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AFTER WAR! Apocalypse Roleplay Fair

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Roleplay INTERVIEW FAIR starting at 12:00 pm slt 1/5/2013

Interviews for Leadership Roles:  Interview will take place in a roleplay manner for the leaders role.  Be prepared to offer a notecard with your qualifications from prior experiences or if you lack experience why you would be fitting in this particular role.  Your notecard must be in roleplay fashion and descriptive to give us a idea of your style of RP.  It is important for leaders to be able to 1. roleplay effectively through the media of text.  2.  Create scenerios for your division 3.  plan activities that are original and create interest.  4.  Manage the roleplayers in a tempered tone and with impartiality.  It isn't always easy but give dedication anyone can do it. 

You roleplay must match the arena for the particular role you are seeking.  Please include what specific abilities your character has, hisotry of your AV, expectations of your time schedules (casual, hardcore, weekly, daily, as your schedule permits), leadership roles or commitments you may hold to other regions, expectations for your character in this region, expectations for your roleplay, preferance of combat style, preferance of your roleplay style, class, race and any other pertinant information.  Make this a good discussion and be ready to engage in a converstaion that entails the details above.  Please notecard your information and name it (your name), class, race.  This will help us keep track of what your prefereances are.  


Oceana is ruled by a local governement and malitia somewhere in the south pacific in the year 2025. It has been several years since the war broke out and destroyed a good part of the major cities.  Only a few areas were left untouched to become the prefered areas to inhabitate and restablish a new world.  Much seems the same to the immediate eye, but things are very different.  Food, water and natural resources are now  a precious commodity as they become scarce.  Many have taken to working in jobs they might not otherwise engaged in or just developed undesirable lifestles.  There is a working government, however the corruption is so rampant it has taken the coalition of several militaries to keep the area safe from the turmoil outside our boundries and within.  I doesn't even seem that they can be trusted to keep the peace as the tensions between the militaries and the goverment rise.  Militias, underground clans, and even the black marketers have formed alliances that go undetected most of the time.   

Our newly formed goverment has become unstable due to the rise in crime and has sought assistance from the Nato Coalition Forces (SL), lead by General Jayson Zorric, in order to stabalize the region.  As a form of goodwill the Russian Federation Armed Forces, lead by Vassilii Resident, intially offered assistance as well.  However, with all three now having their own interests in overtaking the territory it will give no surprise to anyone that war is emminent.  There are days when the mind wanders back to a simple time and hope starts to rise thinking you will wake to find yourself back in the comfort of what you use to know, when suddenly the sharp glare of the military jets passing overhead give you a good reminder of the reality of the day.  Outbreaks of violence in the city and small military skirmishes on the battle grounds have made situations arise that call for fierce interventions from all department heads to collaborate towards peace negotiations.  It is looking like there can be no concensus as the tempers flare and the cries rise to war.  Everywhere you look there are reminders of the military presence and a fresh reminder that we no longer live in a simple world.

Initially small clans formed but through the years are now families who have muscled their way into many parts of the city.  These have taken control of many areas of the city including the casino and club drivinig the arms dealers into a seedy blackmarket that controls the weapons shop.  Ordinary citizens have resorted to looting and scavaging the local markets in order to survive.  It is clear the the local police has suffered some corruption that is tearing it in two, leaving not even the men in blue someone you can trust.  With the prison filling with so many undesirables law abiding citizens are taking matters into their own hands and defending themselves. 

We have never seen such a sudden rise in injured making the medical resources scarce and difficult to deliver to the hospital in order to save lives.  Although if is far better now than several years, back.  The Plagues ran rampid for a time from the deaths after the toxic spills and raditiation fallout.  Much has been cleared out to make it safe to live here, but you can still see the effects in the mutations of the people.  Most of the community has grown accustomed to inhabitating with the geneticly altered  humans, while some still remain very prejudice claiming that in order to preserve our species we should do away with them all.  If the struggles of our world were not enough the inner ones surely could wipe out the rest of our species.  There are rumors of scientist performing unnatural studies of some of these people, while some claim there are secret societies that practice rituals within those altered clan members.     

There is few to trust in the city.  While there is still hope as many have banneded together to keep the streets clean as they go about their daily routines, some have taken to dabling in alternation spiritual sources to bring healing to the city through meditation, prayer, or even the dark arts.  It's a war zone like no other we have yet seen and still it draws us in to find our place in this world. 

Our sim is a educational facility and we welcome mentors, educators, and instructors to assist others in all areas of their second lives including roleplay, equipment use, and battle skills.

Open Role Rule-These are roles that may not be defined as listed in this notecard.  We are open to developing your character role within the theme of this region.  Notecard for us your Title role, the capabilites (abilites, weakness and strenghts) of your character and submit it in a notecard requesting it to be reviewed as added to the list.  Your request will be considered and you will be advised if it is accepted.  Understand that it may not be added or modified in its abilities to enhance the roles of the region.  We are not trying to be asses but to maintain the theme that we work in.

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