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Lola's Tango Applier? o.o

Jinx Requiem

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Since you know you have the Tango breasts, make sure you're also using Tango APPLIERS. Lolas makes three different types of breasts, and some creators make appliers for more than one of those types. If you're using a regular Lolas applier, it will not work with the Tango breasts; you must use the Tango applier.

If you're sure that you're using the correct applier, click the breasts to open the menu, click Clothiing, and choose "Tanktop." Then click the applier. Make sure you're in a script enabled area. Give it a minute. If that doesn't work, click the next option in the clothing menu, then click the applier again. Move through all of the options (except "nude") until you find one that works. So far, Tank Top has always worked for me.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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There are scripts available that you can put into the Tangos to allow them to gently bounce when you're walking (they actually react to presses of the arrow keys!).

Here's a trick for those comfortable with editing, if the clothing you got uses the Bra layer instead of the Top layer.

In your Tangos folder is a dev kit in a box.  rezz it and open it.  inside you'll find developer appliers for bra, top, skin, and nipples.  

If you want to change an applier fron a bra layer to a top layer, rezz a Top developer applier on the ground, and then do the same with the applier you want to change.  Vice versa if you want to switch from top to bra layers.

Edit the vendor applier.  Inside you will find a notecard called Applicator Config.  drag that card to your inventory, but don't lose it!  it contains the texture data needed for the clothing.  If the vendor made it No Mod No Xfer, then you can still use the original applier.  If the vendor made it No Copy, then doing this will disable the original applier!

Now, edit the Development applier, and RENAME it to something like the outfit you're working with. make sure you include "Top" in the name if it's for the Top layer, and 'Bra" if it's for the Bra layer.  

Now, delete the Applicator Config that's in this applier - it's a stock texture and you don't need it.  The applier will throw a script error, this is expected.  

Next, drag that notecard from your inventory to the contents tab.  

Take the new applier into your inventory and make sure you drag it to the folder alongside the original so that it's right there with the rest of the outfit.  

Attach it, click the button.. you should now see your cloths on the appropriate layer!


And... for the folks clamoring for pictures... here's me doing some impromptu modeling of Larry Jeans's products... 



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Suki Pelazzi wrote:

did we solve this? with the hair going over the tangos and making the shirt invisible? because im still having that issue and it makes me so mad all the time 

basically it happenes when the top is using an alpha layer and your hair is using an alpha layer and they are ontop of each other..

it creates an alpha glitch..

SL really has no fix yet for an alpha glitch..

about all you can do is change one or the other..the hair or the top to one that is not using alpha layers..




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  • 5 weeks later...

I wonder why some creators take the time to do their hair properly,  Dela Lelutka Magika, Wasabi, where this problem doesnt happen as much, where you can wear the hair and wont make a problem alpha, and other creator's hair I wont mention,  just keep having the problem

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also press the applier and nothing happens. It is a relief to see that I am not the only one but I can't make it do anything even though I have tried using all the combinations on the tango menu and  clothes from several different vendors. I am using Firestorm and I am wondering if maybe the SL viewer works better.

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Parts of hair always have alpha (transparency) - or hair creators have to sculpt thousands of single hair ;)

Alpha glitching is not a SL bug or error: no graphic card can solve this problem, yet. When a texture has 1 pixel alpha or semi transparence in it, it works as alpha, and 2 alpha textures may not be rendered correctly for graphic cards. usually 1 is shown and the other not , somtimes both flicker. A texture with 100% transparency is realy invisible and does not make alpha glitch.

I just bought this boobs for creating clothes and the problem is the alpha of clothing makers or alpha in the lolas tango. The boops have 4 textures "layers": skin, bra, top and I guess nipples. Creators can combine it to 1 texture and because some (bra, nipples or whatever) will have trancparency, all will have alpha glitch. If a creator makes a shirt or dress that covers all, s/he can make one texture without any alpha. I think most wont do that, because those boobs wearers want to show a lot ;)

Bad news for creators who want to reduce lag in reducing listeners: All scripts are no mod. They are driven with notecards, where you put your texture UUIDs in ... and there are allways 4 scripts and 4 notecards ... Well, I have to write my own script and HUD ... have fun.


