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Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset Second Life Viewer Development

Cracker Hax

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hey Chris sounds good make sure if you get a sl viewer working for the Rift to post it in the offical Oculus Rift dev forums and also on reddit too ok?   thanks.

thats a shame your pretty much putting this project on hold cracker, honestly a bit of a let down as you said you got your rift and you were working on it. note to people dont get peoples hopes up and said your working on a project then decide to just put it on hold for a while for something else.  i hate when people do that. but whatever. not like you replied to any of my messages to you.  and i guess we shoudnt have trusted a guy named "cracker hax" that much either.  a shame.  yeah LL is "supposed" to come out with a sl oculus viewer by the "end of the summer" but there is no garentee they will actually do that . it could be much later.  just would be nice to have someone have something working by now......but whatever.  Chris good luck on that. Mr Hax seems not to be the greatest in private commicatoin so not sure you'll get any info from him.  but hopefully you can figure it out.  be nice to have some solution BEFORE LL came out with theirs!

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Hmm... i dont think bashing on Cracker might lead to any useful reaction ;-)

To make things a bit more clear: bringing full stereo for head mounted displays to SL is far from a trivial task: you have to set up proper frusta to render each eye, for side by side you also have to change horizontal resolution and render into only half the visible screen. Of course this affects all kind of pieces, not just the 3d window, but also all HUD's, menus, buttons...

And what have you gained by doing all that? You can display the world in 3d... yeah, sure: but so far we dont have any head tracking, this means you arent "in the world", just looking at it.

And third, but that will be the biggest part: all the UI is made for hires screens and being used with keyboard and mouse. Small problem here: you only have half the resolution, in case of the Rift devkit even a rather small one (like 600x750 usable) plus: you cant see your keyboard ^^

So those are rather steep mountains to climb and honestly, i am not sure how much of these issues can be solved by any lonesome code warrior.

Hence my initial call to all interested coders to unite their skills and tackle this task together. Reaction so far: zero, none, nada...

Strachan has finished the part he was intending to create, i.e. 3d output to shutter glass compatible systems and i am trying to understand the internal structure of the viewer at least to that point where i can decide if it makes sense to try implementing side-by-side stereo output by myself.

Think about this all considering the fact that those guys whose day time job it is fiddling with the second life code base are already working on it for quite a while and still havent decided to put out even a a little beta...

Well, to sum it all up: better dont expect a working Rift compatible viewer before LL finishes theirs :(

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SheenaFire wrote:


thats a shame your pretty much putting this project on hold cracker, blah blah blah

Hey people have to make a living. Nobody is stopping you from doing it yourself or paying somebody to do it for you. You can wait for the LL version like everybody else. Stop acting all self-entitled like the world owes you everything for free.


And by the way I rarely play SL, so my messages get capped fast. I really don't care for SL all that much. If you want people to get your messages, send a notecard.

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yeah whatever dude.   Well it just you were going on like you were actually interested in working on such a viewer but guess not.  its just frustrating but whatever.,   so much for "that" idea. lets hope LL doesnt take FOREVER to release the viewer.

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he did nothing.  Well well finally we have something that neither Linden Lab (no suprise there) or Mr Hax failed to deliver



ladies and gentlemen i give you the Worlds First public Second Life viewer that supports the Oculus Rift and it actually works! (this was not made by me)

now lets see how long it takes linden labs to catch up.

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This is not directed at you cracker,  this damn forum software confuses me...  should of stuck with VB they should have lol.



They wonder why certain people stop developing,  when the community turns on them, they say screw it.  I know I would too.  

You come in on you're high horse demanding cracker and other people give you everything on a golden plate, but you have given nothing to them to help them process,  cracker even stated, he had to put the project on hold because of another project which was paying him,  but you can not understand that it seems.    so let's get off our high horse and now stop jumping up and down all over this guy because he's backed out, people do that when you treat them like total **bleep**.    so you will either play with ctrlaltstudios or wait for LL to finish theirs.  

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For what it's worth: there is a grey 'Reply' button in the lower right of every post. Clicking that button will address your reply to the author of that post; the green 'Reply' button at the top left of the page is for the thread, so the reply is addressed to the OP.

I am not all that interested in Oculus Rift so I've only been following this thread and related others casually, but I couldn't agree more with your point about people's attitudes. Here's someone doing something almost entirely on his own, just because he thinks it's a good idea, and some responders here are calling him out for not being finished yet.

You want him to finish? Maybe increase the size of  your initial deposit for the application. Instead of 50% in advance and the rest on delivery, try 75% in advance. What? You didn't? Well then, you have nothing to complain about.

I don't know Cracker but I'm quite good friends with one of his cousins, so I'm sure he's an all right guy.

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yeah i know they dont "owe" us nothing but still. i think if your going to go on about a project you should "try" to stick with it. too many projects online end up like that.  and yeah its funny the CEO of Linden LAB stated "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer" yeah right.  already September my guess is they wont make an offical viewer anytime soon.

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GreyMornes wrote:

 yeah its funny the CEO of Linden LAB stated "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer" 

I see you are not familiar with LL's time line for new features.  It is an easy mistake to make.  Always add a year, so in reality it would read more like "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer next year."

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

GreyMornes wrote:

 yeah its funny the CEO of Linden LAB stated "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer" 

I see you are not familiar with LL's time line for new features.  It is an easy mistake to make.  Always add a year, so in reality it would read more like "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer next year."

Ohhh, so it's like the Fortune Cookie Game only instead of "in bed" you add "next year".

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

GreyMornes wrote:

 yeah its funny the CEO of Linden LAB stated "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer" 

I see you are not familiar with LL's time line for new features.  It is an easy mistake to make.  Always add a year, so in reality it would read more like "oooh we think we'll have a viewer by the end of the summer next year."

Ohhh, so it's like the Fortune Cookie Game only instead of "in bed" you add "next year".

I don't think I have ever heard it put more succinctly.  I would venture to draw another analogy to fortune cookies in that the likelihood of the statement being true is just as dubious. 

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

I thought he said "the end of Summer" without giving any year?  I thought along the same lines as you - but with a longer timescale.

I understood "the end of Summer" in the apocalyptic sense.

Kind of like the term "regular gifts" for Premium Members. 

The only thing regular about them is how irregular they are.


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Control+Alt STudio's alpha viewer is the only viewer i know of currently that has Rift support, i am amazed that he got it working in a short amount of time.   A big let down to Linden Lab (once again) for promising to deliver on Rift support "by the end of the summer"last year and failing to deliver.  I think maybe they are going to wait for the consumer version which is fine.  The control + alt stuidio version works pretty good.

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