first and third person perspective so they offer a pleasurable viewing experience no matter what angle you're viewing the scene from. Another thing that may be added is a real-life video of the DJ mixing live, or just a video wall that the VJs work on to enhance the set and experience of the party.

Similarly to the lights, the audio equipment has to be reactive to the music as well. If you've ever been at a club and stood near a 21" woofer you know that you can see the cone oscillate to the music. Well in SL we should be able to see this too, but when the music hits a break or silent segment and the oscillating is still pulsing strong it's going to look silly and out of place. So we have an interactive system designed specially for the venue that is able to be scripted to the mix. Again this would all be time-keyed and put down so it works just perfect.

Real-time choreographed dance animations

Another exciting aspect of what I'm looking to do is extend the option to be able to dance to the music live. This won't just be clicking on some dance ball, but this will be actually something that is given to you as a part of the entry fee. What this is is a dozen or more choreographed dances that are all to the step of the music being played. There will be a variety available to eliminate avatar dance patterning (which looks hideous in most clubs) and also to allow the person to have their own style. The best part is since each dance is timed, there can be a way for somebody to show up to the party late and have it "seek" the time in the dance that the current DJ is at. That way if you show up 20 minutes after the show starts and you click start dancing it will seek in the animation to the time and then it'll start dancing at the proper time. This is great because lulls in the music as well as high energy moments where the DJ may want everyone to start bouncing and putting their hands in the air will elicit a real response from the dance animations. How cool is that?

Pay-to-enter with auto-kick or pay-to-stay scripting

Making a club with this much realism means that in real life there is a lot of work going on. People need to be compensated for their time and as such you need a price that can accomodate paying everyone involved. My thought is because there's no way to allow people to experience the scene without trying it and as such become self-destructive, a trial period must be offered on arrival. So I would say that new visitors get a 5-10 trial period where they can fully interact with the venue like they can any where else. At the beginning of the trial they are alerted that in order to stay for the full show they must pay. They have the option to pay at any time (offered through a notecard link when they arrive,) or when the trial ends a prompt box comes up giving them 60 seconds to either pay or leave with no way to return unless they pay the person through the notecard, and they are removed from the venue.

Active crowd retention

I want to have some ways for the crowd to be able to be involved with the venue itself to keep them entertained. This would be established through the various choreographed dance sequences, but can also be something like having places to chill and relax such as places with bean bags, chairs and tables and an outside patio. That way if people need to "get away" from the packed indoors they can find an area to keep them happy and still be engaged with the venue. This'd be a good way to increase both immediate retention from having them leave, and also a great way to get them to come back next time. These events don't necessarily need to be nightly or even weekly... but there needs to be enough revenue generated and the sim needs to be able to accomodate enough people to make the work worthwhile. As such keeping people coming when the events happen is extremely important to the sucess of the venue and has to be kept at a top priority.

Real world scope in an in-world situation

I want to make the building as large as it needs to be without tons of extra space. The thing I hate most about visiting clubs is how much open space there is. It kills the illusion of being at a club for me. Though it's sort of a standard SL experience, I know that it can be so packed you feel slightly claustrophobic, like you would in a real club. I am sure people all view being packed in differently, but I want there to be the feeling that the place is bursting at the seams capacity-wise. I do want there to be some open areas people can go to to relieve, as said in the last segment, but I don't want people coming in seeing more floor than people.

Another aspect to this is the advertising and marketing. In the real world when you hear about your favorite DJ playing somewhere, you can generally find them on a flyer. A great way to spread around the buzz that perhaps your favorite DJ is playing in SL is to pass around flyers. Some clubs have this (they look great!) and I think that it would do a great deal to make the experience something that more closely simulates going to see a real concert. Which is what I'm sort of hoping for, after all. A concert in your own home. In SL.

Business Plan

To get such an endeavor off the ground, first I'm working on sort of a basic looking venue on paper and then am going to translate hopefully as nice a design as I can to in-world. I suck at modeling though so I'd want somebody skilled to finalize the design and in-world model. This would probably involve some pro-bono work that could certainly be used in a future portfolio. At any rate if we can get the club model going then we'd need to explore people who are able to do the scripting. Once we have the scripters then we can start approaching talent. And then we're ready to go. The business plan will be much more fleshed out but this is certainly the tl;dr version.