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A post earlier I explained about alpha glitch. Now I inspected the items more and there is a script error:

The breasts are a linkset with different prims:

6 nippel items

1 "useless" root prim

1 skin

1 bra

1 dress/shirt prim


3 pairs of nipples (all with alpha)

3!!! and one or more do not get 100% transparency when you choose the default bikini bra (I have it with both or more).

What can you do as a user? Write a preview on Marketplace - oops - it is not sold there. So, write a notecard to the creator and wait till there will be an update. What can I do? I have to write scripts for my clothing creations that will throw out all the scripts in Lolas Tango and use my own scripts and HUD (not knowing yet, if I can do that with all the options the original has).

P.S.: I forgot, perhaps clothing/skin creators will find a way to edit the notecards. But for a user that might be too much to do.


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Jinx, I bought several outfits on the Marketplace for the Lola's Tangos, but you must actually have the Mesh Breasts.  Send me an IM and when I come back in world I'll give you the LM for Lola's..  Having a Tango friendly skin is helpful as well.  There are several of different price ranges.  You may already be wearing one.   

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Lark Monday wrote:

Lol.  They're not weird and creepy for dancers and the fellows who like large breasts.  I've seen them when applied correctly, but now that I've gotten them, they aren't so easy to put on so easily.

For me, they are creepy and weird. I can't find anything natural on them, especially if the person wearing them choses a big size. On dancers, who want to flirt and entertain, they are even more creepy for me.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Lark Monday wrote:

Lol.  They're not weird and creepy for dancers and the fellows who like large breasts.  I've seen them when applied correctly, but now that I've gotten them, they aren't so easy to put on so easily.

For me, they are creepy and weird. I can't find anything natural on them, especially if the person wearing them choses a big size. On dancers, who want to flirt and entertain, they are even more creepy for me.

It's really no more "unnatural" (whatever that is in a virtual game) then the defualt avie with large boobs. Since the defualt avie's large boobs look really terrible like blocky so if you want large boobs taht are smooth your stuck with implants.


Now I like the large very fake boobs but It hink you could wear implants at a small size and it would look fairly natural TBH especially with a good matching skin. and let's be honest how are they weirder then wearing elf ears? boobs are natural (yes even in larger sizes assuming you don't go overboard) but elf ears are not. Doesn't that make elf ears the weird one perspectively? I wear both TBH and neither are weird or creepy I'm just pointing this out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the question was, exactly what is the lola applier?  I've also noticed that about a lot of outfits and I've been wondering the same thing.  I had asked a friend and they told me it went with specific breasts.  I too couldn't find them in the marketplace, however it would be helpful to know where to find them in world. 

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Just been reading through the forum, has anyone discovered how to save a version of lolas with each outfit to save having to change your appliers every time you change an outfit? It's driving me mad!



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i went ahead and grabbed some to check them out..you don't have to have them big if you don't want..you can size them down if i remember right..

they are shaped better than the avatar mesh..

i don't wear them myself..i just wanted to see how they matched up with my skin..

i have too much other mesh clothes that would go to waste if i wore them all the time..


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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know if this issue has been answered or not, I did not read all the responses so I figured my 2 cents couldnt hurt. When you have a mesh hair where your skin shows thru your applier and the hair is modifiable, simply change the texture to one without an alpha layer. However if youre looking for hair that you dont have to midify, Catwa now includes hair for Lolas in their packages. I have several. One hair that is MOD is Dela for Lolas. Works great. I also have a texture organizer with hair textures you can use. Just look for me in world and I can send you one


Morwen Ansia

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I'm sorry I cannot help you, but I know one thing,  You need the actual "things"  Lolas=big boobs that you buy.  And the woman I tried to ask who owns the product thought I was begging when i asked for some advice.   They don't understand that with out some help at the ground level, it's totally confusing.  I recommend finding a nice person who is wearing some and ask them. Sorry, Good Luck.

Frustrated like you.... Thanks a lot, Lola

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  • 3 weeks later...


I also could use some help with these attachment breasts and the applier... I bought the breasts from Lola's and a set of clothes from Carrie's Lingerie and one from Gizza Creations. I tried both but for some reason I can not get the top to match the outfit.. can someone please help?

If needed we can even meet up in SL when we both are on at the same time. Please help cause I am getting frustrated with this stuff. :matte-motes-confused :

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