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Teleport Fail

Arduenn Schwartzman

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Hello, fellow SL residents. Over the past year, teleporting my avatar from one region to another has become increasingly problematic. Right now, for me, teleport will fail every 9 out of 10 times. And 5 out of 10 times I get logged out during teleport. It started by trying to tp away from high traffic places, but now also occurs in, say, homestead sims. I never wear many attachments (standard flexi and sculptie hair, mesh jacket and pants, nothing fancy), and my script count varies from 3 to 30.

What are your experiences? Any explanations and/or remedies?

[UPDATE] Remedy found!

Someone on the Phoenix/Firestorm support group offered a solution that worked perfectly for me.

I had to add DNS addresses and to my network settings. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/dns_fail

The site clearly recognises that this error arose in V2/3-based viewers:

This is a collection of symptoms, all or some of which you may be experiencing together. If you have them on Firestorm, then you will experience them on other V3 viewers (like the official LL viewer) but not on V1 viewers (like Phoenix). The fix is very easy but not especially intuitive.


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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

Hello, fellow SL residents. Over the past year, teleporting my avatar from one region to another has become increasingly problematic. Right now, for me, teleport will fail every 9 out of 10 times. And 5 out of 10 times I get logged out during teleport. It started by trying to tp away from high traffic places, but now also occurs in, say, homestead sims. I never wear many attachments (standard flexi and sculptie hair, mesh jacket and pants, nothing fancy), and my script count varies from 3 to 30.

What are your experiences? Any explanations and/or remedies?

I know that this is not uncommon so it is not my intent to contradict you when I say my teleport experience right now is the best it has ever been.  So this really is an individual issue. 

It would help if you provided us more information:

1) Your system specs from Help/About in your viewer.  You dont have to be logged in to get this, just open your viewer.

2) Your results from http://www.speedtest.net/   and from  http://pingtest.net/   Choose Dallas or San Francisco to run those tests.


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I'm using the latest Firestorm (but I had this with the lastest 3 or 4 versions) and when I'm not logged in, I can download The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey at 1 Mb/s (byte, not bit).

Speed test from my home to Palo Alto = 2 Mbit/s. The ping test for both Dallas and SF are 3.8/5, (all tests while I'm downloading the Hobbit via bittorrent - and no, I'm not downloading whenever I'm in SL and suffer a TP fail).

I just did a random selection of previous teleport fail-related threads, all from different residents, and it's striking that the very first response to each post always mentions the contrary. So, although it may not apply to everyone, this also doesn't seem to be just an individual phenomenon.





Maybe it's time for another microsurvey, similar to these: http://arduenn.com/archive/microsurvey/ Then we'll see how individual this is.

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I think Perrie was hoping you would post your system specs found on your viewer window.  (Help/About Firestorm).

Those would look something like this:

Firestorm 4.2.2 (29837) Aug 27 2012 19:25:26 (Firestorm-Release)

Release Notes

CPU: Intel® Core i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHz (2500 MHz)
Memory: 8192 MB
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.5 Darwin 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine

I'm on a Mac, so maybe what works for me, won't work for you.   But what I've found helps tremendously is turning down my draw distance to the minimum allowed.  I'm accustomed to having draw set at 128, but whenever I have a failed tp, I dial the draw down to the minimum, and almost always complete the tp on my second try.  

Not sure if it will work for you, but it's definitely worth a try.   Good luck!


(Edited to correct spelling)



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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

I'm using the latest Firestorm (but I had this with the lastest 3 or 4 versions) and when I'm not logged in, I can download The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey at 1 Mb/s (byte, not bit).

Speed test from my home to Palo Alto = 2 Mbit/s. The ping test for both Dallas and SF are 3.8/5, (all tests while I'm downloading the Hobbit via bittorrent - and no, I'm not downloading whenever I'm in SL and suffer a TP fail).

You should get a copyable links like this on the ping test.These are my results.





What was your line quality and how high was your packet loss?

All anyone can do otherwise without the info i meantioned is point you to generic information.

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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

I'm using the latest Firestorm (but I had this with the lastest 3 or 4 versions) and when I'm not logged in, I can download The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey at 1 Mb/s (byte, not bit).