So just to recap what would be needed:

  • A building
  • Modelers
  • Scripters
  • Talent
  • Land

Anyway everyone, is this feasible and realistic or am I dreaming? I'd love to hear what you have to say, and if you guys think this sounds like something you'd love to see, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Scriptors, modelers and artists please contact me if you would like to have involvement in this! My thought is the only way it can work is to try, so any ideas you have on helping this get off the ground are greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your time, and thanks for reading!


-Devoran Comet

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can maybe start by looking at some of the tribute band events/shows in SL. just to get a feel/idea for how performances are choreograph to pre-recorded tracks


on choreograph the crowd. can give everyone a HUD/attachment that they can wear. with the animations in it scripted to listen to the DJ. it works on chat commands

like if the DJ say !mosh in the chat then everyone wearing the HUD start to mosh. !trance !jump !whatev. can have a dif command for every dance anim in the HUD. then if say !stop then it stops playing. and people go back to whatever personal AO or dance they were using

is lots of these group anim/dance huddys freebie available. dougie and fall and gangnam and dutch the most popular


on paid door fee. can set that up in: World \ About Land \ Access: Sell passes to: Anyone. have to pay the fee to get access to the parcel/club.  so no need to worry about people not paying



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Devoran Comet wrote:


Anyway everyone, is this feasible and realistic or am I dreaming? I'd love to hear what you have to say, and if you guys think this sounds like something you'd love to see, I'd love to hear what you have to say.


Thanks for your time, and thanks for reading!


-Devoran Comet

I think it's a very ambitious plan and perhaps impossible.

Remember real-time is hard to emulate for all involved when depending on network traffic, latency, error correction and what not that might interfere with this dream.

It will be hard enough to pull all you want off with only a few people/visitors/clubbers (personnel not included).

I'm afraid real trouble will arise when the sim you're holding this on is overcrowded like in a real club. ( you'll run in real trouble when trying to execute this with about 100 avatars present ).



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Your vision sounds great but I'm afraid unless you have some very deep pockets it is just a dream.

Lets just talk economics.  You are going to need scripters, animators, modelers etc. working full time for you to custom coordinate everything to the music of each DJ's set.  (Not even sure that is possible to do in one day for multiple DJ's without an army).  If people with these skills work for you full time you are going to have to pay them a full time RL salary and they don't come cheap.  They generally charge 50US an hour minimum, some as high as 100US.  No one with the caliber of skills you would need is going to do a full job for the peanuts that are generally paid for SL jobs, especially not people of this skill level.

You will never get 100 people in a sim without everything freezing up or at least some very serious lag.  Even 60 is pushing it, 40 is more realistic and even then you are going to have lag with all those lights going not to mention the other things.  If people have to pay to get in they will demand a lag free experience for their money or they won't be back.

There is no way you will be able to raise enough money to cover the salaries of your full time staff without charging a fortune in L's to get in.  Say a scripter works for the low end of 50US/hr.  You will have to raise 2,000US a week to pay one for a five day week.  That is approximately 500,000 L's.  If your club is packed all day with at least 40 people there every hour, (which there won't be) and it is open 24hrs a day, you would need to charge a minimum of 521L's an hour to everyone just to pay that one person, and of course just one person isn't going to be working on this.  You couldn't afford to let in anyone for free, even for a limited time period.

This is assuming people will be willing to pay to get in at all.  There has never been a club in SL that charged a cover charge that didn't fail drastically and quickly.  Most people won't pay to get in a club period. Most don't even tip the venue now and half won't tip the DJ or host..  SL clubbers expect to get in for free AND many expect to get paid by you in the form of contest prizes etc.  All you have to do is search the forum archives for threads where this has been discussed to see how people howl at the very thought of being required to pay to get in.  Even if you did manage to find a market that might pay to get in, they sure won't pay thousands of L's to do so, which is what you'd need to charge just to cover the skilled staff we've discussed, let alone RL professional DJ's, land tiers and other overhead.

Many SL merchants are having a hard time lately with the RL economy the way it is, even big name ones.  Many are closing their inworld stores and can't afford to rent mall space, or sponsor a club for the amount you'd have to charge.  RL businesses have found out long ago that marketing to SL residents doesn't work so you'd have a hard time finding any RL sponsors.

The bottom line unfortunately is that the economics just won't work. 


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Thanks for the posts so far guys.