Speed test from my home to Palo Alto = 2 Mbit/s. The ping test for both Dallas and SF are 3.8/5, (all tests while I'm downloading the Hobbit via bittorrent - and no, I'm not downloading whenever I'm in SL and suffer a TP fail).

I just did a random selection of previous teleport fail-related threads, all from different residents, and it's striking that the very first response to each post always mentions the contrary. So, although it may not apply to everyone, this also doesn't seem to be just an individual phenomenon.

Maybe it's time for another microsurvey, similar to these: 
Then we'll see how individual this is.

When I said an 'Individual Issue,' I did not mean to imply that a number of people were not having trouble.  What I was circumventing were the "I can't TP thus Linden Lab sucks" comments that so often arise in  these threads.  And to be clear, I don't think you are implying that either. 

Assuming that the Servers are running OK, completing a Teleport depends on two things: The quality of your connection and the quality of your computer.  From my ping test you can see I have a good connection.  I have a mid range computer. Better than 95% of my TP's take under five seconds, rez time at the new location not withstanding.  That can be any where from just a few seconds to 30 or 40 seconds depending on what is going on at the new location.

It basically comes down to Data transfer.  How well the info travels between you and the Servers and how well your computer processes the info.

Maybe you know all this.  Maybe you have been trying different solutions.  But know one here knows what you know or have done.  So everyone here, in order to help you, has to start with the basics.

Otherwise everyone is just shooting in the dark. 


eta: shpelling


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Theresa Tennyson gets all doctory...

Do you have any of the following other symptoms:

1) Slow texture loading with HTTP textures on.

2) Problems with inventory loading.

3) Occasional delays/failures of getting your friend list.


Those symptoms in combination to your teleport problems would suggest that your modem isn't handling all the wacky simultaneous HTTP requests that Second Life throws out, especially with viewers based on Viewer 2/3 technology. A lot of home modem/routers have problems with them and they've been shufflng things around to try to improve things. Teleport failures generally come down to connections and it's entirely possible to have connections that are awesome for everything else that get hairballs under the multi-track load SL throws at them.

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My modem is new, my draw distance is almost always <64m and I have never had tp problems before, till now, on Firestorm and the official Linden Lab viewer. Moreover, after a day of survey, I got this result:


Do your teleports fail very often?  Yes:No 36:64 %


If 36% of all people have this problem, it's a Linden Lab thing. People don't need to buy a certain breed of modem or an ultra-high internet speed. They should  be able to tp comfortably with an average setting. No tinkering required. out of the box.

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I didn't read the rest carefully but here is what helps me. If I am using a LM from my inventory I bring it up and wait for it to load (right click and about I think), that is always a big help to me. If I am someplace, crowded or not, try to move before leaving. Walk someplace, short distance, seconds (1 or 2), then TP, that helps me. Just some things that I do and I think it helps some, TP still fails but not as often, for me that is.

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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

My modem is new, my draw distance is almost always <64m and I have never had tp problems before, till now, on Firestorm and the official Linden Lab viewer. Moreover, after a day of survey, I got this result:

Do your teleports fail very often?
36:64 %


If 36% of all people have this problem, it's a Linden Lab thing. People don't need to buy a certain breed of modem or an ultra-high internet speed. They should  be able to tp comfortably with an average setting. No tinkering required. out of the box.

In an all perfect world Windows should never crash, I should never lose my Internet connection and the milk in my refrigerator should never spoil. 

Define frequently?  Once a day?  Once a week?  Every other TP?  One out of ten?  One out of Twenty?

Yesterday I was shopping with my best friend.  We hit around twenty stores.  She had to resend one TP to me once and one time I had to resend a TP to her.  Otherwise we had no trouble.

Second Life is a complex 3D Virtual World. And sometimes it requires Individual tweaking to get the best performance. 

You've been offerred help here but apparently that is not why you posted.

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  In an all perfect world Windows should never crash, I should never lose my Internet connection and the milk in my refrigerator should never spoil.

Sorry, My Mac OS NEVER crashes. Never since Mas OS X 10.1 in 2001.

  Define frequently?  Once a day?  Once a week?  Every other TP?  One out of ten?  One out of Twenty?


  Yesterday I was shopping with my best friend.  We hit around twenty stores.  She had to resend one TP to me once and one time I had to resend a TP to her.  Otherwise we had no trouble.

You're one of the 64%. Congratulations. Unfortunately it doesn't help me.

  Second Life is a complex 3D Virtual World. And sometimes it requires Individual tweaking to get the best performance.

Not for basic things as teleport. That should just work out of the box, without tweaking. (Are you working for Microsoft?) And 36%/0.9 teleport failures in SL id not sometimes in my world.

  You've been offerred help here but apparently that is not why you posted.

I have not been offered help. Up to nowm the ball has only been returned to me. It's supposed to be my own fault. Nope. My internet is normal. My computer is normal. My viewer is normal. Yes, I have my power cord plugged in.

Sorry for being blunt. Biut this TP business is just driving me nuts lately.

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Someone on the Phoenix/Firestorm support group offered a solution that worked perfectly for me.

I had to add DNS addresses and to my network settings. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/dns_fail

The site clearly recognises that this error arose in V2/3-based viewers:

This is a collection of symptoms, all or some of which you may be experiencing together. If you have them on Firestorm, then you will experience them on other V3 viewers (like the official LL viewer) but not on V1 viewers (like Phoenix). The fix is very easy but not especially intuitive.



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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

  In an all perfect world Windows should never crash, I should never lose my Internet connection and the milk in my refrigerator should never spoil.

Sorry, My Mac OS NEVER crashes. Never since Mas OS X 10.1 in 2001.

  Define frequently?  Once a day?  Once a week?  Every other TP?  One out of ten?  One out of Twenty?


  Yesterday I was shopping with my best friend.  We hit around twenty stores.  She had to resend one TP to me once and one time I had to resend a TP to her.  Otherwise we had no trouble.

You're one of the 64%. Congratulations. Unfortunately it doesn't help me.

  Second Life is a complex 3D Virtual World. And sometimes it requires Individual tweaking to get the best performance.

Not for basic things as teleport. That should just work out of the box, without tweaking. (Are you working for Microsoft?) And 36%/0.9 teleport failures in SL id not sometimes in my world.

  You've been offerred help here but apparently that is not why you posted.

I have not been offered help. Up to nowm the ball has only been returned to me. It's supposed to be my own fault. Nope. My internet is normal. My computer is normal. My viewer is normal. Yes, I have my power cord plugged in.

Sorry for being blunt. Biut this TP business is just driving me nuts lately.

Sorry, but YOU WERE OFFERED HELP.  What was said was in order to help you that more information was needed.  And instead of supplying the requested information what you chose to do was beat around the bush.

As I said above, we could provide you links to all kinds of general information, information which I suspect based upon all the links you provided you have probably looked out. 

If you want to continue chasing around the bush randomly trying different possible solutions that is your privilege.  It could be one simple setting that could be all the difference in the world for you.

This was not about finding fault or pointing fingers.  It was about finding the solution for you.

Happy hunting finding it.

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are you downloading illegal copies of movies while trying to run SL? That will kill your speed faster than a redneck family can eat a rack of ribs.

What is your graphics card?

what is your DL speed when not downloading illegal movies?

Have you done a clean reinstall of the latest viewer?

These are the types of info people need to accurately give the best help.


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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

You didn't read well and you didn't understand well.

Okay, that's it.




I'd been giving you the doubt because I know you've got some cool stuff for sale and you're pretty clever. But you know what? If you'd mentioned  you were on a Mac in your first post someone would probably have told you about connecting to Google DNS in the first reply to your post - it's a very well known problem. Finding anything about your system from your posts was like filling in the logic puzzle grid in a book of 1001 Great Pencil Passtimes. Instead of telling us useful information about your computer you spouted off about your "poll", which, with a non-random sample of less than twenty, was about as reliable a source of information as the sound of a dog barking at a peanut.

WHY do merchants who are going to be jerks on the forum not at least do so using their alts?


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Arduenn Schwartzman wrote:

You didn't read well and you didn't understand well.

I read well and I understood very well.

What you forgot is that actions speak louder than words.

And instead of complaining about LL & SL (and I am not nor have I ever said they are trouble free), why aren't you complaining about Apple & Mac?  I am not a Mac user but I have read enough to know that the DNS problem for instance is not unique to SL as well as other problems 'gamers' have with Macs.  Why are you not complaining that Mac causes these problems for people with their programming?  There are two ways to look at this issue.

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