Amethyst thanks for the dose of reality. How much would I have to charge for a once every weekend 8 hour show? From say, 8-4? I do have some scratch to start up a serious business, originally I was going to start an online service but I'm starting to wonder if this may have more allure.

I'm thinking if a person wanted to pay $75 a ticket, that would be able to cover quite a bit if I could manage to get 200 people to show up. Also I will be considering corner-simming it, and putting the club on a corner to break down the load on a single server. Or I could just get a private server (?) and go that way?

At any rate, that'd be $15,000 for one weekend. In real life I personally make anywhere between $300 and $1500 per gig, so if we had 4 DJs on one stage that alone is eh, probably we'll just say $7000 and that's shooting on the high side. Also not counting any standby for now. Then after all the choreography and animations, if I can get one full week of work at $100 an hour that's 8 hours a day at 100 an hour so 800 x 5 = 4,000 for animations, then whatever the light scripts would cost (we could just say another 4k tacked on.) Buildings would be a one time thing, then updates and flyers and what not would be small potatotes. So yeah, hmm. Looking at around $6-8000 absolute minimum for one night's expenses perhaps for a serious night if the hours work out to be like that. Not counting monthly overhead. A realistic estimate would probably shoot somewhere in the range of $15000-20000 per show and that's leaning towards paying the scripters a premium.

As for the people not wanting to pay to visit a club, a lot of these clubs are playing tracks on iTunes. The ones that do live music (I'm in one right now, cheers to DJ jessicahkrolll) do an alright job. Now keep in mind that if the attitude is in SL it should be free and there's a sense of entitlement, what happens when somebody says pay $50-100 to come see a show for hours? That's a real life replacement to a real life party. Huge events in my area all go upwards of $70 (if you get way advance tickets you can grab them for maybe 55-70) and are almost all sold through ticketmaster locations or something of the like. I don't want another club, Amethyst. I want a serious club with a REAL LIFE REPLACEMENT experience. And yeah, I take what you say to heart, help me make this a reality, please! Let's really flesh this out. I am fairly new to SL but if we can tap the people who want to show up to listen to live music that'd open us to a more lucrative Second Life world. :D

Sorry for so many edits, thinking out loud.

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if want to think outside the square

can get about 3000 avatars into the same scene (not SL) if the avatars made out of about 100 of the same stuff. like 100 shapes. 100 skins. 100 hairs. 100 tops/jackets. 100 pants/skirts. 100 shoes/boots. 100 accessories. 100 makeups. and mix n match them

can do this technical on the new mozilla javascript webgl so can run in a browser


when a person logs into the club/scene then they can pick to be one of the pre-defined avatars as a starter. the avatars not able to be moved by the user. they choreographed. they NPC-like as far as that goes

what can happen tho is that the user can change their pov. like see the scene from a avatar/NPC eyes. and can switch their pov just by clicking on another NPC/avatar and click/change as oftern as they want. like from the dance floor. the bar. table/chair. lounge. or even by click on DJ or band members 


the DJ or host control the whole game/scene while the show/scene is playing. by issue cmds. if is a good music and well-known artist/DJ then people will come and play on it. like for $1 maybe. and if they got a bonus track for dl as well then more will come and play

kinda like iTunes/radio in 3D


can have PM as well. so can chat other people private

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Devoran Comet wrote:


I'm thinking if a person wanted to pay $75 a ticket, that would be able to cover quite a bit if I could manage to get 200 people to show up. Also I will be considering corner-simming it, and putting the club on a corner to break down the load on a single server. Or I could just get a private server (?) and go that way?

Except for a very, very few people that would like some type of "elite" status, I can't imagine a lot of people paying $75 USD for a ticket to an online club, regardless how amazing it is.  If I had an extra $75 I would be buying more land.


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It won't work in SL. From my experiance parties start to get worse at a certain point the more people come in. Lag, nothing rezzes, closing viewers and no space to move at all. Which also makes a "real-life" club experiance uncopyable, because you get bumped around and such.

Also nobody will pay 75$. I won't even pay that in RL for a DJ. For that money I can go to a RL concert in a huge stadion. Don't forget, SL is virtual and a small hobby for a lot people.

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There 2 things wrong here.. 1. Your dreaming you thinking of RL not SL  , 2 . NO one will ever pay to see a show ever no,, not even for a few 100L$ they be like what oh hell no I going to the free shows,, why could they pay anyone anything for show wise when anyone can claim to be any thing they want ,,,heck you can't even pay me to go to some of the place for a show * lag* . 

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madman626 Fall wrote:

There 2 things wrong here.. 1. Your dreaming you thinking of RL not SL  , 2 . NO one will ever pay to see a show ever no,, not even for a few 100L$ they be like what oh hell no I going to the free shows,, why could they pay anyone anything for show wise when anyone can claim to be any thing they want ,,,heck you can't even pay me to go to some of the place for a show * lag* . 

1. I've fulfilled my dream in real life, I just want to see what things are like in SL. Realize people pay RL money for all sorts of  entertainment on the internet. Like games, Netflix or other streaming movie providers and even live broadcasts of HD special presentations. Even some high definition radio stations are on a pay-basis. SL is just another medium to deliver it.

2. That is a really broad brush you've got there. You want to try again?

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The best thing you can do with your idea is forget it. It sounds very good but it's a pipedream. As people have said, nobody is willing to pay to go to venues in SL, so nobody is willing to pay L$19,000 - that's nineteen thousand L$! To get anyone to pay anything like that, you'd need to get top live artists - and I mean top RL live artists - and, even then, who would pay L$19,000 to get into a virtual venue to see pixels of live artists who are merely playing recordings of their songs? Your idea is good but it doesn't offer anything that is worth even a tiny fraction of L$19,000 to attend.

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Devoran Comet wrote:

madman626 Fall wrote:

There 2 things wrong here.. 1. Your dreaming you thinking of RL not SL  , 2 . NO one will ever pay to see a show ever no,, not even for a few 100L$ they be like what oh hell no I going to the free shows,, why could they pay anyone anything for show wise when anyone can claim to be any thing they want ,,,heck you can't even pay me to go to some of the place for a show * lag* . 

1. I've fulfilled my dream in real life, I just want to see what things are like in SL. Realize people pay RL money for all sorts of  entertainment on the internet. Like games, Netflix or other streaming movie providers and even live broadcasts of HD special presentations. Even some high definition radio stations are on a pay-basis. SL is just another medium to deliver it.

2. That is a really broad brush you've got there. You want to try again?

to 1. : All sorts of entertainment. Right. But....for what?

Last time I spend more than 50 Euro on something I need an internet conection for was a game I now can play as long as I want. It has high quality graphics and was developed from experts. It can entertain me for days, weeks, months. How can a show give me the same value for that price?

Movies and music from streams and online providers cost me a few bugs and I really have to go on a shopping spree to spend the amount of money you have in mind. SL as a medium is also not a stable one. I remember being at release parties of popular furry brands and that was just terrible with 90 avatars in one club. Also the musicstream can act up quite a lot in SL.

You are familiar with live events in RL as I assume. Ask the people, do they really just go for the music? I don't think so. Its the whole experiance that makes them pay and this experiance requires a real world.

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Devoran Comet wrote:

2. That is a really broad brush you've got there. You want to try again?


try again with what?

everyone try tell you the exact same thing. no one in SL is going to pay the kinda money you talking about for a performance

can proof it for yourself if you not believe them. set it up and see. is technical possible to do in SL all that you wanting to do. in my first reply I tell you how

can even set up so can get at least 160 avatars in your club at the same time. rent the intersection corner of 4 sims and build your club on it. will be lag city for them all and lots of people will crash out. but is theoretical doable


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There is a huge difference from SL to RL, by now you are getting the treatment from the regulars here for trying to be different, for a start SL is more like a school yard and this forum has a lot of its bullies, then you have the people types, in real life people go to clubs to pull and get out of it, well in sl most of the people that go to the clubs are so big that they can't get out of their reinforced chairs so don't have a clue about clubs in real life, and they spend all their money on computer stuff and creating a image here that looks better than their huge bulk in real life.

Plus people here wont spend money on things they want for free, by now you should have worked out that the bigger your frame the more you want for nothing, so i think you will have to pay them cos sl has more freeloaders than any place in the world.

Sl does run mainly on the greed motive all round, doing as little as poss for as much as poss, how do you think they get to the size they are.

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Well leon, you have to admit, that what the OP explains is hardly possible within SL as a virtual world which has its limits. You can't copy a RL experiance 1 to 1 into SL. Its only fair to warn him and show him where the stones lie on the way.

Would you encourage him to lose tousands of dollar? Would you spend the 75$ to visit his club? Be honest to yourself.

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oh i agree, he will be lucky to get 75 lindens, but his post says it all, he tries to gain wealth from a place he has no idea about, he talks prices that he would never get in real life, i suspect he is here because his real life work has dried out. but like so many that can only see things from their own wants, he is blind to what is real and can be expected, he would do better to offer to dj for free in real life and have others sell drugs for him at the gig, then he might get what he wants, the great thing about sl is the virtual drugs dont work so have no market here.

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Just want to be clear to some of the past replies here.

It's always been sort of fun for me to come here and kick it. I make plenty in real life, the issue is --so much free time.-- Up until recently I was having fun streaming games, as I have a passion for it. But since the website (own3d.tv) is now down, I lost that avenue of entertainment. I'm an entertainer at heart, as I'm in the business. I came to give SL another shot. I was a part of SL a while ago, but work took over my life and being on the computer fell by the wayside. Now I've got time again and I'm back. I was even a mentor back when the mentoring program existed (I still have my pies!)

Don't look at the numbers I posted as a reference, just theorycrafting. $75 is probably unrealistic you will get no disagreement from me. But it was also in reply to somebody who threw out numbers for me to start working with. I'm just thinking out loud.

Help me to craft this idea into something workable. Please don't just shoot me down based on one post.

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I am sorry, but you are in a vipers den here, I have owned businesses here from estates to shops, in the early days I owned 31 sims and was making a good profit till the crash came, I found that the profit came from the older market, then after the teen grid joined so a lot of the older people with money left, now all we have left are business people and kids that just want everything free, businesses are closing and going at an accelerated speed, I think the future is in making grids available to the home, I can see a place in that market for you, I am currently exploring the use of home servers to run grids that have a static IP so making them available to any one in the world, most of these NAS servers have streaming, so I see your market in setting up that kind of service for either home grids or public grids, music and video streaming in sl is an art along with understanding copyright laws, well you seem to have the skills that would suit that, you could get your own NAS server a static IP and provide these stream services, the great thing about a NAS is that it becomes a stand alone server, so only when you turn it off at home will your web server be down, and all you pay for is the band width, plus you can provide web and streaming services to anyone.


Make your service wide enough to to include not just sl but all OS worlds and home servers, if you had such I thing then I would include you in my advice to others in setting up home grids.

I can give you advice on how to setup a home grid that any one in the world can log on to, but this does need you to have a server in your home on 24/7, I am lucky and have a 25meg download speed with a 5meg upload speed so can run a server from home, if you have a slow link then it will become trouble, but I am fiber optic up to my front door almost, well the green cabinet outside

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To all the other creators out there, OK porky was nice to me so I feel like being nice to you, if you want a future in creating for virtual worlds then learn how to transfer your stuff to all grids including home grids, msdcs does this by having a preloaded database for the os sim stuff, but it would be nice if you could sell you stuff in those worlds to, there is no reason as to why the merchants here don't have web sites selling there stuff in real currency that can be delivered in any world, you all have a future if you help yourselves, and being rude to people like me only excludes you from any good ideas I have leaving me to give only negative views

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Sorry again I wasn't talking to you, all the old timers here know who I am and just can't help themselves when they see me or an alt, they don't like my frank way of telling them, I can be nice but after the last 4 years or so and the fights I have had it here I tend to not consider how they feel, but that is not your fault, I am sorry, please forgive me.


But I feel streaming is a good direction for you and will make real income not lindens as you would rent these services out for a monthly fee, or do one off cash jobs for big events.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Devoran Comet wrote:


I make plenty in real life...

I could use a new PC so I'm not constantly being told I shouldn't be in SL because my PC won't run the viewers to see their precious mesh. 

I find the other side quite more annoying. "Whats wrong with your hair/feet/clothes?" And then they ask if you could change for them...

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Devoran Comet wrote:


I make plenty in real life...

I could use a new PC so I'm not constantly being told I shouldn't be in SL because my PC won't run the viewers to see their precious mesh. 

I find the other side quite more annoying. "Whats wrong with your hair/feet/clothes?" And then they ask if you could change for them...

Except those "on the other side" can obviously afford a PC that allows them to wear/see mesh AND in some cases on these forums have shoved mesh into everyone's face.

You have no idea of my personal situation so I would appreciate your not commenting on something of which you have no idea.

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